Digitalconomics Podcast (English Edition)
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Digitalconomics Podcast (English Edition)

Podcast von Luis Rieke

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Hello world! 🌎 I'm Luis Rieke, and I frequently extend invitations to tech founders whose business models and visions of the future intrigue me. This is the English Edition of the podcast that originally began in German. I am happy if you check out the latest episodes! 

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episode Digitalconomics #6: Tech Content Creation - with Domagoj Lalk Vidovic aka TechWizzdom artwork
Digitalconomics #6: Tech Content Creation - with Domagoj Lalk Vidovic aka TechWizzdom
Tech Content Creator In this episode of Digitalconomics, we have Domagoj Vidovic, also known as Tech Wizzdom and CTO of Sparroww Inc, as our guest. Discover how this Tech Content Creator, with his creative Reels, TikToks, and YouTube Shorts, has not only garnered over 500,000 followers on Instagram but also surpassed 200,000 on TikTok. As a Frontend Engineer and passionate coder, he produces entertaining and educational videos. Domagoj shares the beginnings of his journey as a developer and content creator, the inception of Tech Wizzdom, and the influential role his sister played. Unaware of the challenges that awaited him on Instagram in March 2022, he achieved a remarkable surge from 500 followers to 100,000 in September. Domagoj recounts the turning point that changed his life and how he suddenly received more requests for User-Generated Content. Beyond his role as a content creator, Domagoj provides insights into his life as a digital nomad. He shares his perspectives on work-life balance, why he doesn't believe in the myth, and how he prioritizes intuition over reason. Don't miss this episode to learn more about Tech Wizzdom and Sparroww Inc! More about Domagoj: Domagoj Vidovic: [] Twitter: [] Instagram: [] TikTok: [] TechWizzdom: []
03. Dez. 2023 - 1 h 14 min
episode Digitalconomics #5: How Venture Capital works and how to get it - with Mahir Isikli from IRIS Capital artwork
Digitalconomics #5: How Venture Capital works and how to get it - with Mahir Isikli from IRIS Capital
European VC specialized in the digital economy In this episode of Digitalconomics, I have Mahir Isikli from IRIS as a guest. As a VC analyst, he provides insights into exciting VC cases and the path to VC funding. Discover how Mahir found his passion for VC and discover with us the critical factors for startups getting money from an investor. The big question we'll discuss is: How can successful fundraising be achieved? We explore various exit strategies and the complex startup selection process. Mahir sheds light on the VC business and reveals what makes a compelling pitch deck. Tune in for fascinating insights into the world of venture capital. More about Mahir: Mahir Isikli: [] IRIS: [] b2venture Startup Resources: []
05. Nov. 2023 - 1 h 16 min
episode Digitalconomics #4: Unlocking Podcasting Secrets - with Josh Nielsen from Zencastr artwork
Digitalconomics #4: Unlocking Podcasting Secrets - with Josh Nielsen from Zencastr
Mastering Recording and Monetization for a Successful Podcast In this podcast episode, I have Josh Nielsen, the founder of Zencastr, as my guest. Zencastr is the platform I personally use to record this podcast. We dive deeply into Josh's fascinating entrepreneurial journey, exploring the world of crowdfunding, the inception of Zencastr, and the challenges he overcame along the way. Why did he decide to establish Zencastr, and how did he turn this idea into a reality? What happened when investors initially didn't believe in his vision? Discover more about Josh's inspiring journey, from his start in Thailand to his current base in Salt Lake City. We also tell us the advantages and challenges of living and working in distant locations. Additionally, we explore the role of his family in this adventure. This episode is packed with intriguing insights into entrepreneurship, the podcast industry, and the future of Zencastr. Join us on this inspiring journey and learn why Josh Nielsen is leaning more towards AI in the future. More about Zencastr: Josh Nielsen: [] Zencastr: []
01. Okt. 2023 - 1 h 30 min
episode Digitalconomics English #3 Fastest Growing Online Supermarket - How Picnic's Delivery System Works with Daniel Gebler artwork
Digitalconomics English #3 Fastest Growing Online Supermarket - How Picnic's Delivery System Works with Daniel Gebler
Revolutionizing Grocery Shopping In this podcast episode, I speak with Daniel Gebler, the founder & CTO of Picnic, the fastest-growing online supermarket. Picnic is revolutionizing the grocery retail industry by offering groceries online at low prices and delivering them the next day. We discuss how Picnic uses machine learning and AI to organize orders and minimize food waste. Daniel explains how Picnic aims to be fair to its customers while promoting sustainable practices. We also take a look at the challenges and the future of online grocery retail. Learn more about Picnic's exciting innovations in this episode. More about Picnic: Daniel Gebler: [] Picnic: []
17. Sept. 2023 - 57 min
episode Digitalconomics English #2 From Design to Code: Autogenerated Frontend Code with Figma designs - CEO & CTO from Codejet artwork
Digitalconomics English #2 From Design to Code: Autogenerated Frontend Code with Figma designs - CEO & CTO from Codejet
Business & Tech Insights of a brandnew software agency and Product Hunt winners In this podcast episode, we have Patryk and Sebastian as our guests, who have developed the platform CodeJet. CodeJet translates designs into high-quality HTML and React code, making it easier for designers to bring their designs to the internet. With over 12,000 users worldwide, of which 60% convert more than twice and 20% convert more than four times, CodeJet boasts an impressive success rate. We delve into how AI will further enhance the process in the future and discuss the AI features that are planned. The CodeJet team is dedicated to supporting designers and solving issues in web development. They also share insights into their marketing strategy to gain upvotes and attention on platforms like Product Hunt. Additionally, we explore their future plans, potential integration with WordPress, and their approach to translations and quality within their team. More about CodeJet: Patryk Pijanowski: [] Sebastian Kurzynowski: [] CodeJet: [] Producthunt: []
03. Sept. 2023 - 1 h 4 min

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