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Scientology Outside of the Church
Podcast von ao-gp.org-Podcast
Did you know Scientology the Subject and The Church of Scientology are two completely different things? Find out why and what the difference is and how it can help you. Topics range from Independent Scientology, past lives, secret government, metaphysical, Para-Scientology, ghost hunting, alien research, to the left-hand path and OTO and secret societies. Come check us out!
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Alle Folgen
11 FolgenS3EP5 ao-gp.org Podcast - Why Independent Scientology?
What is the difference between the Corporate Church of Scientology and
Independent Scientology? Is there really any difference? Find out the reality of
the situation why there the Corporate church suppresses Independents practicing
authentic Scientology.
28. Okt. 2020 - 1 h 34 min
S3EP4 ao-gp.org Podcast - The Roots of Scientology - Part II
Part II of the Roots of Scientology - We cover Hermeticism to Zoarastrianism
looking at the parallels and connections of Earth's religious past to
Independent Scientology and its basic tenets, and more. From Tesla to the
Missouri Morman extermination order, we cover the gamut in this second part of
this two-part podcast!
26. Okt. 2020 - 2 h 53 min
S3EP3 What People Get Wrong About Scientology "The Subject"
Did you know there is a huge difference between the Church of Scientology and the Subject of Scientology? Many of the strange stories and and cast of characters are riddled with untruths and massive embellishments if not not just plain untruths. Why is...
20. Okt. 2020 - 1 h 23 min
S3EP3 What People Get Wrong About Scientology "The Subject"
Did you know there is a huge difference between the Church of Scientology and the Subject of Scientology?
17. Okt. 2020 - 1 h 23 min
S3EP2 ao-gp.org Podcast - Scientology and the Nation of Islam
In a strange turn of events the Nation of Islam, in 2008, started to take an interest in Dianetics and Scientology. Where did the NOI get its start and how in the world did these two groups get together and where is this all heading? The similarities...
12. Sept. 2020 - 1 h 36 min
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