The Sacred Feminine Podcast

The Sacred Feminine Podcast

Podcast von Dianne Shepherd

Welcome to the Sacred Feminine podcast where we explore how you can tap more deeply into the sacred life-force energy of the divine femme within. This...

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15 Folgen
episode Why Astrology? artwork
Why Astrology?

Why do I use Astrology in my work as a holistic sexuality coach? I love this question so much! Astrology is a language of activation and aliveness. A tool to unleash the elixir of sacred energy yearning to move through you. Yearning to co-create with you. To inspire and enliven you. To love you into wholeness.

28. Feb. 2020 - 19 min
episode Move Beyond the Kegel; Why the Kegel Doesn't Work and What Does artwork
Move Beyond the Kegel; Why the Kegel Doesn't Work and What Does

Let’s talk about Kegels! Are you doing them? Do you love them? Are you getting results? If you’re like most women I know the answer is nope, nope, and nope.  There’s a reason for that. And it's not your fault. In this episode, I dive into why the Kegel doesn’t work, and what does. I share 4 reasons why women need vaginal mastery and the best way to achieve it. Did you know that your vagina can be as dexterous as your hand? I kid you not! Tune in for all the details.

21. Feb. 2020 - 17 min
episode Multi Orgasmic You artwork
Multi Orgasmic You

In this episode I dive into the juicy, sometimes controversial topic of our multi orgasmic nature and how to cultivate it. Here’s the thing. All humans are multi orgasmic. Every single human has this innate gift at their disposal and in this episode I’ll be focusing on women and I’ll give you three simple ways to start claiming yours. In this episode I cover: What does it mean to be multi orgasmic? Multi orgasmic vs climax. Why would you want to cultivate your multi orgasmic potential? Three simple tips to claim your multi orgasmic potential. A very juicy guided meditation to land your pleasure anytime, anywhere. How to take it further. There’s always more. Let’s dive in! When you’re ready for more, I’m ready for you! The Jade Egg Practice is the best practice I know of to cultivate your multi-orgasmic potential. Get a free Jade Egg guide for beginners and 7 guided audio practices including the Wild Orchid Meditation practice and a Breast Massage practice. You can get access to all of that right .

04. Feb. 2020 - 25 min
episode Lunar Sex Magic: Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Cancer January 10, 2020 artwork
Lunar Sex Magic: Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Cancer January 10, 2020

Full Moon/ Lunar Eclipse in Cancer Jan 10, 2020  Clearing and Crystalizing for 2020 Full Moons are a cumulation, a closure, an illumination on what we need to see and release to move forward. This Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse is all of that on steroids. It’s bound to stir things up. Take a deep breath. Ground yourself. Roll up your sleeves. Let’s do this. What we work with here sets the tone for all of 2020.   What are you releasing, alchemizing, integrating? What do you want to build?  What systems and structures do you want to create?  Where do you want to build power?  What’s been blocking you? Where did you outsource your authority and give your power away? What are you ready to let go of? This Moon’s mantra is “That was then. This is now.”  It’s asking us to dive deep and take inventory on what needs to go. It’s an invitation to make a shift. Perhaps a quantum leap. To shift away from habits, mindset, and modes of operation that have blocked us from thriving and into new ways of doing things. Ways in service to creating a more loving, inclusive, safe and nourishing world for ourselves and others. 2020 has the potential of being a landmark year. The year of the paradigm shift. The shift from the patriarchal dominator model of operation to a kinder model rooted in love. This just may be the collapse of the top-down authority and the dawn of a new way of being human. It’s going to be a year of endings and beginnings. A year to cultivate personal mastery, whatever that means for you. We all have a part to play. As a new addition to LSM, I added a section called Making it Personal. There you’ll find an audio for your rising sign on where the major shifts in your life may be happening for you. Access that by scrolling down. Who’s dancing?   OMG, this Moon is a bit of a mosh pit of transformation.  The Full Moon is always opposed by the Sun and dancing cheek to cheek with the Sun in Capricorn are some powerful players. Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn: these two coming together exact on Jan. 12th, 2020 mark the end of an old era new relationship to power and authority. The cauldron of transformation is stirred to a froth. Ceres in Capricorn: Ceres the Earth Mother Goddess connected to women’s mysteries, and themes around food, safety, and nourishment but also the grief and rage of the feminine about what’s been stolen and wanting it back. Mercury in Capricorn: Exactly conjunct the Sun and opposite the Moon what does Mercury in Capricorn want? It wants us to be grounded and powerful in our communication and mindset. This is about taking ownership of our language in service to our truth. Eris in Aries: Square to this Moon. I like to call Eris the Mockingjay. She’s the Goddess of the revolution. The rebel sacred feminine warrior from the street. Scrappy and feisty, she takes no prisoners and will fight to the death to set her people free. Eris will be squaring Pluto all through 2020 so this will be a theme. In the Making it Personal section I offer an inquiry on where you may feel Eris energy the most in your life. How we use this energy can make or break us. It’s a powder keg. Using it wisely can fuel you. Eris in Aries and Uranus in Taurus stationing direct. When planets station they appear to stand still in the sky. When this happens their energy amplifies significantly and is more strongly felt. With these two rebels, we will definitely be feeling it. Show Notes: Want to book an astrology reading with me? Awesome! You can book your Goddess on a Mission astrology session Want to explore a Lunar Sex Magic practice with the Jade/Yoni Egg? You’ll find two instructional videos and a full guided audio practice Ready to start a Jade Egg practice? Awesome! Access a free full beginner’s guide and 7 guided audios For full show notes and resources visit:

