Cold Dead Hands Saloon

Cold Dead Hands Saloon

Podcast by Cold Dead Hands Saloon

A group of Texans coming together to discuss 2nd Amendment related issues and current events.

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All episodes

6 episodes
episode Panhandle Showdown artwork
Panhandle Showdown

Keep Your Powder Dry joins HIgh Plains Pundit

27. sep. 2021 - 8 s
episode Panhandle Showdown artwork
Panhandle Showdown

Keep Your Powerder Dry Podcast Joins High Plains Pundit

27. sep. 2021 - 1 min
episode Beaver Nuggets artwork
Beaver Nuggets

another oldie but a goodie. Early days of the show, lots of sound and technical issues with the new studio but we had fun that's what mattered

09. mar. 2021 - 1 h 13 min
episode CDHS_Baby Fights artwork
CDHS_Baby Fights

Publishing an oldie but a goodie. The Sasquatch shows up and we mocked a lot of people.

09. mar. 2021 - 1 h 33 min
episode CDHS_Aftermath artwork

Tonight we open up the salloon and Mike and Joel and Sandra hold down the fort. After a long break we hit the ground running to discuss being prepared physically and mentally for a self defense shooting situation. We also talk about Hunting Season almost upon us. Who's ready for some Dove and Dumplings???

30. aug. 2018 - 2 h 18 min
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