

Podcast von Andreas J. Schneider & die Gäste

Der deutschsprachige Podcast für Musik aus den Bereichen Downtempo, Chillout, Ambient, Lounge und Electronica. Moderiert von Andreas J. Schneider!

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episode XtraChill 430 artwork
XtraChill 430

Der triste Januar steht ganz im Zeichen von Neujahrsritualen! Nach dem alljährlichen Neujahrskonzert folgt am 15. des Monats immer die Folge, in der die Restbestände des alten Jahres abgearbeitet werden. 2025 ist das ein bisschen anders, denn der liebe Andreas nutzt diese 430. Episode von "XtraChill [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/]" dazu, zwei neue Netlabels, die in der vergangenen Folge bereits vorgestellt wurden, heute genauer unter die Lupe zu nehmen: "Sound Avenue [https://soundavenue.bandcamp.com/]" und das "Velvet Dub Collective [https://velvetdubcollective.bandcamp.com/]" öffnen ihren Katalog und präsentieren sich mit je einem "Flotten Dreier". Da kommt man sofort in Stimmung - auch, weil Euer Gastgeber auf den "Dry January [https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dry_January]" verzichtet und sich während der Aufnahme ein paar (nicht trockene) Martinis genehmigt. Prosit Neujahr! The dreary January is all about New Year's rituals! After the annual New Year's concert, the episode in which the remaining stocks of the old year are processed always follows on the 15th of the month. In 2025, things are a little different, because dear Andreas is using this 430th episode of "XtraChill [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/]" to take a closer look at two new net labels that were already introduced in the last episode: "Sound Avenue [https://soundavenue.bandcamp.com/]" and the "Velvet Dub Collective [https://velvetdubcollective.bandcamp.com/]" are opening their catalog and presenting themselves with a "threesome" each. That gets you in the mood straight away - also because your host is foregoing the "Dry January [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dry_January]" and enjoying a few (not dry) martinis during the recording. Cheers! ANZEIGE Playliste Episode 430 Bad 4 Life [https://soundcloud.com/sergey-shaposhnikov] - "Tequila Sunrise" / Bandcamp [https://lizplayrecords.bandcamp.com/track/tequila-sunrise] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/429xZN3] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/4ae2S53] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/159487952] Madloch [https://soundcloud.com/madloch] - "State of Mind (Stories of Dharma [https://soundcloud.com/storiesofdharma] Remix)" / Bandcamp [https://soundavenue.bandcamp.com/album/state-of-mind] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/40bQyxD] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3C5AZj4] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/6410056] Microlot [https://soundcloud.com/microlotmusic] - "Suburban Sunset" / Bandcamp [https://soundavenue.bandcamp.com/album/neon-jellyfish] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4h4Wgbo] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3WfZnVV] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/10022656] Jean Caillou [https://soundcloud.com/jeancaillou] - "Kemet" / Bandcamp [https://soundavenue.bandcamp.com/album/end-of-time] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/429yarH] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/4gPgQNc] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/9976816] atismusic [https://soundcloud.com/aatism] - "Enhanced" / Bandcamp [https://velvetdubcollective.bandcamp.com/album/disarray] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/3PseKqH] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3WcA735] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/249629452] The Venusian [https://soundcloud.com/the_venusian] - "Blue Moon" / Bandcamp [https://velvetdubcollective.bandcamp.com/album/the-summer-of-2024] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/3PrXq5b] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3PzjMBu] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/78748712] Rheinkalk [https://soundcloud.com/rheinkalk] - "Ikedub" / Bandcamp [https://velvetdubcollective.bandcamp.com/album/ikedub] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/3PtAUZy] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/4gKFcYz] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/177287507] Soul Connection [https://soundcloud.com/djsoulconnection] - "Let Me Feel You" / Bandcamp [https://crecordings.bandcamp.com/album/push-me-to-the-limit-let-me-feel-you] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4atfuFP] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/4j6yeP3] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/345340] Ich danke den (Net)Labels "C-Recordings [https://crecordings.bandcamp.com/]", "Lizplay Records [https://lizplayrecords.bandcamp.com/]", Sound Avenue [https://soundavenue.bandcamp.com/]" und dem "Velvet Dub Collective [https://velvetdubcollective.bandcamp.com/]" für die tolle Unterstützung bei dieser Episode. Themenbild: Bonjour Tristesse! Eisig-kalte Januar-Impressionen aus der Eifel, aufgenommen entlang der A 48 [https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundesautobahn_48] am Neujahrstag - Foto: A.A. Download MP3-Datei [https://audio.podigee-cdn.net/1745207-m-0e37888d18c5b509e589bcb4a2e2cacb.mp3?source=webplayer-download] RSS-Feeds: ACC/M4A [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/acc] / MP3 [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/mp3] / OPUS [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/opus] / VORBIS [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/vorbis] eMail: xtrachillpodcast (at) gmail (dot) com Home Page: xtrachillpodcast.de [http://xtrachillpodcast.de] Follow "XtraChill" at Soundcloud [https://www.soundcloud.com/xtrachill] / Apple Music [https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/xtrachill/id253171171] / YouTube [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzU2BqgIRbONyhUSefix6cQ] / Amazon Music [https://music.amazon.de/podcasts/508987c5-45e5-4626-af03-348ccf9a5f02/xtrachill] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/show/3059112] / Pocket Casts [https://pca.st/byxdfu15] / RTL+ [https://plus.rtl.de/podcast/xtrachill-kck0aj5rrkrrx] / Podimo [https://podimo.com/de/shows/xtrachill] / Listen Notes [https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/xtrachill-andreas-j-schneider-die-g%C3%A4ste-zDwP4WktnXI/] / Podcast.de [https://www.podcast.de/podcast/2604414/xtrachill] / Podcast Addict [https://podcastaddict.com/podcast/xtrachill/3664921] Bitte unterstützt mein Gast mit dem Kauf seiner Musik und/oder mit Feedback. Wer "XtraChill" eine kleine Spende zukommen möchte, nutzt bitte den PayPal-Button auf meiner Home Page [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/] am Ende eines jeden Eintrages. Danke! Please, dear listeners, support my guests by buying their music and/or with feedback. If you wanna support "XtraChill" with a donation, please use the PayPal button ("Spenden") on my Home Page [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/] at the end of each entry. Thank you! Die nächste Ausgabe erscheint am 01. Februar 2025! Bis zum nächsten Mal, hier bei "XtraChill"! [https://www.paypalobjects.com/de_DE/i/scr/pixel.gif]

