Fresh Scripture

Fresh Scripture

Podcast von Donald Latumahina

Fresh Scripture podcast gives you fresh insights from the Scripture for your daily life. The mission of the podcast is to help you reach your full pot...

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12 Folgen
episode Waiting for God's Timing artwork
Waiting for God's Timing

There is a big difference between doing things with our own timing and waiting for God's timing. So trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. He will make everything beautiful in its time.

04. Nov. 2018 - 10 min
episode The Common Misconception About Prayer artwork
The Common Misconception About Prayer

There is a common misconception about prayer. This episode talks about what the misconception is and what the true purpose of prayer actually is.

22. Sept. 2018 - 11 min
episode Appreciating Grace artwork
Appreciating Grace

God has given us His amazing grace. But we need to make sure that we appreciate His grace and not take it for granted.

05. Aug. 2018 - 18 min
episode The Divine Race artwork
The Divine Race

You are in a divine race and you need to run as good as you can. Here are three things that are essential for that.

06. Mai 2018 - 11 min
episode Why Christ Died for Us artwork
Why Christ Died for Us

There are at least two reasons why Christ died for us. Let's make sure that these two reasons are fulfilled in our lives.

14. Apr. 2018 - 8 min
Der neue Look und die “Trailer” sind euch verdammt gut gelungen! Die bisher beste Version eurer App 🎉 Und ich bin schon von Anfang an dabei 😉 Weiter so 👍
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