The Two Americans Podcast
Podcast von Brandon Marquez
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150 FolgenSydona is really good friend and we catch up with her journey and how she is killing it in life and her future goals and little bit on her past mindset & changes. IG [] --- Support this podcast: []
Had a really great conversation with Kasia lost half of the audio was corrupted managed to salvage 30min. Kasia is an amazing EMT and she shares her experiences in this interview. IG [] --- Support this podcast: []
Meika is really blunt person and it is very refreshing! We discuss her fitness journey and her habits and the transition into becoming a full-time coach. IG --- Support this podcast: []
Jasmin a really amazing person! We discuss her journey from fitness to business. Going into the mindset that she took to become the person she is today. --- Support this podcast: []
Kayla is an amazing coach and competitor. We discuss her story and thought's on nutrition and fitness. IG [] --- Support this podcast: []
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