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Podcast von Chinyere Ogbonnaya
My podcast is a source of hope and light to the world. It's also centered on helping students smash their academic goals by tackling basic distractions that are hindering them from becoming their best selves. It's built on the foundation of faith in God.
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Alle Folgen
3 FolgenMy Prayer for you
I pray for you, reminding you of God's promises.
03. Juni 2022 - 2 min
The power of a conscious mind renewal cannot be overemphasized.Renewing our minds can be equated with making positive affirmations. Positive affirmations reconfigures our subconscious, thereby making us manifest in the right way.
17. Aug. 2021 - 2 min
Dealing with pain
A timely message for people passing through various forms of pain. Pain happens to every human being. It's not a respecter of persons. Your attitude towards that period of pain matters alot, and truly defines you. This episode urges you to raise your head on high and let your pain challenge you into bringing out the best in you.
14. Aug. 2021 - 5 min
Der neue Look und die “Trailer” sind euch verdammt gut gelungen! Die bisher beste Version eurer App 🎉 Und ich bin schon von Anfang an dabei 😉 Weiter so 👍
Eine wahnsinnig große, vielfältige Auswahl toller Hörbücher, Autobiographien und lustiger Reisegeschichten. Ein absolutes Muss auf der Arbeit und in unserem Urlaub am Strand nicht wegzudenken... für uns eine feine Bereicherung
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