Worst. Show. Ever.
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Worst. Show. Ever.

Podcast von Johnny B. Truant, Sean Platt, and David Wright

You'll probably want to avoid this podcast. It sucks. It's filled with neurotic tales of thieving bears, decoy wallets, and epic Olive Garden rants. It's irreverent and stupid and terrible, and the hosts should really be ashamed of themselves. You can also find archives of this travesty in the "Better Off Undead" podcast, which was just as bad but also had an even stupider name. 

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episode WSE103 Worst Scare Ever artwork
WSE103 Worst Scare Ever
[https://www.storystudiopodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/WSE103-Title-Card-1024x576.png]If you’re listening to this, you probably got here early…  unless you’re one of the sad souls who actually downloaded this monstrosity. Speaking of monstrosities: it’s our Halloween special—an episode so enthralling, it’ll have you hate-eating candy corn after your journey around dark streets of your block.
08. Nov. 2019 - 32 min
episode WSE103 Worst Scare Ever artwork
WSE103 Worst Scare Ever
If you’re listening to this, you probably got here early…  unless you’re one of the sad souls who actually downloaded this monstrosity. Speaking of monstrosities: it’s our Halloween special—an episode […]
08. Nov. 2019 - 32 min
episode WSE102 Swamp Monster Fuck Water artwork
WSE102 Swamp Monster Fuck Water
Deep within the Cypress swamp, beyond the thick wall of fecal heat, automated phone trees and, re-animated tater tots, lives something sinister—a nightmare of a beast that average, everyday Floridians […]
11. Okt. 2019 - 31 min
episode WSE102 Swamp Monster Fuck Water artwork
WSE102 Swamp Monster Fuck Water
[https://www.storystudiopodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/WSE102-Title-Card-1024x576.png]Deep within the Cypress swamp, beyond the thick wall of fecal heat, automated phone trees and, re-animated tater tots, lives something sinister—a nightmare of a beast that average, everyday Floridians whisper about to their children when they step out of line. Nothing that goes in, comes out. Dare to join us as we wade into murky waters of the unknown?
11. Okt. 2019 - 31 min
episode WSE101 Hopes and Dreams and Schemes artwork
WSE101 Hopes and Dreams and Schemes
Dave Trope Land is a wondrous place. Not a bumper sticker in sight and tatter tots everywhere. It’s the one place where you can truly be yourself without family getting […]
04. Okt. 2019 - 36 min
Der neue Look und die “Trailer” sind euch verdammt gut gelungen! Die bisher beste Version eurer App 🎉 Und ich bin schon von Anfang an dabei 😉 Weiter so 👍
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