History of the Hunt

History of the Hunt

Podcast von Keith Crowley

A podcast about the history of the hunting culture in America and beyond. Outdoor writer and historian Keith Crowley interviews experts and discusses ...

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episode Episode 10 - Old-timers in Alaska with Randy Zarnke artwork
Episode 10 - Old-timers in Alaska with Randy Zarnke

Host Keith Crowley talks with Randy Zarnke, President of the Alaska Trappers Association, about his project to record oral histories of the old-timers in the Alaska backwoods. Zarnke has spent the last 23 years tracking down these old hunters and trappers to preserve their stories. As you might imagine, there are some real characters out there in the Alskan bush. For example, one of Randy's interviewees began his career by live-trapping brown bears using a bucket of ether as a sedative! Zarnke has put many these exciting and incredible stories into a book called "Alaska Tracks." [https://www.amazon.com/Alaska-Tracks-Stories-Fisherman-Trappers-ebook/dp/B00GGB8DN8#:~:text=Alaska%20Tracks%3A%20Life%20Stories%20from%20Hunters%2C%20Fisherman%20and,Trappers%20of%20Alaska%20Kindle%20Edition&text=Author%20and%20historian%20Randy%20Zarnke,us%20can%20only%20dream%20of.] Show Notes: Alaska Trappers Association [https://www.alaskatrappers.org/index.html] Jim Rearden books on Alaska [https://www.amazon.com/Jim-Rearden/e/B001JRWYCK/ref=dp_byline_cont_ebooks_1] _______________________________________________________________ Theme Music: Grip of the Black Gold [https://www.thunderheadsmusic.com/listen.html] Songwriter: Steve Blexrud [https://www.thunderheadsmusic.com/steve-blexrud] Performed by Steve Blexrud and Thunderheads [https://www.thunderheadsmusic.com/] _______________________________________________________________ Books by Keith Crowley * Pheasant Dogs: Stories from the Field [https://www.wildriverpress.com/product/pheasant-dogs/] * Gordon MacQuarrie: The Story of an Old Duck Hunter [https://www.amazon.com/Gordon-MacQuarrie-Story-Duck-Hunter/dp/0870203444/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1585487517&sr=1-1] * Wildlife in the Badlands [https://www.amazon.com/WILDLIFE-BADLANDS-Keith-R-Crowley/dp/1320863027/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=wildlife+in+the+badlands&qid=1585496918&s=digital-text&sr=1-1-catcorr] Keith Crowley's published wildlife and sporting photography can be found at CrowleyImages.com [https://www.crowleyimages.com/index]

11. Juni 2020 - 52 min
episode Episode 9 - Gordon MacQuarrie, New Books, Richard's Lakes and the ODHA with Dave Evenson artwork
Episode 9 - Gordon MacQuarrie, New Books, Richard's Lakes and the ODHA with Dave Evenson

Host and MacQuarrie biographer [https://www.amazon.com/Gordon-MacQuarrie-Story-Duck-Hunter/dp/0870203444/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1585487517&sr=1-1] Keith Crowley talks with Editor Dave Evenson about two new Gordon MacQuarrie compilations taken from his newspaper columns in the Milwaukee Journal between 1936 and MacQuarrie's premature death in 1956. In these new books, titled "Right off the Reel" and "Dogs, Drink & Other Drivel", both published by the Barnes Area Historical Association [http://bahamuseum.org/], we learn more about MacQuarrie the person and MacQuarrie the reporter than we do through the Old Duck Hunter trilogy of books produced in previous decades. Many of the newspaper columns served as prequels for the more famous ODHA stories which ran in the national hunting and fishing magazines of the Golden Age. In many of these newspaper stories we first meet great MacQUarrie characters like Mr. President, Gus, Hank, Fred, Norm, and a host of others. Crowley and Evenson also discuss the infamous "Richard's Lakes" mystery as well as the upcoming MacQuarrie Pilgrimage [http://bahamuseum.org/pilgrimage/] to MacQuarrie Country. Show Notes: * Right off the Reel [http://bahamuseum.org/macquarrie-book/] * Dogs Drink & Other Drivel [http://bahamuseum.org/macquarrie-book-2/] * MacQuarrie Pilgrimage [http://bahamuseum.org/pilgrimage/] * Gordon MacQuarrie: The Story of an Old Duck Hunter [https://www.amazon.com/Gordon-MacQuarrie-Story-Duck-Hunter/dp/0870203444/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1585487517&sr=1-1] _______________________________________________________________ Theme Music: Grip of the Black Gold [https://www.thunderheadsmusic.com/listen.html] Songwriter: Steve Blexrud [https://www.thunderheadsmusic.com/steve-blexrud] Performed by Steve Blexrud and Thunderheads [https://www.thunderheadsmusic.com/] _______________________________________________________________ Books by Keith Crowley * Pheasant Dogs: Stories from the Field [https://www.wildriverpress.com/product/pheasant-dogs/] * Gordon MacQuarrie: The Story of an Old Duck Hunter [https://www.amazon.com/Gordon-MacQuarrie-Story-Duck-Hunter/dp/0870203444/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1585487517&sr=1-1] * Wildlife in the Badlands [https://www.amazon.com/WILDLIFE-BADLANDS-Keith-R-Crowley/dp/1320863027/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=wildlife+in+the+badlands&qid=1585496918&s=digital-text&sr=1-1-catcorr] Keith Crowley's published wildlife and sporting photography can be found at CrowleyImages.com [https://www.crowleyimages.com/index]

