AppAdvice Weekly Podcast
Podcast von AppAdvice
AppAdvice is the definitive resource for news and reviews about everything Apple and apps. The show will cover the latest Apple news, greatest new app...
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146 FolgenJoin us this week as we sneak into Midgard to look for patterns, paper airplanes, and Apple's favorite apps.
Join us this week as we prepare for Thanksgiving and Black Friday with Rosies redout realities, as we may lose our marbles as spring falls away.
Join us this week as you are in for a change of perspective as we get lost in space and time as we bend it like shyamalan.
Join us this week as we watch Disney's mosaic without tapes on the new lifelike MacBook Pros.
Join us this week as we hear zombies and opponents groan on a distant moon and paint with all the colors of an Escher-esque moon.
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