MindBodyBuild Podcast

MindBodyBuild Podcast

Podcast von Ben Florsheim

MindBodyBuild Podcast is designed to make people fall in love with taking care of their holistic being. We believe that working with the Mind and Body...

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26 Folgen
episode The Ripple Effect Experience with Nicole Franks artwork
The Ripple Effect Experience with Nicole Franks

It warms my heart when I get the opportunity to host good solid people on the podcast and Nicole Franks is one of those people. She has a flourishing company that was born in the throws of the pandemic and is absolutely crushing it today. She has built a community around coffee (cold brew specifically). And the name Ripple Effect really says it all, the mission is to spread kindness. Nicole is an athlete, entrepreneur, and someone that I am happy I get to call a friend. It was such a blast getting to know her better and hear her story and future goals. Check out the cold brew, you can taste the love and passion! Instagram @rippleeffectcoffeco [https://www.instagram.com/rippleeffectcoffeeco/] Buy or Gift some Cold Brew [https://www.rippleeffectcoffeeco.com] Swolverine Supplements [http://bit.ly/mindbodybuild] Use Code MindBodyBuild for 10% OFF your order Support the show [https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=LPN7TDHPPWPRE] (https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=LPN7TDHPPWPRE)

01. Dez. 2021 - 38 min
episode The Journey of Author David Atherton artwork
The Journey of Author David Atherton

This is a unique episode for me because David and I get to to talk about his story of addiction and I get to relate and share some of my story as well. Dave has made it his mission to help addicts find hope post rehab. We also discuss what its like to be a coach some of the reasoning and purpose behind what I do as a coach and why I love it so much. We get to laugh at our experience in addiction, however, these are some of the most trying and scary times, but we chose not to let these times control us and keep us in fear. These times help shape who we are and we discuss that addicts in recovery are some of the most resourceful and in-tune people. Buy His Book Addiction, Gravity, Love: Discovering Hope and Success in Recovery Here [https://www.amazon.com/Addiction-Gravity-Love-Discovering-Recovery/dp/173463247X/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=david+atherton&qid=1636639780&qsid=145-5973157-7438407&sr=8-4&sres=1529352630%2C1536219363%2CB08KY5GMF5%2C173463247X%2CB093PPBJR7%2CB00004VG09%2CB00005Q7GC%2CB07KMK1ZRP%2CB00008FXZE%2C0978791991%2CB08DQLQDBF%2C1613251963%2C1471190048%2C1613251971%2C0962461377%2CB086MBSPDK&srpt=ABIS_BOOK] Swolverine Supplements [http://bit.ly/mindbodybuild] Use Code MindBodyBuild for 10% OFF your order Support the show [https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=LPN7TDHPPWPRE] (https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=LPN7TDHPPWPRE)

10. Nov. 2021 - 1 h 17 min
episode Recovery, Cooking, and The Journey with Jonathon Chapin artwork
Recovery, Cooking, and The Journey with Jonathon Chapin

Such a treat to have longtime friend Jonathon Chapin on the podcast. Jonathon and I go all the back to when I was 15 and attending my first 12 step meeting. We became friends when I got my shit together in 2008. Since 2008 Chapin built a DJ/karaoke business and eventually opened his own venue to host bands and musicians. When COVID hit he left the bar business and started helping families and non-profits in town by providing meals. This Facebook startup cooking channel has become one of the hottest catering businesses in Reno. For mor info go to renorecipes.com Chapins' journey shows that if you constantly put the work in, put people first and give a fuck anything is possible. Swolverine Supplements [http://bit.ly/mindbodybuild] Use Code MindBodyBuild for 10% OFF your order Support the show [https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=LPN7TDHPPWPRE] (https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=LPN7TDHPPWPRE)

03. Nov. 2021 - 59 min
episode How Life Motivated Trevor Curtis artwork
How Life Motivated Trevor Curtis

Trevors story is truly motivational, from his upbringing, to his weight-loss journey, and becoming a successful business owner. He is in his second year of business after opening Crossfit Fernley where he has a strong community of athletes who are more than athletes, they are people first. Trevor speaks to his mentality of when he makes a decision it is on which starts from his childhood and wanting to make a better life for himself and then using that mentality to lose over 100 pounds and becoming a crossfit athlete. His take on balance in his own life I believe is something we all should strive for. Hope you enjoy! Swolverine Supplements [http://bit.ly/mindbodybuild] Use Code MindBodyBuild for 10% OFF your order Support the show [https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=LPN7TDHPPWPRE] (https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=LPN7TDHPPWPRE)

21. Okt. 2021 - 51 min
episode Talking Mind-Shift with Brandon Collins artwork
Talking Mind-Shift with Brandon Collins

In this episode we go deep on little tweaks you can implement to have a mind shift, feel more present, and accept what is. Brandon and I met through Reps4Recovery and both support NRAP (Nevadas Recovery and Prevention Community) on the UNR campus. Both of these communities have held a special place in our heart. Brandon currently is a coach for Reps and a student on the UNR campus. Check out Reps4Recovery Here https://www.reps4recovery.org Check out NRAP Here https://www.nvrap.com Legion Sports Fest [https://centerpodium.com/legion-sports-fest/] Legion Sports Fest Multi-sport Fitness Expo October 22 – 24, 2021 | RENO, NV Support the show [https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=LPN7TDHPPWPRE] (https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=LPN7TDHPPWPRE)

11. Okt. 2021 - 1 h 2 min
Der neue Look und die “Trailer” sind euch verdammt gut gelungen! Die bisher beste Version eurer App 🎉 Und ich bin schon von Anfang an dabei 😉 Weiter so 👍
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