15. Jan. 2025 - 1 h 0 min
episode XtraChill 429 artwork
XtraChill 429

Frohes Neues Jahr - Happy New Year! "The same procedure as ever year" - um einen beliebten Silvester-Klassiker zu zitieren! Auch das Jahr 2025 startet am heutigen Neujahrstag mit dem "XtraChill"-Neujahrskonzert! Die Tradition gibt es schon viele Jahre und jedes Jahr wird der Mix ein wenig länger. Wieder stehen 24 Tracks auf der Playliste mit einer Auswahl der besten Neuzugänge des abgelaufenen Kalenderjahres. Neue Projekte und Künstler, die uns durch die letzten zwölf Monate begleitet haben und auch in Zukunft eine Rolle in diesem Podcast spielen werden. Neben den Urhebern stehen natürlich auch die vielen Netlabels im Fokus, ohne deren unermüdlichen Einsatz Podcasts wie "XtraChill [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/]" nicht möglich wären. Als Novum stehen heute drei neue Labels am Start und sogar eine erste Neuvorstellung - wie das sein kann, hört ihr am besten selbst! Ich wünsche allen Hörerinnen und Hörern einen tollen Start ins Neue Jahr und bedanke mich für Eure Treue, ihr Lieben! "The same procedure as ever year" - to quote a popular New Year's Eve classic! The year 2025 also starts today on New Year's Day with the "XtraChill" New Year's concert! The tradition has been around for many years and every year the mix gets a little longer. There are again 24 tracks on the playlist with a selection of the best new artists of the past calendar year. New projects and artists who have accompanied us through the last twelve months and will also play a role in this podcast in the future. In addition to the authors, the focus is of course also on the many net labels, without whose tireless efforts podcasts like "XtraChill [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/]" would not be possible. As a novelty, three new labels are starting today and even a first new presentation - the best way to hear how that can be is to hear for yourself! I wish all listeners a great start to the New Year and thank you for your loyalty, dear ones! ANZEIGE Playliste Episode 429: Happy New Year 2025 Glowing Embers [https://soundcloud.com/glowingembersdnb] - "Smokescreen" / Bandcamp [https://crecordings.bandcamp.com/album/smokescreen-mind] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/40aGHcz] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/4gRRdef] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/134911742] Kres Anderson [https://soundcloud.com/kresanderson] - "Submerging" / Bandcamp [https://marenostrumlabel.bandcamp.com/album/return-to-the-sea] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4iLUjT7] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/41UJjwv] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/107590182] Filter (ZA) [https://soundcloud.com/filter_za] - "Medico (Original)" / Beatport [https://www.beatport.com/release/medico/4357903] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/40aySn9] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/4iUxoF1] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/108216252] NoRinTon [https://soundcloud.com/norinton] - "Imagination" / Bandcamp [https://atlantearecords.bandcamp.com/album/the-clouds-are-angels] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4gO2ZGD] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/40blVcU] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/115492932] Tom Bragl [https://soundcloud.com/tom-bragl] - "Newly Formed Star" / Bandcamp [https://kahvicollective.bandcamp.com/album/regainable] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/40dfCFT] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3DHCDro] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/263531721] Elys [https://soundcloud.com/elysberlin] & NRT:K [https://soundcloud.com/juro-finishfirst-vec] - "Broken Mirror" / Bandcamp [https://crecordings.bandcamp.com/album/2024-part-1] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4iSLoiA] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/4gr5wXs] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/251609112] Sebby Kowal [https://soundcloud.com/sebbykowalmusic] - "Kyoto" / Bandcamp [https://driftdeeper.bandcamp.com/album/flowers] / Amazon [Sebby Kowal - ] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3YG3CuA] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/125745992] zaVen [https://soundcloud.com/zaven] - "Error" / Bandcamp [https://deepwitrecordings.bandcamp.com/album/catastrophe] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/49WA3Kh] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/4fDces2] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/1596081] Office Dub [https://soundcloud.com/santisega] - "Afterhours" / Bandcamp [https://melotonin1.bandcamp.com/album/liminal-spaces] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4guBZfr] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3Dw9pfn] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/252051132] Tim Six [https://soundcloud.com/creationsix] - "Constellations Over Waves" / Bandcamp [https://atlantearecords.bandcamp.com/album/homing] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4a27hYU] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/49Uavxj] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/12147592] Javier