Love On Purpose Podcast

Love On Purpose Podcast

Podcast von PreachDoc

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episode Marriage is....(Sacred) artwork
Marriage is....(Sacred)

For the next few episodes, Jay and Janelle will dive into what marriage is. this week is episode is centered around the idea that marriage is sacred. Enjoy!! LIKE! SHARE! SUBSCRIBE!

18. Apr. 2019 - 31 min
episode Make A Plan and Stick With It artwork
Make A Plan and Stick With It

First off, we apologize for our inconsistency. We haven't kept up our end of the bargain when it comes to providing quality content to inspire us all to love on purpose. This episode speaks of why we haven't been consistent and how the lack of planning not only effects podcast production but also marriage, family, and single life. Subscribe and Enjoy!

04. Apr. 2019 - 31 min
episode Martin and Coretta artwork
Martin and Coretta

Jay and Janelle look to celebrate Black History Month by observing black couples who demonstrate what it truly means to Love on Purpose. This episode, they look at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his wife Coretta Scott King and how they didn't allow the challenges that they encountered get in the way of them pursuing and ultimately fulfilling purpose. Please share with a friend! Subscribe, Comment, Rate and Enjoy!

13. Feb. 2019 - 45 min
episode Ep. 2 - Irritations, Agitations and Frustrations artwork
Ep. 2 - Irritations, Agitations and Frustrations

Jay and Janelle discussing the importance of maneuvering through the irritations, agitations and frustrations of marriage and relationships. Please Subscribe! Rank! Comment! Share! Let us know what you think of this week's podcast! And don't forget to Love On Purpose!

09. Jan. 2019 - 40 min
episode Ep. 1 - Who Are We? artwork
Ep. 1 - Who Are We?

Jay and Janelle finally start their podcast and talk about what Love On Purpose means, how they met and what listeners can look forward to in the future! Subscribe! Rate! Comment! Share! Let us all begin to Love On Purpose!

01. Jan. 2019 - 38 min
Der neue Look und die “Trailer” sind euch verdammt gut gelungen! Die bisher beste Version eurer App 🎉 Und ich bin schon von Anfang an dabei 😉 Weiter so 👍
Eine wahnsinnig große, vielfältige Auswahl toller Hörbücher, Autobiographien und lustiger Reisegeschichten. Ein absolutes Muss auf der Arbeit und in unserem Urlaub am Strand nicht wegzudenken... für uns eine feine Bereicherung
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