Science for Democracy Podcast
Podcast von Agenda podcast
A podcast about research, politics, human rights, science, democracy, books, culture, Europe, digital, geopolitics, Africa, world affairs by ScienceFo...
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2 FolgenWith Navi Pillay and Flavia Pansieri Marco Cappato and Marco Perduca address the human rights implications of global warming and which mechanisms and remedies can be promoted to redress violations of existing obligations and expand the reach of treaties and convention to include the Ecosystem. Nav Pillay served as the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, she was also a judge of the High Court of South Africa and the International Criminal Court and President of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. Flavia Pansieri was the UN Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights at the level of Assistant Secretary-General, before that she was involved in several UN agencies and in activities.
Agenda Podcast International: Marco Perduca hosts the first of a series of podcast dedicated to research, politics, human rights, science, democracy, books, culture, Europe, digital, geopolitics, Africa, world and the related activities promoted by
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