03. Juni 2020 - 59 min
episode Episode 8 - Letters from Art Hawkins with Ken Blomberg artwork
Episode 8 - Letters from Art Hawkins with Ken Blomberg

Host Keith Crowley talks with writer Ken Blomberg [http://www.kenmblomberg.com/] about the impact Art Hawkins had on wildlife science in the mid-20th Century. Hawkins was one of Aldo Leopold's students at the University of Wisconsin, and he went on to establish many modern methods of surveying wildlife populations including the invention of transects. Hawkins, along with Frank Bellrose  saved the American Wood Duck and Hawkins was a founding member of the Wood Duck Society [http://www.woodducksociety.com/]. Hawkins and Bellrose designed the first wood duck houses and experimented with locating and design. Ken Blomberg continued a correspondence with Hawkins through many years and his new book "Letters from Art: Standing Tall in the Shadow of Aldo Leopold" is full of insights into Hawkins, Leopold, and many other giants of conservation. We also discuss Ken's German Shorthairs and how Aldo Leopold's famous dog Gus has direct blood ties to Blomberg's GSPs. Show Notes: Letters from Art: Standing Tall in the Shadow of Aldo Leopold [https://www.aldoleopold.org/store/letters-from-art/] Ken Blomberg Bio [http://www.kenmblomberg.com/] Eau Pleine Kennels [https://eaupleinekennels.com/] Wood Duck Society [http://www.woodducksociety.com/] _______________________________________________________________ Theme Music: Grip of the Black Gold [https://www.thunderheadsmusic.com/listen.html] Songwriter: Steve Blexrud [https://www.thunderheadsmusic.com/steve-blexrud] Performed by Steve Blexrud and Thunderheads [https://www.thunderheadsmusic.com/] _______________________________________________________________ Books by Keith Crowley * Pheasant Dogs: Stories from the Field [https://www.wildriverpress.com/product/pheasant-dogs/] * Gordon MacQuarrie: The Story of an Old Duck Hunter [https://www.amazon.com/Gordon-MacQuarrie-Story-Duck-Hunter/dp/0870203444/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1585487517&sr=1-1] * Wildlife in the Badlands [https://www.amazon.com/WILDLIFE-BADLANDS-Keith-R-Crowley/dp/1320863027/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=wildlife+in+the+badlands&qid=1585496918&s=digital-text&sr=1-1-catcorr] Keith Crowley's published wildlife and sporting photography can be found at CrowleyImages.com [https://www.crowleyimages.com/index]

27. Mai 2020 - 46 min
episode Episode 7 - Lewis and Clark: The Greatest Hunting Trip Ever artwork
Episode 7 - Lewis and Clark: The Greatest Hunting Trip Ever

