Results Never Lie

Results Never Lie

Podcast von Rick Richardson

Results Never Lie is a system for understanding how our mind works by identifying the elements of human behavior. In understanding how we think and ac...

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22 Folgen
episode Reconditioning artwork

The vast majority of our reactions are based on our prior conditioning. It's entirely possible to change our behavior regardless of our conditioning. In today's "Results Never Lie" Podcast, Rick examines 5 different approaches of Psychology and offers easy to understand solutions that you can use to re-condition your mind for success, whatever that looks like for you. And if you listen closely, Rick will tell you How To Declare Yourself the Benevolent Leader of your Own Life! Sign-up for the Results Never Lie newsletter and get the free eBook "Fearless Personality" instantly delivered to your email: Official Site: [] ...

17. Juli 2020 - 21 min
episode In Stressful Times Go Back To Basics artwork
In Stressful Times Go Back To Basics

Rick discusses the importance of going "back do basics" during this chaotic time. Basic actions to take are, in this order:      Calm down and focus.      Observe, Evaluate and Question.      Make a Plan.      Take Immediate Action.      Review your results only at an appropriate time. You'll get a ton of value as you listen to Rick give the exact steps to take in order to quickly and effectively get what you want using this time-tested method. Thanks for listening. Sign-up for our Newsletter at our Official Site and get the free eBook "Fearless Personality". Go here: [] ...

26. Juni 2020 - 18 min
episode Emotional Exhaustion, Pt 2 artwork
Emotional Exhaustion, Pt 2

This is the second part of the two part series where Rick and Thom discuss Emotional Exhaustion and how to recover from it. Recovering from Emotional Exhaustion involves finding the cause and then repairing, replacing, or adding the following things to lift yourself up and back to a healthy positive emotional state. Our needs to have positive social interactions, feel appreciated, have a sense of meaning, have positive relationships, eat healthful foods, exercise, have enough rest and sleep are discussed. Official Site: []/ ...

06. Sept. 2019 - 40 min
episode Emotional Exhaustion, Pt 1 artwork
Emotional Exhaustion, Pt 1

This episode is the first part of a two part series where Rick and Thom discuss Emotional Exhaustion. Sometimes referred to as burnout this feeling of hopelessness can have many causes and the effects from it can be devastating. Knowing how to identify Emotional Exhaustion is the first step in reversing the downward spiral. The conversation delves into identifying the signs that you are starting to enter a burnout cycle. These include when you see that you are losing your sense of meaning and belonging, when you feel inadequate, when you notice you are focused on the negative rather than the positive, and when you pull away from others. Official Site: [] ...

30. Aug. 2019 - 29 min
episode Journaling artwork

Rick talks about the benefits of Journaling and how keeping certain lists gives you the super-power of focus. Your experiences and your thoughts can shape your actual reality and Rick shows you how to use this in the context of Journaling to your advantage. Official:

03. Mai 2019 - 21 min
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