Past Imperfect

Past Imperfect

Podcast von Matthew Blackman

This is a podcast of South African History, Literature and Art.

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5 Folgen
episode Rogues' Gallery Webinar artwork
Rogues' Gallery Webinar

The webinar launch of 'Rogues' Gallery'. Andrew Feinstein, writer, activist, researcher and whistleblower interviews Matthew Blackman and Nick Dall.

27. März 2021 - 1 h 29 min
episode The History of an Image of Hanging artwork
The History of an Image of Hanging

This is a podcast of the history of an image of a hanging that took place in Rhodesia in 1896 at the time of the First Chimurenga (or Matabele Uprising). The image appeared in a book by Olive Scheiner, 'Trooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland' and in a court case against Cecil Rhodes. It comprises interviews with Prof Paul Walters and Brian Willan.

21. Aug. 2019 - 37 min
episode The Silence of Albert Camus artwork
The Silence of Albert Camus

This is a podcast about the work of Albert Camus and his notion of silence.

17. Apr. 2019 - 18 min
episode Sol Plaatje Part II artwork
Sol Plaatje Part II

This is Part II of an interview with Sol Plaatje's biographer, Brian Willan. Plaatje (1876-1932) was one of South Africa's greatest politicians, writers and activists. He was also one of the founders of the ANC.

06. Sept. 2018 - 39 min
episode Sol Plaatje Part 1: An Interview with Brian Willan artwork
Sol Plaatje Part 1: An Interview with Brian Willan

This is part one of an interview with Sol Plaatje's biographer, Brian Willan. Plaatje (1876-1932) was one of South Africa's greatest politicians, writers and activists. He was also one of the founders of the ANC.

03. Sept. 2018 - 45 min
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