The Kathy Bichsel Podcast

The Kathy Bichsel Podcast

Podcast von Kathy Bichsel

Holy Spirit is awakening hearts all around the world. He is unleashing a powerful hunger in a rising remnant for a fresh demonstration of God’s glory ...

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310 Folgen
episode Overcoming the Fear of Death artwork
Overcoming the Fear of Death

In this week’s episode Kathy exposes the the insidious nature of the fear of death and how it robs us of the joy of actually living. You will come to recognize this fear as the underlying source of the many anxieties and phobias that plague our modern world. Receiving a fresh perspective of Jesus’ triumph over death and your participation in his eternal resurrected life will bring you true hope and freedom.

16. Juni 2021 - 36 min
episode Discerning Divine Time Part 3 artwork
Discerning Divine Time Part 3

Discerning and understanding our times and what to do in them is a vital key for living victoriously in this present moment of time marked by great conflict and chaos.  In today’s episode , the first of a three part message, Kathy Bichsel reveals how our understanding of divine time replaces our fear of the future with a new mindset of hope and exception.

26. Mai 2021 - 29 min
episode Discerning Divine Time Part 2 artwork
Discerning Divine Time Part 2

Discerning and understanding our times and what to do in them is a vital key for living victoriously in this present moment of time marked by great conflict and chaos.  In today’s episode , the first of a three part message, Kathy Bichsel reveals how our understanding of divine time replaces our fear of the future with a new mindset of hope and exception.

19. Mai 2021 - 20 min
episode Discerning Divine Time artwork
Discerning Divine Time

Discerning and understanding our times and what to do in them is a vital key for living victoriously in this present moment of time marked by great conflict and chaos.  In today’s episode , the first of a three part message, Kathy Bichsel reveals how our understanding of divine time replaces our fear of the future with a new mindset of hope and exception.

12. Mai 2021 - 18 min
episode When the New Thing Looks Like the Old Thing artwork
When the New Thing Looks Like the Old Thing

Prophetic Churches are designed to be agents of change, yet all too often we find ourselves struggling to actually walk out our talk. Implementing new vision is not for the faint of heart. In this podcast, Kathy examines the three most common obstacles of change prophetic churches must overcome.

07. Apr. 2021 - 34 min
Der neue Look und die “Trailer” sind euch verdammt gut gelungen! Die bisher beste Version eurer App 🎉 Und ich bin schon von Anfang an dabei 😉 Weiter so 👍
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