Kitoko Podcast
Podcast von Kitoko People
The aim of the Kitoko Podcast is to explore progressive companies and institutions that are characterized by exceptional cultures, progressive leaders...
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37 FolgenValentina Wetter, CEO der WETTER Gruppe, ist ein herausragendes Beispiel der neuen Generation von CEOs. Mit ihrem wirtschaftspsychologischen Hintergrund setzt sie auf Vielfalt, Authentizität und eine starke Personal Brand, um die traditionelle Baubranche nachhaltig zu verändern. In dieser Folge spricht Amadeo mit Valentina über modernes Personalmanagement, innovative Formen der Zusammenarbeit und die Bedeutung von Employer Branding für die Zukunft der Baubranche. Erfahre, wie Unternehmen sich langfristig am Puls der Zeit halten und warum Generationenunterschiede dabei eine untergeordnete Rolle spielen. Hör jetzt rein und lass dich inspirieren! 🎙
Letzten Montag war internationaler Podcast Day – passend dazu haben wir unseren zweiten Videopodcast unseres Kitoko Podcast direkt von einem wunderschönen Wasserfall im Berner Oberland. Wir gehen darauf ein… …warum Purpose so wichtig ist in Unternehmen …warum es zentral ist der Sinn hinter der jeweiligen Tätigkeit von jemandem aufzuzeigen (was kommt vorher und was kommt nachher – wie ist das Ganze in den gesamten Prozess eingebunden) …mit welchem Purpose wir unseren Purpose geschärft haben …was unsere Arbeit sinnvoll macht (u.a. für die Gen Z eine gesunde Arbeitswelt zu schaffen) Viel Spass beim Hineinhören, den ganzen Videopodcast findest du auf Youtube. #Purpose #GenZ #KitokoPeople
In the latest Kitoko podcast in German, Simon Hürlimann, Managing Director of Mobi24, talks about the journey with the new KI technology. Mobi24 is at the beginning of this journey, but has already completed its first successful projects and a proof of concept. The strategic goals include a 5-star service despite growth, becoming a digital people's business and increasing efficiency and maintaining quality through AI. Initial successes have been achieved through AI-supported email triage (over 60% increase in efficiency) and call transcriptions for quality assurance. A key aspect is the involvement of employees in the solution process and their support through training and cultural development processes. The future outlook shows a comprehensive integration of AI into all business processes. Simon Hürlimann emphasizes the importance of starting with a specific problem and developing solutions step by step. In addition, a new study by Ernst & Young shows that older employees appear to be more open to the use of AI, while Generation Z has high expectations of the new technology and trust in it is rather low. Stay tuned for more exciting insights at mobi24 and listen to our latest podcast in German!
In the latest Kitoko podcast in german, Simon Hürlimann, Managing Director of Mobi24, talks about the journey with the new KI technology. Mobi24 is at the beginning of this journey, but has already completed its first successful projects and a proof of concept. The strategic goals include a 5-star service despite growth, becoming a digital people's business and increasing efficiency and maintaining quality through AI. Initial successes have been achieved through AI-supported email triage (over 60% increase in efficiency) and call transcriptions for quality assurance. A key aspect is the involvement of employees in the solution process and their support through training and cultural development processes. The future outlook shows a comprehensive integration of AI into all business processes. Simon Hürlimann emphasizes the importance of starting with a specific problem and developing solutions step by step. In addition, a new study by Ernst & Young shows that older employees appear to be more open to the use of AI, while Generation Z has high expectations of the new technology and trust in it is rather low. Stay tuned for more exciting insights at mobi24 and listen to our latest podcast in German!
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