Fall of Civilizations Podcast
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Fall of Civilizations Podcast

Podcast von Paul Cooper

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A history podcast looking at the collapse of a different civilization each episode. What did they have in common? Why did they fall? And what did it feel like to watch it happen? 

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17 Folgen
episode 17. Carthage - Empire Of The Phoenicians artwork
17. Carthage - Empire Of The Phoenicians
Buried beneath the city streets of the Tunisian capital of Tunis, an ancient city lies forgotten... In this episode, we look at one of the most dramatic stories to come down to us from the ancient world: the rise and fall of the empire of Carthage. Find out how this city rose out of the Phoenician states of the Eastern Mediterranean, and set out on voyages of discovery and settlement that put them at the centre of the ancient world. And hear how the city of Carthage was destroyed, and its memory nearly wiped from the earth. SOURCES: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sources-for-17-81369494?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link Credits: Written and produced by Paul Cooper Sound engineering by Alexey Sibikin Voice actors: Michael Hajiantonis Lachlan Lucas Alexandra Boulton Simon Jackson Tom Marshall-Lee Chris Harvey, Nick Denton Paul Casselle
11. Apr. 2023 - 3 h 38 min
episode 16. Bagan - City Of Temples artwork
16. Bagan - City Of Temples
In the lowlands of Burma lie the remains of thousands of crumbling temples... In this episode, we tell one of the most colourful stories of civilizational survival: the story of the Bagan Empire of Myanmar. Find out how this kingdom rose up in the Irrawaddy river valley of central Myanmar, and built one of the most remarkable series of monuments to have survived from the medieval world. Discover what life was like for the people who lived there, and find out what happened to cause its sudden and complete collapse.
02. Okt. 2022 - 2 h 7 min
episode 15. The Nabataeans - The Final Days Of Petra artwork
15. The Nabataeans - The Final Days Of Petra
In the deserts of Jordan, a city lies hidden for centuries in a valley of rose-red stone... In this episode, we look at one of the most peculiar stories of civilizational survival to come down to us from the ancient world, the story of the Nabataeans. Find out how these once humble traders rose to become masters of the desert sands, and to defy empires. And discover what happened to finally bring down the empire of Nabataea.
15. Juni 2022 - 2 h 1 min
episode 14. Vijayanagara - The Last Emperors Of South India artwork
14. Vijayanagara - The Last Emperors Of South India
On the rocky banks of South India's Tungabhadra River, an enormous ruined city lies crumbling... In this episode, we look at the Vijayanagara Empire of Southern India, a civilization that has all but faded from memory in many parts of the world. Find out how this remarkable society rose up out of an age of conflict and fragmentation, how it built one of the largest and most impressive medieval cities in the world, and developed an identity that was both South Indian in nature, and global in its outlook. With readings in Sanskrit, and the sounds of traditional Carnatic music, find out what happened to bring the great stone temples of Vijayanagara crashing down in fire and flame. ---------- Credits: Voice actors: Peter Walters Michael Hajiantonis Kim Heron Nick Denton Paul Casselle Sound engineering by Alexey Sibikin Original music performed and composed by Aruna Sairam.
18. Feb. 2022 - 3 h 13 min
episode 13. The Assyrians - Empire of Iron artwork
13. The Assyrians - Empire of Iron
In the lowlands of Northern Iraq, a series of enormous cities lies crumbling in ruins... In this episode, find out about one of the most remarkable ancient civilizations: the society known today as the neo-Assyrian Empire. Discover how the Assyrians built their empire out of the ashes of the Bronze Age, and built an empire of iron that lasted for centuries. Explore the extraordinary flourishing of art and technology that they fostered. And finally, discover what happened to cause their final, devastating collapse.
14. Juni 2021 - 3 h 4 min

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