Show Notes * Host Keith Crowley talks with author Roger Pinckney [http://rogerpinckney.com/] about "The Greatest Hunting Trip Ever" [https://sportingclassicsdaily.com/lewis-clark-the-greatest-north-american-hunting-trip-ever/]...The Lewis and Clark overland expedition to the Pacific Ocean in 1804-06. * Roger explains why grizzlies were the Corps of Discoveries least favorite animal, and why bison were their favorites. * Our guest discusses the guns of the L&C expedition, including the famous Girandoni Air Rifle. Related information: More writings of Roger Pinckney * Lewis & Clark: The Greatest North American Hunting Trip Ever [https://sportingclassicsdaily.com/lewis-clark-the-greatest-north-american-hunting-trip-ever/] * Garden & Gun [https://gardenandgun.com/author/roger-pinckney/] * Books [http://rogerpinckney.com/books/] _______________________________________________________________________ Theme Music: Grip of the Black Gold [https://www.thunderheadsmusic.com/listen.html] Songwriter: Steve Blexrud [https://www.thunderheadsmusic.com/steve-blexrud] Performed by Steve Blexrud and Thunderheads [https://www.thunderheadsmusic.com/] Books by Keith Crowley * Pheasant Dogs: Stories from the Field [https://www.wildriverpress.com/product/pheasant-dogs/] * Gordon MacQuarrie: The Story of an Old Duck Hunter [https://www.amazon.com/Gordon-MacQuarrie-Story-Duck-Hunter/dp/0870203444/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1585487517&sr=1-1] * Wildlife in the Badlands [https://www.amazon.com/WILDLIFE-BADLANDS-Keith-R-Crowley/dp/1320863027/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=wildlife+in+the+badlands&qid=1585496918&s=digital-text&sr=1-1-catcorr] Keith Crowley's published wildlife and sporting photography can be found at CrowleyImages.com [https://www.crowleyimages.com/index]

18. Mai 2020 - 35 min
episode Episode 6 - Ding Darling, Duck Stamps and U.S. Presidents with Mark Madison artwork
Episode 6 - Ding Darling, Duck Stamps and U.S. Presidents with Mark Madison

Host Keith Crowley talks with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Historian Mark Madison about J.M. "Ding" Darling, the creator of the Duck Stamp and the Director of the Bureau of Biological Survey (predecessor to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.) Darling was a Pulitzer Prize winning political cartoonist who had a knack for getting the most out of people when it came to conservation. Because of his leadership, his forethought and his political skills, billions of dollars have been raised for conservation over the past 80+ years through the Duck Stamp Act [https://www.fws.gov/birds/get-involved/duck-stamp/history-of-the-federal-duck-stamp.php]and the Pittman-Robertson Act [https://history.house.gov/Historical-Highlights/1901-1950/The-Wildlife-Restoration-Act-of-1937/]. Darling also created the artwork for the first Duck Stamp in 1934 [https://www.fws.gov/birds/get-involved/duck-stamp/federal-duck-stamp-gallery-1934-1935.php] as well as the flying goose symbol found at National Wildlife Refuges across America. Darling was a passionate hunter and passionate leader fighting for the preservation of the outdoor life he loved. Madison and Crowley discuss Ding's relationships with both Teddy Roosevelt (whom he admired as a personal friend and as the President) and Franklin Roosevelt (who he disliked politically, but grew to respect,) as well as his close friendship with President Herbert Hoover. Our host also explains his love of the Ding Darling Refuge [https://www.fws.gov/refuge/jn_ding_darling/] on Sanibel Island in Florida Related Information: * Ding Darling Bio [https://www.fws.gov/refuges/history/bio/darling.html] * History of the Duck Stamp [https://www.fws.gov/birds/get-involved/duck-stamp.php] * Darling Editorial Cartoon Archives [https://digital.lib.uiowa.edu/ding/] * Bye Now, It's Been Wonderful Knowing You [https://digital.lib.uiowa.edu/islandora/object/ui%3Ading_11261] (Ding's Farewell Cartoon, published posthumously.) * Images from Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge [https://crowleyimages.photoshelter.com/gallery/Ding-Darling-Refuge/G0000IvGgSYqWSSI] * Darling's Comic which won his first Pultizer [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1924_Pulitzer_Prize#/media/File:In_Good_Old_U.S.A.jpg] _______________________________________________________________ Theme Music: Grip of the Black Gold [https://www.thunderheadsmusic.com/listen.html] Songwriter: Steve Blexrud [https://www.thunderheadsmusic.com/steve-blexrud] Performed by Steve Blexrud and Thunderheads [https://www.thunderheadsmusic.com/] _______________________________________________________________ Books by Keith Crowley * Pheasant Dogs: Stories from the Field [https://www.wildriverpress.com/product/pheasant-dogs/] * Gordon MacQuarrie: The Story of an Old Duck Hunter [https://www.amazon.com/Gordon-MacQuarrie-Story-Duck-Hunter/dp/0870203444/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1585487517&sr=1-1] * Wildlife in the Badlands [https://www.amazon.com/WILDLIFE-BADLANDS-Keith-R-Crowley/dp/1320863027/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=wildlife+in+the+badlands&qid=1585496918&s=digital-text&sr=1-1-catcorr] Keith Crowley's published wildlife and sporting photography can be found at CrowleyImages.com [https://www.crowleyimages.com/index]

07. Mai 2020 - 50 min
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