Dreamtown: The Story of Adelanto
Kostenloser Podcast

Dreamtown: The Story of Adelanto

Podcast von Crooked Media

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What happens when a city on the verge of collapse tries to reinvent itself? How much will it cost? Who will pay the price? Reporter David Weinberg spent years following one city in California’s Mojave desert as it tried to transform itself from a city of prisons to a city of pot. And it worked…for a while. Until it, spectacularly, didn’t. From Crooked Media, this is Dreamtown: The Story of Adelanto. Coming June 7th wherever you get your podcasts. 

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12 Folgen
episode Introducing Radio Diaries: The Unmarked Graveyard artwork
Introducing Radio Diaries: The Unmarked Graveyard
This is the first episode in Radio Diaries’ new series The Unmarked Graveyard, untangling mysteries from America’s largest public cemetery. Each week, they’re bringing you stories of how people ended up on Hart Island, the lives they lived and the people they left behind. This debut episode goes back to a few years ago, when a young man who called himself Stephen became a fixture in Manhattan’s Riverside Park. Locals started noticing him sitting on the same park bench day after day. He said little and asked for nothing. When Stephen’s body was found in 2017, the police were unable to identify him, and he was buried on Hart Island. Then, one day, a woman who knew him from the park stumbled upon his true identity, and his backstory came to light. Listen to new episodes of The Unmarked Graveyard from Radio Diaries every week, wherever you get your podcasts.
17. Okt. 2023 - 23 min
episode Chapter 8: Sometimes You Win artwork
Chapter 8: Sometimes You Win
Stevevonna announces her candidacy for mayor, challenging a former ally for the top spot on the city council. But as the election nears, a new issue takes center stage – not weed – but the city’s water supply. For early, ad-free access to episodes, join ‘Friends of the Pod’—Crooked’s new subscription community—at crooked.com/friends
19. Juli 2023 - 49 min
episode Chapter 7: The Joy of Politics artwork
Chapter 7: The Joy of Politics
Stevevonna Evans’ former friends in the city council have turned against her. But a trip to Sacramento and conversations with an unlikely ally convince her to take a big career swing. For early, ad-free access to episodes, join ‘Friends of the Pod’—Crooked’s new subscription community—at crooked.com/friends
12. Juli 2023 - 37 min
episode Chapter 6: Ring of Truth artwork
Chapter 6: Ring of Truth
Stevevonna Evans is charting a new path for Adelanto and attempting to put an era of corruption in the past. But just a few months into her term, she finds herself caught up in her own scandal and discovers that in Adelanto it’s difficult to govern without making a mess. For early, ad-free access to episodes, join ‘Friends of the Pod’—Crooked’s new subscription community—at crooked.com/friends
05. Juli 2023 - 32 min
episode Chapter 5: The Audit artwork
Chapter 5: The Audit
Stevevonna Evans, now on the city council, discovers multiple millions of dollars are missing from the city budget. She begins to investigate, and with every rock she turns over she learns another bonkers secret about what went down while Mayor Kerr, Jermaine Wright and Bug Woodard were in power. For early, ad-free access to episodes, join ‘Friends of the Pod’—Crooked’s new subscription community—at crooked.com/friends
28. Juni 2023 - 30 min

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