Head & Heart
Podcast von Jennifer Holmes
Honest conversations about mental health and faith
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80 FolgenJoin Jennifer as she talks with Jessika and Eric about their upcoming book, In His Hands: Prayers for your child or baby in a medical crisis. They will talk about prayer and how having the words of others who have gone before you is so helpful in times of crisis. Jessika's Website [https://www.jessikasanderswriter.com/] Jessika's ministry [https://www.prayingthroughministries.org/] Jessika's Instagram [https://www.instagram.com/jessikasanderswriter/] In His Hands [https://www.thegoodbook.com/in-his-hands] Eric's Website [https://emschumacher.com/] Eric's Instagram [https://www.instagram.com/emschumacher] Jennifer's Website [https://www.jensnewsong.com/] Jennifer's Instagram [https://www.instagram.com/jensnewsong/] Jennifer's Newsletter, The Dark Middle [https://jenniferholmes.substack.com/] Hope Care Centre [https://www.hopecarecentre.ca/]
Join Jennifer and Eric as they discuss his upcoming book, The Good Gift of Weakness, out on June 4th, 2024. Hope Care Centre [https://www.hopecarecentre.ca/] Jennifer's Newsletter The Dark Middle [https://substack.com/@jensnewsong] Eric's Website [https://emschumacher.com/] Eric's Instagram [https://www.instagram.com/emschumacher] The Good Gift of Weakness [https://www.amazon.com/stores/Eric-Schumacher/author/B07STKPHCM?store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true&linkCode=ll2&tag=emschumacher-20&linkId=3f1ff51f80dba75bfa72f0cc5e347df0&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl]
Join Jennifer and Faith as they discuss Christian perfectionism and the love of God for us all. Peace over Perfection by Faith Chang is available everywhere. Hope Care Centre [https://www.hopecarecentre.ca/] Jennifer's Newsletter The Dark Middle [https://substack.com/@jensnewsong] Faith's Website [https://keepingheart.com/author/changchronicles/] Faith's Newsletter [https://substack.com/@faithchang] Faith's Instagram [https://www.instagram.com/keepingheartblog/] Peace Over Perfection [https://www.thegoodbook.com/peace-over-perfection]
Join Jennifer and Clint as they discuss his new book, Just Be Honest. This episode focuses on Clint's loss of his son, Eli, and how God brought him through by being honest in lament. Hope Care Centre [https://www.hopecarecentre.ca/] Jennifer's Newsletter The Dark Middle [https://www.jensnewsong.com/newsletter] Clint's Website [https://www.clintdwatkins.com/] Clint's Instagram [https://www.instagram.com/clintdwatkins/?hl=en] Just Be Honest [https://www.thegoodbook.com/new/just-be-honest]
Join Jennifer and Lara as they discuss Lara's new book, A Mother Held, a collection of essays on anxiety, OCD, and motherhood. Hope Care Centre [https://www.hopecarecentre.ca/] Jennifer's Newsletter The Dark Middle [https://www.jensnewsong.com/newsletter] Lara's website [https://www.laradentremont.com/] Lara's Substack [https://substack.com/@laradentremont] A Mother Held [https://www.callapresspublishing.com/shoppe/p/a-mother-held-essays-on-anxiety-and-motherhood]
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