Conversations With Kirk
Podcast von Conversations With Kirk
A podcast where I talk with people. Support this podcast:
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Alle Folgen
7 FolgenI recorded this episode with Tyler about a month ago. It has been an emotional journey with the original material. First off, I messed up the recording. I hadn't realized that cell phone interference was going to be a problem. And there was intense interference. I will hither to here for shut down all mobile communication devices before recording. It took me a long ass time to clip out the worst bleeps and bloops, and the ones that are left are just collateral damage. But beyond that this conversation goes wide. I say things that though I will stand by, I also classify as fresh thoughts. I am thinking out loud here. But I believe the more we are able to openly communicate the more we will be able to develop ideas. I made a list of keywords because I am a marketing dork. Sou vee Molecular Gastronomy WD 50 Last Names Steven Universe jokes Dragon Fruit Cactus Fruit Camping Rambutan Game of Thrones Rick and Morty Meat Smoking Basil Studios Mouth Feel Robotic Engineering Little Italy San Diego San Diego Iron Side San Diego Craft and Commerce Born and Raised Raised by Wolves Soda Swine Six Sigma Landmark Education Windows for Aircraft Faraday Cage Process Design 30:30 Politics Anarchy Mayan Empire Anazaci Spanish Invasion The Gentle Native Sapiens Sociopaths 4chan Aristotle Ethics cops suicide anthony bourdain John From Cincinnati --- Support this podcast: []
On this episode, which is easily the silliest one thus far, I talk with Lindsay Norsa. Lindsay is a beautiful and mysterious woman and we cover a lot of taboo subjects including the best time of day to masturbate, why wine needs lids but not straws and the best way to teach children how to become serial killers. Enjoy! --- Support this podcast: []
Happy to have my good friend David on the podcast. He is a writer, a story teller, a translator (guess how many languages he speaks? nope, more!) and a seeker of truth. In this episode he talks about learning Japanese, what kind of people poltergeists like to haunt, and what happens when you visit a clown motel in the middle of Death Valley. Some links: David's Amazon Page [] David's Website [] David's Podcast [] Recordings of a young woman channeling a poltergeist [] --- Support this podcast: []
Happy to have my friend Travez in the house to talk about fabricating for San Diego restaurants, religion, skin heads, punk rock, and SATAN! --- Support this podcast: []
I was talking to my friend Kristen and was just loving her wild opinions and theories. I asked her to tape a conversation and here we are! Get ready to get intergalactic! --- Support this podcast: []
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