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Untitled Podcast
Podcast von Kusrah Renand
New conversations every Thursday, with occasional extras. Support this podcast:
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Alle Folgen
10 FolgenEconomic Crisis, Morality, and Meaning
Life at the intersection of spiritual, professional, and social change, and stresses the need to acknowledge the inner life of human beings as a source of reality and power.
Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/kusrah-renand/support [https://anchor.fm/kusrah-renand/support]
07. Sept. 2020 - 4 min
The Evolution of God
Yet Wright also traces something “revelatory” moving through human history.
Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/kusrah-renand/support [https://anchor.fm/kusrah-renand/support]
07. Sept. 2020 - 4 min
Black and Universal
He pushes at the parameters within which mainstream America routinely sees what he calls “blackness.”
Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/kusrah-renand/support [https://anchor.fm/kusrah-renand/support]
07. Sept. 2020 - 4 min
The Power of Now
That may influence us and our relationships in negative ways. And Tolle talks about spirit and God, and what those concepts mean to him.
Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/kusrah-renand/support [https://anchor.fm/kusrah-renand/support]
07. Sept. 2020 - 4 min
The morality and efficacy behind many Western initiatives to abolish poverty and speed development in Africa.
Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/kusrah-renand/support [https://anchor.fm/kusrah-renand/support]
07. Sept. 2020 - 4 min
Der neue Look und die “Trailer” sind euch verdammt gut gelungen! Die bisher beste Version eurer App 🎉 Und ich bin schon von Anfang an dabei 😉 Weiter so 👍
Eine wahnsinnig große, vielfältige Auswahl toller Hörbücher, Autobiographien und lustiger Reisegeschichten. Ein absolutes Muss auf der Arbeit und in unserem Urlaub am Strand nicht wegzudenken... für uns eine feine Bereicherung
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