Living Planet
Kostenloser Podcast

Living Planet

Podcast von DW.COM | Deutsche Welle

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Every Thursday, a new episode of Living Planet brings you environment stories from around the world, digging deeper into topics that touch our lives every day. The prize-winning, weekly half-hour radio magazine and podcast is produced by Deutsche Welle, Germany's international broadcaster - visit for more. 

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215 Folgen
episode Deep dive: The hidden toll of roadkill artwork
Deep dive: The hidden toll of roadkill
For some species being hit by a car is the number one cause of death above hunting and disease. What does this mean for wildlife populations and endangered species? And which solutions are on the table?
02. Mai 2024 - 35 min
episode Deep dive: The evolution of our plastic dependency artwork
Deep dive: The evolution of our plastic dependency
Plastics have only been around for a little over a century. But in that time, they've become a huge part of our lives and a growing burden for the environment. Each year, the world produces over 430 million tons of plastics, and that figure is set to triple by 2060. A binding global plastics treaty is key to solving the problem. But just how did we get here in the first place?
25. Apr. 2024 - 29 min
episode Deep dive: Mercury’s tantalizing promise of endless gold in South America artwork
Deep dive: Mercury’s tantalizing promise of endless gold in South America
Mercury’s a known pollutant in fish, but did you know one of the biggest mercury emitters is actually small-scale gold mining? From sunken ships to shihuahuaco trees, we take a deep dive into the astounding history and science of mercury and the solutions that could break its toxic cycle.
18. Apr. 2024 - 27 min
episode Deep dive: Illegal bushmeat trade artwork
Deep dive: Illegal bushmeat trade
From customs clashes to biodiversity threats and cultural cravings, the illegal bushmeat trade is affecting health and wildlife conservation across continents. But just how widespread is it and why is it so hard to contain?
11. Apr. 2024 - 29 min
episode What's better: Cotton or polyester clothing? artwork
What's better: Cotton or polyester clothing?
Are you torn over your clothing's environmental impact? From resource-intensive production methods to consumer behaviors, explore the complexities shaping our fashion choices and their ecological footprints.
04. Apr. 2024 - 15 min

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