Start With This
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Start With This

Podcast von Night Vale Presents

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The creators of Welcome to Night Vale Jeffrey Cranor and Joseph Fink believe the only bad writing is not writing. Start With This is a podcast gone creativity playground designed to put your ideas in motion. Each episode centers around a writing topic. Then they give listeners two short assignments: something to consume and something to create. Make something—anything. Then make something else. 

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62 Folgen
episode Perceiving the Audience w/Sarah Maria Griffin artwork
Perceiving the Audience w/Sarah Maria Griffin
Author and poet Sarah Griffin joins us to talk about how the awareness of an audience affects our writing. Guest: Sarah Maria Griffin, [] CONSUME: “AACK Cast!” a podcast about the comic strip Cathy by Jamie Loftus CREATE: Write a 200-400 word monologue for a live audience. Interact with your audience in some way. Help spread the word about our show by wearing our logo: [] Follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Credits: Jeffrey Cranor (host) & Joseph Fink (host), Jeffrey Cranor (producer), Grant Stewart (editor), Vincent Cacchione (mixer). Rob Wilson (logo). Theme written and performed by Joseph Fink. If you'd like your own cover of the theme song featured on this show, email us at [] or share it in our membership community. Produced by Night Vale Presents. http://www.startwiththispodcast.com [http://www.startwiththispodcast.com]
14. Sept. 2021 - 58 min
episode The Burnout Cycle w/Janina Matthewson artwork
The Burnout Cycle w/Janina Matthewson
Burnout is real and it comes around on the regular. Guest: Janina Matthewson, [] CONSUME: Keep Your Hands off Eizouken! (anime series) CREATE: Think of a story or project you’ve let sit idle. Write a letter from the point of view of someone who has just bought, or commissioned, or earned the distribution rights for this work. Join the SWT Membership community to share your work, give feedback, and connect with other artists: [] Help spread the word about our show by wearing our logo: [] us on Facebook and Twitter. Credits: Jeffrey Cranor (host) & Joseph Fink (host), Jeffrey Cranor (producer), Grant Stewart (editor), Vincent Cacchione (mixer). Rob Wilson (logo). Theme written and performed by Joseph Fink. If you'd like your own cover of the theme song featured on this show, email us at [] or share it in our membership community. Produced by Night Vale Presents. http://www.startwiththispodcast.com [http://www.startwiththispodcast.com]
13. Aug. 2021 - 50 min
episode Minimal w/Brie Williams artwork
Minimal w/Brie Williams
Writing more with less. Guest: Brie Williams, [] CONSUME: Getting on with James Urbaniak (podcast), specifically episode 22 “Status” CREATE: Write a 200-400 word short story, It can be a monologue. Or it can be a dialogue. But every sentence must be short. Make them 6 words or fewer. Join the SWT Membership community to share your work, give feedback, and connect with other artists: [] Help spread the word about our show by wearing our logo: [] us on Facebook and Twitter. Credits: Jeffrey Cranor (host) & Joseph Fink (host), Jeffrey Cranor (producer), Grant Stewart (editor), Vincent Cacchione (mixer). Rob Wilson (logo). Theme written and performed by Joseph Fink. If you'd like your own cover of the theme song featured on this show, email us at [] or share it in our membership community. Produced by Night Vale Presents. http://www.startwiththispodcast.com [http://www.startwiththispodcast.com]
09. Juli 2021 - 37 min
episode But How Does It End? artwork
But How Does It End?
How do you land the ending? CONSUME: Three options: 1)The last three pages of Inherent Vice, starting where the character gets on the freeway. 2) The last four minutes of Six Feet Under. Easily found on youtube by searching “Six Feet Under ending”. 3) Pick one of your favorite ending. Could be a podcast, movie, tv show, book, whatever. Reexamine it carefully. What kind of ending is it? Is it mirroring the opening? Is it following the characters to the end? Is it a tangent? Or is it doing something else? Does it have a button? Most importantly, what specifically makes it a great ending for you? The more you can pay attention to that, the more you can develop your own tastes of what you like in your own work. CREATE: Think of your least favorite film or book or show. Not one you hate or one that is offensive and irredeemable in your mind. Just a story you found lacking. Now write a 200-400 review of that film, book, or show. But make it a rave review. No need for superlatives like masterpiece or perfection. Focus your review on all the things that this story got right. Join the SWT Membership community to share your work, give feedback, and connect with other artists: [] Help spread the word about our show by wearing our logo: [] us on Facebook and Twitter. Credits: Jeffrey Cranor (host) & Joseph Fink (host), Jeffrey Cranor (producer), Grant Stewart (editor), Vincent Cacchione (mixer). Rob Wilson (logo). Theme written and performed by Joseph Fink. If you'd like your own cover of the theme song featured on this show, email us at [] or share it in our membership community. Produced by Night Vale Presents. http://www.startwiththispodcast.com [http://www.startwiththispodcast.com]
11. Juni 2021 - 48 min
episode Like This But Better artwork
Like This But Better
Elevating basic language to something special. (This episode is available exclusively on Patreon. Hear the rest at []) Join the SWT Membership community to share your work, give feedback, and connect with other artists: [] Help spread the word about our show by wearing our logo: [] us on Facebook and Twitter. Credits: Jeffrey Cranor (host) & Joseph Fink (host), Jeffrey Cranor (producer), Grant Stewart (editor), Vincent Cacchione (mixer). Rob Wilson (logo). Theme written and performed by Joseph Fink. If you'd like your own cover of the theme song featured on this show, email us at [] or share it in our membership community. Produced by Night Vale Presents. http://www.startwiththispodcast.com [http://www.startwiththispodcast.com]
11. Juni 2021 - 4 min

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