We Can Be Weirdos
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We Can Be Weirdos

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Prepare to plunge into the peculiar as Dan Schreiber, professional fact-hunter, uncovers the wild beliefs, ideas and theories of some of the most remarkable people on planet earth.  As well as delving into the lives of truly fascinating people, Dan asks his guests a maverick tour of questions known as The Batshit Survey. Do they believe in Ghosts? Déjà vu? Telepathy? Premonitions? Déjà vu?  Either way, everyone has theories they are transfixed by, or a mystery in their own life that they’re trying to solve. Dan leaves no rock unturned – and he’ll share plenty of his own mind-blowing facts and theories too. Bonus episodes, ‘The Rough Corner’, hear from YOU – your wild ideas, odd theories and unexplainable experiences. Let’s create a global community of likeminded weirdos! Expect new episodes every Thursday. Bonus episodes land on Tuesday. 

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102 Folgen
episode #51 Down the Rabbit Hole of Conspiracy: Danny Wallace and the Soup Spoon Spirit artwork
#51 Down the Rabbit Hole of Conspiracy: Danny Wallace and the Soup Spoon Spirit
"Make a 'fun investment'... do something pointless that tickles you in some way" Danny Wallace is a bestselling author, as well as a BAFTA, Arqiva and Sony-winning performer and presenter. His first book, Join Me, was the true story of a man who created a cult by accident. His second book, Yes Man – in which he decided to say ‘Yes’ to everything – became a hugely successful film with Jim Carrey in the lead role. Now, he's fallen down the modern rabbit hole of lies, conspiracies and disinformation, with his new book: Somebody Told Me: One Man’s Unexpected Journey Down the Rabbit Hole of Lies, Trolls and Conspiracies. You can get in touch with Dan Schreiber on Instagram @wecanbeweirdos. There, you'll find the link to our Discord channel - a global community of likeminded weirdos!
Gestern - 1 h 34 min
episode The Rough Corner: Disney's Darkest Secret, Crab Judges and The Hot Bath Balls Debacle artwork
The Rough Corner: Disney's Darkest Secret, Crab Judges and The Hot Bath Balls Debacle
Dan and Spooky Al catch up on a weird few weeks. Dan's parents arrive with some game-changing footage from his childhood, Al's been searching in vain for the frozen body of Walt Disney, and the winner of the international crab joke competition is revealed! You can get in touch with Dan Schreiber on Instagram @wecanbeweirdos. There, you'll find the link to our Discord channel - a global community of likeminded weirdos!
30. Apr. 2024 - 38 min
episode #50 The Man, The Myth, The Werewolf: Josh Widdicombe and the Vanishing Twin artwork
#50 The Man, The Myth, The Werewolf: Josh Widdicombe and the Vanishing Twin
"The 90s was a great time to believe in aliens" Josh Widdicombe is an actor, comedian, writer and podcaster who is a regular on our TV screens. He's starred in 30 series of the Channel 4 series The Last Leg, and alongside Nish Kumar on Hold the Front Page, which has just returned for its second series! Josh also co-hosts the hugely popular podcast Parenting Hell with Rob Beckett, and along with Dara Ó Briain has investigated the strange tale of Ali Dia, the premier league's most notorious footballer, for the podcast 53 Minutes. You can get in touch with Dan Schreiber on Instagram @wecanbeweirdos. There, you'll find the link to our Discord channel - a global community of likeminded weirdos!
26. Apr. 2024 - 1 h 15 min
episode The Rough Corner: Into the Bowels of the National Poo Museum ft. Co-founder Daniel Roberts artwork
The Rough Corner: Into the Bowels of the National Poo Museum ft. Co-founder Daniel Roberts
Inside the turdilly brilliant world of Daniel Roberts, co-founder and curator of the National Poo Museum, on the Isle of Wight. His aim is to change the way you think about such an amazing substance! Together we can break the poo taboo. Featuring sticky topics such as... how many celebrity poos fit inside a portable aquarium? How does our poo change our brain? And what's the most sought after poo in the world? Plan your visit to the National Poo Museum here: https://poomuseum.org/ And if you missed it...NEW TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE! Big weird announcement! We Can Be Weirdos is taking to the stage, for a live show! Along with a panel of stand-up comedians and academics, We Can Be Weirdos Live will be a night that combines comedy, PowerPoint, and cursed objects with freewheeling chat. It promises to be a night to ignite the suppressed bit of batsh*t in you. Come join the club, and unleash your inner weirdo. ***13th May at the Underbelly Boulevard*** Head here to grab a ticket: https://underbellyboulevard.com/tickets/we-can-be-weirdos-live/
23. Apr. 2024 - 34 min
episode #49 "Some Crystal Hating Slaphead": Marek Larwood and the Sandown Clown artwork
#49 "Some Crystal Hating Slaphead": Marek Larwood and the Sandown Clown
I talk to comedian Marek Larwood, who explores the legend of the Sandown Clown—a seven-foot-tall robotic alien clown that has become part of the Isle of Wight's peculiar heritage. I find out that he has an uncomfortable relationship with some elements of the paranormal, in ways you simply cannot predict. Marek runs the Cool Dudes Walking Club as a way to mix his love of the extrodinary, walking and finding a way to reduce his tax bill. Our conversation turns introspective, pondering the transitions in life that lead us from the chaos of the city to the serenity of the boundless countryside. We touch on time, existence, and those mysterious glimmers of synchronicity that sometimes pierce our skepticism.
18. Apr. 2024 - 1 h 22 min

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