Icelandic True Crimes

Icelandic True Crimes

Podcast von Margret Bjorns

An independent weekly podcast, focusing on solved true crime cases in Iceland. This podcast is in two languages, Icelandic and English, and is hosted ...

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episode EN - 6 - FAMILICIDE: Pharmacist Poisons Himself and His Family artwork
EN - 6 - FAMILICIDE: Pharmacist Poisons Himself and His Family

Description: One cold Thursday morning, a family is found dead in their home at Suðurgata 2. Sigurður Magnússon, a pharmacist, had taken his own life with cyanide. His wife, Hulda Karen Larsen, and their young children Magnús, Sigríður Dúa and Ingibjörg Stefanía, were found lying side by side after Sigurður had also given them cyanide. This case is the first and only of its kind in Iceland, when a perpetrator commits a family murder and takes his own life. The house at Suðurgata 2 is known as Dillonshús, or Dillon's House, and was moved Árbæjarsafn Museum for preservation due to its story and antiquity, but its story is not only of Sigurður and his family. Show Notes: Contact: Website: Discussion Group: Instagram: Facebook: Are you interested in advertising on this podcast?

04. Dez. 2020 - 43 min
episode IS - 6 - FJÖLSKYLDUMORÐ: Lyfjafræðingur byrlar sér og fjölskyldu sinni eitur artwork
IS - 6 - FJÖLSKYLDUMORÐ: Lyfjafræðingur byrlar sér og fjölskyldu sinni eitur

Lýsing: Einn kaldan fimmtudagsmorgun finnst fjölskylda látin á heimili sínu á Suðurgötu 2. Sigurður Magnússon, lyfjafræðingur, hafði tekið sitt eigið líf með blásýru. Eiginkona hans, Hulda Karen Larsen, og ung börn þeirra Magnús, Sigríður Dúa og Ingibjörg Stefanía, fundust liggjandi hlið við hlið eftir að Sigurður byrlaði þeim einnig með blásýru. Þetta mál er fyrsta og eina sinna tegundar á Íslandi, þar sem gerandi fremur fjölskyldumorð og tekur sitt eigið líf. Húsið að Suðurgötu 2 er þekkt sem Dillonshús og var flutt til varðveislu á Árbæjarsafn vegna sögu þess og aldurs, en sagan er þó ekki eingöngu Sigurðar og fjölskyldu hans. Aukaefni: Hafa samband: Vefsíða: Umræðuhópur: Instagram: Facebook: Hefur þú áhuga á að auglýsa í þessu hlaðvarpi?

04. Dez. 2020 - 40 min
episode EN - 5 - INCEST: The Sunnefa Cases - Part 2 artwork
EN - 5 - INCEST: The Sunnefa Cases - Part 2

Description: In the second part of The Sunnefa Cases, I tell you about the epilogue of Sunnefa Jónsdóttir's statement, on the county sheriff Hans Wium being her second child's rightful father, and not her brother Jón Jónsson. Show Notes: [] Contact: Website: Discussion Group: Instagram: Facebook: Are you interested in advertising on this podcast?

06. Nov. 2020 - 44 s
episode IS - 5 - BLÓÐSKÖMM: Sunnefumálin - 2. hluti artwork
IS - 5 - BLÓÐSKÖMM: Sunnefumálin - 2. hluti

Lýsing: Í öðrum hluta Sunnefumálanna fjalla ég um eftirmála yfirlýsingar Sunnefu Jónsdóttur - að sýslumaðurinn Hans Wium væri réttur faðir seinna barns hennar, en ekki bróðir hennar Jón Jónsson. Aukaefni: [] Hafa samband: Vefsíða: Umræðuhópur: Instagram: Facebook: Hefur þú áhuga á að auglýsa í þessu hlaðvarpi?

06. Nov. 2020 - 39 min
episode EN - 4 - INCEST: The Sunnefa Cases - Part 1 artwork
EN - 4 - INCEST: The Sunnefa Cases - Part 1

Description: In the first part of The Sunnefa Cases, I tell you about the siblings Sunnefa Jónsdóttir and Jón Jónsson, who at the age of 16 and 14 had a child together. According to an order of the Grand Judgment, this was an incestuous crime, and therefore, they were sentenced to death; Sunnefa was to be drowned and Jón to be beheaded. But then there‘s a turning point in their case when Sunnefa gives birth to another child in the custody of the magistrate Hans Wium, and she accuses her brother of being the child‘s father, but then she declares Hans Wium is the real father, who had forced her and Jón to confess to committing yet another incest. This causes a commotion at the Icelandic Parliament Alþingi, and a 20-year legal proceeding ensues which looks like it‘s never going to end. Show Notes: [] Contact: Website: Discussion Group: Instagram: Facebook: Are you interested in advertising on this podcast?

06. Okt. 2020 - 43 min
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