Just Thinking Aloud

Just Thinking Aloud

Podcast von Vicky Aruwa

A Study on the Person and Identity of Jesus Christ

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5 Folgen
episode Jesus - The Son of Man artwork
Jesus - The Son of Man

Hello Friends, Thanks for hanging out here with me once again after a long time. Today we are exploring Jesus as the Son of Man. I hope you enjoy it and are motivated to continue to explore the person of Jesus. Blessings Always. Vicky

25. Apr. 2022 - 9 min
episode Jesus - The Son of God artwork
Jesus - The Son of God

Hello friends, Lovely to be here again. Our topic today is Jesus - The Son of God. Enjoy the podcast and I look forward to hearing from you. All my podcast episodes are available on spotify, apple podcasts, google podcasts and most places where you listen to podcasts. Don't forget to visit my blog: https://vickyaruwa.wixsite.com/website [https://vickyaruwa.wixsite.com/website] God bless. Vicky vickyaruwa@gmail.com

09. Juli 2021 - 19 min
episode Jesus - The Fulfillment of the Law artwork
Jesus - The Fulfillment of the Law

Welcome friends. It's me again with another interesting topic. How is Jesus the Fulfillment of the law? Find out in today's podcast. Also visit my blog https://vickyaruwa.wixsite.com/website. Please be nice and drop a comment, like or subscribe to my podcast and blog. Love you all and the blessings of the Lord be multiplied unto you. Shalom.

24. Mai 2021 - 16 min
episode The Lion and the Lamb artwork
The Lion and the Lamb

Check out more on this topic among other topics on my blog: https://vickyaruwa.wixsite.com/website Have a glorious Easter Celebration and remember that Jesus is risen, the tomb is empty, death has lost its sting and we are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus. Blessings. Vicky

05. Apr. 2021 - 27 min
episode JUST THINKING ALOUD artwork

Hello Friends. Welcome to 'Just Thinking Aloud’. How much of your imagination do you engage when reading the Word of God? When reading about Jesus, what goes through your mind when you hear some of the names He was called? Were you able to answer these questions? Well...that was not a pop quiz. You are in the right place. This is a podcast where we will engage our hearts, not just our minds, to study the person and identity of Jesus Christ, by delving into God’s revealed Word. Let's do this. Blessings. Vicky Aruwa

01. Apr. 2021 - 4 min
Der neue Look und die “Trailer” sind euch verdammt gut gelungen! Die bisher beste Version eurer App 🎉 Und ich bin schon von Anfang an dabei 😉 Weiter so 👍
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