Rules of Engagement
Podcast von Chris and Cody
A Spectre Operations and Modern Wargaming podcast hosted by Chris and Cody.
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4 FolgenAfter some time away, Chris and Cody return. Talk revolves around Adepticon (shout outs to the powerful event sponsors,) some awesome new releases and a couple of websites that offer some additional flexibility in the hobby range.
Chris and Cody are joined by Michael, fellow TFL member and RFI founder, for this episode. We talk about some of our recent games, Michael's current project (Texas and Mexico based forces, from DPS to Mexican GAFE) as well as our normal chit chat.
Rules of Engagement: A Spectre Operations and Modern Wargaming Podcast In this episode, Chris and Cody talk about some models that are "new to us," Cody's game against John and Millennium Con. We also dig into some of the media we look to for inspiration when creating a scenario and campaign. And as a bonus, Cody brought back two interviews from Millennium Con; Ben with Black Site Studios and Stephen with Spectre!
Chris and Cody venture into the world of Spectre Operations and Modern Wargaming. We talk about what we are working on, games played, new hobby releases and whatever else comes up.
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