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Assorted Nuts
Podcast von Joshua Black
Dat Blizz, Jacobie, L-Train, and T-Diddy talk about anything and everything they
have on their mind!
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19 FolgenEpisode 18: My Bologna Has a First Name
Dat Blizz, Jacobie, L-Train, and T-Diddy discuss some of their favorite foods, some of the best meals they've ever had, and foods they just can't stand!
15. Feb. 2021 - 1 h 9 min
Episode 17: Is This Just Fantasy?
Dat Blizz, Jacobie, L-Train, and T-Diddy are joined by a special guest this week: Slimothy! They discuss fictional realms, and what it would be like to wake up the next day in a new world of their choice.
01. Feb. 2021 - 1 h 13 min
Episode 16: The Best of the Worst
Dat Blizz, Jacobie, L-Train, and T-Diddy discuss some of the most well-known and popular villains in movies, t.v., and books!
25. Jan. 2021 - 1 h 12 min
Episode 15: The American Dream or How I Hope to Win the Lottery!
Dat Blizz, Jacobie, & L-Train discuss what they would do if they won the lottery/suddenly inherited a large amount of money.
05. Jan. 2021 - 1 h 7 min
Episode 14: A Gamers Life for Us!
Dat Blizz, Jacobie, L-Train, and T-Diddy discuss video games and franchises that have been important to them from the earliest days of the original Nintendo Entertainment System through the generations to today!
29. Dez. 2020 - 1 h 19 min
Der neue Look und die “Trailer” sind euch verdammt gut gelungen! Die bisher beste Version eurer App 🎉 Und ich bin schon von Anfang an dabei 😉 Weiter so 👍
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