The Jumpsuit Podcast
Podcast von The Jumpsuit Podcast
A Podcast about music, beauty, life, and whatnot.
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Alle Folgen
26 FolgenRJP chats with Arika Casebolt about drumming, Circus Lupus, Joan Jett, Dischord Records, mental health, and launching Red Jumpsuit Beauty. Our community is growing. Stay tuned for more with Arika Casebolt.
RJP chats with Hilken Mancini about The Monsieurs, Shepherdess, Girls Rock Boston, touring, and empowering marginalized women.
RJP chats with Chris Brokaw about his female influences.
RJP celebrate the Yuletide with Nick Saloman and Paul Simmons of the band, Bevis Frond and WMBR’s radio show The Scene! We talk about their fave women artists, past and present, and regional dialects. Such a hoot! Check it out jumpers!
Joyce and Seana chat with Simone Berk of Kid Gulliver and Sugar Snow on Red on Red Records.
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