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Eden Prepper
Podcast von Rose Fox
I'm prepping for something wonderful, are you? Let's talk about bringing to life
our own version of Eden. I'll share my hopes for my off-grid future in Northern
Arizona and feature guests who are creating unique spaces for themselves in this
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Alle Folgen
6 Folgenedenprepper.com and 2021
Visit edenprepper.com where you are welcome to write to me about being featured
on this podcast in 2021 or if you'd like me to research and write about
something or someone on the site. Bright blessings to you!
29. Nov. 2020 - 3 min
Creating Community, Sovereignty, and Security
What does it mean to securely exist within rural or off-grid spaces? What does personal safety look like, especially for those of us who either don't want or don't have equitable access to firearms? What about water and food sovereignty? How can you find and engage others who could help you build and protect your Eden?
18. Okt. 2020 - 58 min
Conspicuous Consumption
We are in an era of conspicuous consumption of people, places, and things. Everything has been commodified, even our protests. The good news is, it's The Age of the Amateur. But can selectively abstaining from consumption bring us further in our goal to create something new? Who can we look to for inspiration?
28. Sept. 2020 - 39 min
Welcome to Eden Prepper
Okay so this little intro episode is still kind of terrible but not as much of a disaster as the original one. You should still probably ignore it unless you want to tell me you love it. But seriously, I want to know: what's your definition of Eden? Mine is a tiny off-grid property in Northern Arizona. Full disclosure, I have no idea what I'm doing more than half of the time. So with that, let's get started. Also, these really will get better, promise.
24. Sept. 2020 - 5 min
Mistakes Were Made
Here's me still cringing at my first foray into podcasting, I swear I had an outline but still got excited to tell you all the things and stuff at once. Let's talk about owning our voice and not apologizing for taking up space, and the importance of sharing mistakes along the way. Come and join me as a guest! No experience necessary whatsoever, this podcast can't get any worse!
22. Sept. 2020 - 1 h 3 min
Der neue Look und die “Trailer” sind euch verdammt gut gelungen! Die bisher beste Version eurer App 🎉 Und ich bin schon von Anfang an dabei 😉 Weiter so 👍
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