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episode The Peacable Kingdom artwork
The Peacable Kingdom

A life saturated by peace is the kind of life that actively, strenuously, perseveringly strives to see the love and peace of God in Christ fill and transform every square inch of the world which God has created. Living as citizens in Christ's peaceable kingdom does not mean doing nothing-- it means working, out of our union with the reconciling Savior, to overcome violence, bigotry, hatred, and war with the power of God's love and the peace of Christ which reigns in our hearts. Peace is part of the Christian's spiritual DNA, it runs through our spiritual bloodstream, it constitutes our identity.----Is it possible to walk along the path of peace in a world addicted to war and with hearts prone to wander back into spiritual wastelands of violence, oppression, and hatred- We can live as a peaceful people in God's peaceable kingdom because Jesus entered into the deepest depths of Psalm 120 on our behalf. Jesus lived in dependence upon His father- Jesus entrusted His life and death to the will of His Father- Jesus absorbed, in His flesh, the cleansing fire of divine judgment so that the church- formed and birthed in peace- might model before a violent and war-torn world a different kind of kingdom.

30. Nov. 2020 - 31 min
episode Sola Scriptura artwork
Sola Scriptura

This is a brief -topical- lecture on the doctrine of Sola Scriptura which is meant to accompany the sermon on James 1-22-27, part of our series- The Christian Life- Baptism, Bible, Eucharist, Prayer

28. Okt. 2020 - 28 min
episode The Baptized Body artwork
The Baptized Body

19. Okt. 2020 - 44 min
episode How Firm A Foundation! artwork
How Firm A Foundation!

05. Okt. 2020 - 38 min
episode How Firm A Foundation (Pt. 1) artwork
How Firm A Foundation (Pt. 1)

30. Sept. 2020 - 51 min
Der neue Look und die “Trailer” sind euch verdammt gut gelungen! Die bisher beste Version eurer App 🎉 Und ich bin schon von Anfang an dabei 😉 Weiter so 👍
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