Higher Self 101

Higher Self 101

Podcast von KE_ The_Spirit

To uplift and inspire others to reach the highest levels within is the mission. Awaken and feel the love.

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5 Folgen
episode Sacred Self artwork
Sacred Self

This episode is all about going deep within and finding that inner voice, that inner love of self that will heal all afflictions. I will be diving into the book Sacred Woman by Queen Afua as we talk about the ancient power of the womb and what the benefits can be when when that power is no longer ignored or neglected. This is not just for women but the feminine aspect of it is undeniable. I do not speak for women, I'm only hear to share wisdom with my queens and kings out there. Take back control and love will lead you to your sacredness.

27. Apr. 2020 - 54 min
episode The Power of Prayer and Perspectives on Death artwork
The Power of Prayer and Perspectives on Death

This episode deals with the connection of science and spirituality as we discuss the potential prayer can have on healing and our beliefs about death. We will be revisiting the book Kemetic Diet by Dr. Muata Ashby. Where there is death, there is life. With this wisdom in mind, we must get to the source of what makes death such a touchy subject, and dive into the inevitable. In doing this, we can prepare for death by living in life. Take a journey you won't regret and learn about the power of prayer, as well as ancient perspectives on death.

15. Apr. 2020 - 1 h 0 min
episode The Science of Grounding. artwork
The Science of Grounding.

In this episode, we go into the scientific and spiritual aspects as well as benefits of walking on the ground barefoot. In grounding with the Earth, "skin to skin", we are able to not only reduce inflammation (the cause of most disease), but we are able to reduce pain, anxiety, and much much more, while at the same time coming into harmony with the same frequency of the planet we live on. While living in a world surrounded by radiation due to advanced technology, our bodies become out-of-tune with the natural frequencies meant for our healing. "Illnesses do not come upon us out of the blue. They are developed from small daily sins against Nature. When enough sins have accumulated, illness will suddenly appear." -Hippocrates

07. Apr. 2020 - 35 min
episode Voices of Truth artwork
Voices of Truth

This episode is about finding the power within that telling the truth is able to unlock. It is time to break free of the lies which compound other lies. In being honest with ourselves in all situations, we are able to find the missing ingredient that allows us to become free. As we discuss methods and techniques to further our truth telling skills, we encounter a new world filled with love and life. Shout out to the TRUpeople out there, your energy is welcomed and appreciated.

28. März 2020 - 30 min
episode Music Interpreted By The Ancients artwork
Music Interpreted By The Ancients

This episode discusses how the ancient Egyptians used sound and music, and affects it has on the mind and body. Using science and profound logic, we delve into how music can positively or negatively affect us in many different ways. Join in and find out how we can use music to connect ourselves with the divine.

23. März 2020 - 12 min
Der neue Look und die “Trailer” sind euch verdammt gut gelungen! Die bisher beste Version eurer App 🎉 Und ich bin schon von Anfang an dabei 😉 Weiter so 👍
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