Healthy Connections: A podcast for Union County and Marysville Teens
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Healthy Connections: A podcast for Union County and Marysville Teens

Podcast von Union County Drug Free Coalition

Tools and tips for teens and parents on making healthy connections, engaging with local resources, and supporting drug free choices. 

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36 Folgen
episode Red Ribbon Week artwork
Red Ribbon Week
Join Trent and Nancy this month as we come back from our hiatus to talk about Red Ribbon Week, Great American Smokeout, Drug Takeback Day, and more! We have lots of great information to share about keeping you and your family safe as well as information on TPLA and opportunities for high school students to get involved with prevention while earning a stipend! We also feature special guests - Lauren Putz of the Health Department and Nate Sachs of the Marysville Police Division.
12. Okt. 2023 - 29 min
episode October Promotion artwork
October Promotion
We are looking forward to resuming our monthly podcast. Be sure to join us in October!
29. Sept. 2023 - 1 min
episode Episode 5 June is Pride Month artwork
Episode 5 June is Pride Month
Today's Guests Lane Community Education Research Manager for Kaleidoscope Youth Center in Columbus: Betty from Union County Rainbow Coalition: This program is sponsored by the Union County Drug- Free Coalition. Check out our website for more information.
27. Juni 2023 - 26 min
episode Episode 4: TPLA Takeover artwork
Episode 4: TPLA Takeover
On this episode of Healthy Connections, your usual hosts have been replaced by the amazing students of the Teen Prevention Leadership Academy. Teen Prevention Leadership Academy or TPLA is a group of young people dedicated to understanding and implementing prevention programming in their community. Your host this week is Nevin Digney, joined by Gigi Bix, Emily Williams, Jake Shafer, Jared Larriuz, and Tallie Crabtree - along with special guest Sawyer Bix, an incoming Junior at THE Ohio State University. Join us as we discuss topics like finding friends in college, making responsible choices when it comes to substance use, and more on this special episode - TPLA TAKEOVER!!! If you or a loved one is struggling with mental health or substance use issues, please contact our 24/7 hotline: 800-731-5577 or text 4help to 85511. FACEBOOK LINKS: Union Co. Drug-Free Coalition: COALITION LINKS:
15. Apr. 2023 - 28 min
episode Episode 3: Binge Information, Not Alcohol artwork
Episode 3: Binge Information, Not Alcohol
Join your host, Prevention Education Specialist, Trent Hoge and our guests, Mike Garey, OCPC with PASS, Julia Nelson, OCPSA with PASS and the National Guard, and Lauren Putz, Health Educator with the Union County Health Dept. as we discuss alcohol, binge drinking, low risk drinking guidelines, and how to stay safe as holidays and events commonly associated with drinking are right around the corner.  If you or a loved one is struggling with mental health or substance use issues, please contact our 24/7 hotline: 800-731-5577 or text 4help to 85511. FACEBOOK LINKS: Union Co. Drug-Free Coalition: [] COALITION LINKS: [//] [//] LAUREN PUTZ'S EMAIL (PROM Promise Info): [//]
17. März 2023 - 35 min
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