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Global News Podcast

Podcast von BBC World Service

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3328 Folgen
episode Biden calls for order after police clear UCLA Gaza protest camp artwork
Biden calls for order after police clear UCLA Gaza protest camp
The US President Joe Biden has urged pro-Palestinian protesters on university campuses to uphold the rule of law. Police have detained more than 2,000 people nationwide in the past fortnight at college rallies and protest camps. Also: Russia blamed for GPS interference affecting flights in Europe, and a wounded orangutan in Indonesia is seen using a plant as medicine.
03. Mai 2024 - 30 min
episode US riot police break up Gaza protest at UCLA campus artwork
US riot police break up Gaza protest at UCLA campus
Hundreds of officers fire flares and stun grenades on protesters. Also: the EU announces a billion dollar package for Lebanon; and the American 'King of Twang' guitarist Duane Eddy dies at 86.
Gestern - 34 min
episode Georgia rocked by clashes over 'Russian-inspired' bill artwork
Georgia rocked by clashes over 'Russian-inspired' bill
Riot police in Tbilisi fired tear gas and water cannon into crowds protesting against a law seen by the opposition as targeting media freedoms. The protestors also say that they are concerned about the future of the country - whether it will be closer to Russia or the EU. Also: US universities are gripped by protests over the war in Gaza, and can you be a cage fighter if you hate fighting?
Gestern - 34 min
episode Rival protestors clash at Los Angeles university artwork
Rival protestors clash at Los Angeles university
UCLA is the latest US university campus to be hit by clashes between pro-Palestinian demonstrators and their opponents. The American Secretary of State Anthony Blinken pushes to get more aid into Gaza, while urging Hamas to accept a ceasefire deal. Why are women footballers more likely to get injured during their periods? And remembering Paul Auster, the American author who's died at the age of 77.
01. Mai 2024 - 32 min
episode Donald Trump facing jail if he breaks trial gagging order again artwork
Donald Trump facing jail if he breaks trial gagging order again
The judge at the hush money trial in New York fined the former US president and warned him to stop making public statements about witnesses and jurors. Also: Colombian military loses millions of bullets; in the world of gaming, Manchester City's footballer Erling Haaland morphs into the Barbarian King in the Clash of the Clans.
01. Mai 2024 - 32 min

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