09. Jan. 2020 - 23 min
episode Lunar Sex Magic: New Moon in Capricorn December 25 and 26 2019 artwork
Lunar Sex Magic: New Moon in Capricorn December 25 and 26 2019

Planting Seeds of Power, Authority and Pleasure The New Moon is a powerful portal for new beginnings. It’s a great time to tune in and get intentional about the life you were born to live and the world you want to live in. What are your heart’s true desires? How does your unique essence and soul’s purpose connect with the grander scheme of what’s unfolding right now? When we align the creative life-force of our sexual energy and our desires with the potent lunar portals of the Full and New Moons, we get in rhythm with ancient medicine. We claim our agency to co-create with the universe and each other. And make the world a more beautiful place. My intention with Lunar Sex Magic is to support you in having an embodied experience of astrology. I use astrology in my work as a holistic sexuality coach because it’s one of the most potent tools we have for exploring the nuances of our unique gifts, talents, the details of our work and mission, spiritual growth and our unique sexual essence. In Lunar Sex Magic, I share some tools to live more in alignment with your true essence so you can create your life from the inside out. Check out the show notes for links to a guided Lunar Sex Magic practice with the Jade Egg and for a free Jade Egg Guide with 7 audio practices. xo, Dianne -- 2019 has been a wild ride for everyone I know. Lots of deep diving, truth-telling, soul excavating, and for many, challenging choices, big shifts, painful losses, and grief. We’ve had a lot of evidence surfacing on what’s not working in our lives and in the world. As we move into 2020, we’re given the tool kit to reconstruct better models. Permission to claim full authorship on the blueprint. To build our world anew. A world more aligned with what matters most to us. For me, that means systems, structures, and containers in my life that support flourishing, equality, beauty, partnership, connection, love, joy, sensuality, and pleasure. What does that look like for you? This is personal and collective. Your desires have impact. Powerful impact. This New Moon in Capricorn, combined with a Solar Eclipse, is setting the stage. Asking us to take a hard look at power and authority. And take responsibility. This Moon is a golden opportunity to take a quantum leap into being the boss of you. It’s a power Moon that’s got your back. And it’s asking us to make pleasure a top priority. What you work with here impacts the year to come. Who’s dancing? Jupiter, the planet of expansion, curiosity, and generosity, is infusing this Moon with good vibes, optimism, and motivation. Uranus, the planet of liberation in Taurus, the sign of sensuality, pleasure, and nature worship, is dancing in harmony with this Moon, adding much support to make changes that support life. Changes that last. Vesta, the Goddess asteroid of the High Priestess of Sacred Sexuality, is harmony with Jupiter, asking us to create new structures that tend to the sacred fire of our sexual energy. To thrive, to heal, to live fully alive. All that and more. Let’s dive in! Show Notes: Want to book a reading with me? I’m offering a 10% Holiday discount for you, Goddess! This offer runs through 12/31, so get your session booked h Once you book, I’ll send you a link to make payment and apply your discount. Want to explore a Lunar Sex Magic practice with the Jade/Yoni Egg? You’ll find two instructional videos and a full guided audio practice Ready to start a Jade Egg practice? Awesome! Access a free full beginner’s guide and 7 guided audios Get your copy of Pussy, a Reclamation by Regena Thomashauer Check out the documentary The Game Changers

22. Dez. 2019 - 29 min
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