Unheard: The Fred and Rose West Tapes
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Unheard: The Fred and Rose West Tapes

Podcast von Somethin' Else

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In 1994, Howard Sounes began investigating a case of serial murder in an English cathedral city. A married couple, Fred and Rose West, had killed at least twelve women and girls, including their own daughter. They cut their victims up and buried the remains of nine bodies under their house at 25 Cromwell Street, Gloucester, where the Wests continued to live undetected... for decades. Uncovering their secrets as a journalist and author, researching his classic crime book Fred & Rose, Howard recorded his enquiries and interviews on cassette tape. Twenty-five years on, Howard revisits these previously unheard tapes. He also speaks to new witnesses, as he reveals the full story of the Wests, with new insights, in this compelling 12-part podcast series from Somethin’ Else. Fred & Rose by Howard Sounes is available now on Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.com See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information. 

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17 Folgen
episode Introducing... Power: The Maxwells artwork
Introducing... Power: The Maxwells
Everyone’s heard of Ghislaine Maxwell (Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged partner in crime). But there’s a shadowy figure who hangs above her who you likely don’t know: her father, media tycoon Robert Maxwell. His rise from nothing to fall… from the deck of his super yacht under mysterious circumstances is straight out of a crime novel. His favorite daughter Ghislaine’s theory: her father was murdered. From Somethin’ Else, makers of ‘The Immaculate Deception’ and ‘The Faultline: Bush, Blair & Iraq’, hosted by Investigative journalist Tara Palmeri, ‘Power: The Maxwells’ is a seven part series on the incredible true story of a media mogul whose legacy is still being felt today. See acast.com/privacy [https://acast.com/privacy] for privacy and opt-out information.
12. Jan. 2021 - 8 min
episode Introducing... The Fault Line: Bush, Blair and Iraq artwork
Introducing... The Fault Line: Bush, Blair and Iraq
Hi Unheard fans, we've made a show we think you'll like.... On September 11th 2001, as he faced incalculable losses after the terrorist attacks that day, President George W Bush made a call to his greatest international ally: British Prime Minister Tony Blair. 18 months later, Bush and Blair led a coalition into a war that went horribly wrong. David Dimbleby, one of the BBC’s best known news hosts and reporters, takes us back to those crucial 18 months. Talking to prime ministers, politicians, spies and weapons inspectors he asks how and why we came to invade Iraq. And as we experience an era of lies and mistrust - did the events of 17 years ago set the stage for the world we live in now? This is a Somethin' Else [https://create.acast.com/episodes/b19f6588-71ff-47cc-870a-b73c483f4af8/www.somethinelse.com] production. See acast.com/privacy [https://acast.com/privacy] for privacy and opt-out information.
29. Sept. 2020 - 5 min
episode Introducing... The Immaculate Deception! artwork
Introducing... The Immaculate Deception!
Hi Unheard fans, we've made a show we think you'll like.... Fertility doctor Jan Karbaat was renowned for getting amazing results. Women who were desperate for children would visit him at his Rotterdam clinic and leave pregnant. But when the clinic closed, rumours began about the methods Karbaat used to achieve his success. The children conceived at the clinic - the Karbaat Kids - began asking difficult questions about what happened to their mothers. What happened in Dr Karbaat’s clinic? From Somethin’ Else,The Immaculate Deception [https://pod.link/deception]is a story about a doctor who was determined to create life - by any means possible. Reported and hosted by Jenny Kleeman. This is a Somethin' Else [https://create.acast.com/sign/somethinelse.com] Production. See acast.com/privacy [https://acast.com/privacy] for privacy and opt-out information.
19. März 2020 - 4 min
episode Howard Sounes Live in London artwork
Howard Sounes Live in London
Unheard: The Fred and Rose West Tapes is coming live to London on April 7th. To hear Howard Sounes talk about the podcast and story of the Wests and take questions from the audience, go to www.podcastlive/unheard. For information regarding your data privacy, visit https://www.acast.com/privacy
26. Feb. 2020 - 1 min
episode 12: The Aftermath artwork
12: The Aftermath
In October 1996, Fred and Rose West’s house, 25 Cromwell Street is knocked down by Gloucester City Council. In the years since, what happened to the Wests and to the families of the victims caught up in the murder enquiry? Howard reflects on the legacy of Cromwell Street. Subscribe today so you don’t miss future episodes. See acast.com/privacy [https://acast.com/privacy] for privacy and opt-out information.
26. Nov. 2019 - 35 min

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