Conifer Community Church Podcast

Conifer Community Church Podcast

Podcast von Conifer Community Church

Conifer Community Church podcast

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38 Folgen
episode #039- Our daily Bread Ft. Lance Swearengin artwork
#039- Our daily Bread Ft. Lance Swearengin

This week on the podcast we are going back to the Lord's Prayer. We start and finish talking about Verse 11. This is a great understand of how daily bread is seen through out the Bible. Also we talk a little march madness and have some fun with all the things that are going on in the world.

04. Apr. 2022 - 30 min
episode #038- Man on a Mission Ft. Bill Toews artwork
#038- Man on a Mission Ft. Bill Toews

Bill Toews sit down with us to talk about his past information. He also discussed how being on mission coralats to being within the church.

28. März 2022 - 32 min
episode #037- Man with a call ft. Dave Wampler artwork
#037- Man with a call ft. Dave Wampler

This week we sit down with Dave Wampler and get the opportunity to hear from one of our elders. I hope this week is that you get an opportunity to know somebody who is making big choices as it regards to our life and body of our church

24. Feb. 2022 - 25 min
episode #036- Already not yet Ft. Lance Swearengin artwork
#036- Already not yet Ft. Lance Swearengin

Lance joins us to talk about the importance of verse 10 in the Lords prayer. We get into a discussion of a theological idea of already not yet when we are talking about the kingdom of God.

17. Feb. 2022 - 33 min
episode #035- audience of one Ft. Lance Swearengin artwork
#035- audience of one Ft. Lance Swearengin

This week on the podcast I sit down with Lance as we continue our study of the Lord's prayer. We focus mainly on verse 9 in Matthew 6:9-13. Also we look for the new that is to come. The mistake on the first upload of this and it has been fixed.

13. Feb. 2022 - 31 min
Der neue Look und die “Trailer” sind euch verdammt gut gelungen! Die bisher beste Version eurer App 🎉 Und ich bin schon von Anfang an dabei 😉 Weiter so 👍
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