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ArtBreak: An M&G Podcast
Podcast von Museum & Gallery at Bob Jones University
From an FBI agent discussing white collar crime, to Nazi provenance stories, Faberge’s imperial eggs, to beauty seen in the people and natural world around us, to the impact of light on art… M&G’s annual ArtBreak series covers a diversity of themes and ideas. So, take a break with M&G and discover something surprisingly interesting and meaningful from the world of art.
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Alle Folgen
9 FolgenGut Reaction: Art Experiences to Remember
Whether it is a detail, color, texture, size, story, or location, art can sometimes capture your attention and hold you in its spell. Listen to a variety of memorable art experiences—experiences from childhood to travels that may help you understand the power of visual messages.
12. Mai 2021 - 37 min
On Looking at Art
Sometimes we avoid art—it’s for the “touchy-feely types” or is just too hard to understand. Yet, we’re able to read people and situations around us and appreciate the beauty of nature inherently. Art is simply a reflection of or mirror to life, and we need only to pause enough to observe—the first step toward learning anything. Listen in to gain some looking clues and insights, which will help as you encounter art anywhere!
07. Apr. 2021 - 21 min
Insights: What artist(s) do you think should be a household name?
Art history is stuffed full of eras, movements, and names. The list of the “greats” spanning from the Gothic to the Baroque from the Impressionists to Abstract Expressionism and Contemporary Art is long and overwhelming! Put aside all the big names, however, and consider afresh some artists whose work and lives have made an impact on the field of art. Listen and ponder who is worthy of being better known, more recognizable like the greats and why.
10. März 2021 - 42 min
A Conversation: What is M&G's Museum on the Move?
For more than 10 years, M&G has offered a program that has served thousands of K-12 students within their own classrooms! The teaching methods and content quality are so strong, students recall what they learn even a year after the lessons. Join Executive Director, Erin Jones with M&G’s education staff to learn more about our Museum on the Move arts-integrated, multi-disciplinary approach that meets the state and national standards while bringing history, math, literature, and science to life!
08. Feb. 2021 - 35 min
A Conversation with a Conservator
Curious about how museums take care of their collections? Or tried to visualize how a painting might be cleaned or dusted? Art restoration requires a multi-disciplinary, creative approach, and William Brown (retired chief conservator from the North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh) shares insights into fascinating projects and challenging problems that are part of making art's message and beauty endure. Listen in!
12. Jan. 2021 - 46 min
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