Ho [https://soundcloud.com/javierho-music] - "Feel the Evolution" / Bandcamp [https://melotonin1.bandcamp.com/album/flowers-under-the-snow] / Amazon [Javier Ho - ] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3ZUXj6H] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/12637497] developingrhythm [https://soundcloud.com/developingrhythm] - "10 Lines" / Bandcamp [https://broque.bandcamp.com/album/brq153-developingrhythm-filtered-lounge] / Amazon [developingrhythm - ] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3PdksfT] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/7928166] SounDealer [https://soundcloud.com/soundealer] - "Blow" / Bandcamp [https://insectorama.bandcamp.com/album/delay] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/59601002] Hidden Encampment [https://soundcloud.com/hidden-encampment] - "Descending" / Bandcamp [https://piranhasiberiadub.bandcamp.com/album/supernova-va-dub-techno-star-collection-vol-1] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4fw4JTL] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3BLousK] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/254844802] DP-6 [https://soundcloud.com/dp-6] - "Water" / Bandcamp [https://spclnch.bandcamp.com/album/the-four-elements] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/3VYKdnR] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/41Y0nl8] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/101460] Francesco Tamburrano [https://soundcloud.com/ft-dubtechno] - "Short Rest" / Bandcamp [https://velvetdubcollective.bandcamp.com/album/the-remixes-feat-francesco-tamburrano] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/182600187] Leonardo Camilo [https://soundcloud.com/imleito] - "Future View" / Bandcamp [https://ecoulsnd.bandcamp.com/album/future-view] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/3DJiKQL] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3B6IipR] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/51652892] Fortunecookie20 [https://soundcloud.com/user-856925342] - "Remember This Time" / Bandcamp [https://lizplayrecords.bandcamp.com/track/fortunecookie20-remember-this-time] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4iWbq4r] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/49SzDEE] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/169904547] Gérman Tedesco [https://soundcloud.com/ger-tedesco] - "Waves" / Bandcamp [https://soundavenue.bandcamp.com/track/waves-8] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4fy6Ne1] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/4iP9VVH] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/111252482] Mutca [https://soundcloud.com/mutca] - "I Will Tell You" / Bandcamp [https://deepwitrecordings.bandcamp.com/album/autumn-air-vol-7] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4fGFgad] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/4gy22m1] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/10138652] Jarkko Räsänen [https://soundcloud.com/finimalofficial] - "Halfway House" / Bandcamp [https://driftdeeper.bandcamp.com/album/next-level-revolutionary] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4iRcFC6] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/4hg2K8o] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/1063183] Dellamar [https://soundcloud.com/user-957374309] - "Evening City" / Bandcamp [https://lizplayrecords.bandcamp.com/album/electric-city-ep] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4gtexPR] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3AEu4wv] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/108204062] Seabra Monkey [https://soundcloud.com/seabra_monkey] - "Langjökull" / Bandcamp [https://piranhasiberiadub.bandcamp.com/album/j-kull-talandi-s-ep] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/40cyy7m] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/4fDt76b] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/131815592] Shannon Davin [https://soundcloud.com/5hannondavin] - "Motown Duet" / Bandcamp [https://spclnch.bandcamp.com/album/motown-duet] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/3ZRoorI] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3PaHFzr] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/8045075] Ich danke den (Net)Labels "C-Recordings [https://crecordings.bandcamp.com/music]", "Piranha Siberia Dub [https://piranhasiberiadub.bandcamp.com/]", "Mare Nostrum [https://marenostrumlabel.bandcamp.com/]", "Atlantea Records [https://atlantearecords.bandcamp.com/]", "Lizplay Records [https://lizplayrecords.bandcamp.com/]", "Spclnch [https://spclnch.bandcamp.com/]", "Ecoul SND [https://ecoulsnd.bandcamp.com/]", "DriftDeeper Recordings [https://driftdeeper.bandcamp.com/]", "Broque [https://broque.bandcamp.com/]", "Melotonin [https://melotonin1.bandcamp.com/]", "Insectorama [https://insectorama.bandcamp.com/]","DeepWit Recordings [https://deepwitrecordings.bandcamp.com/]", dem "Kahvi Collective [https://kahvicollective.bandcamp.com/]" und - zum ersten Mal - "DeepStiched Records [https://soundcloud.com/deepstitched-1]", dem "Velvet Dub Collective [https://velvetdubcollective.bandcamp.com/]" und "Sound Avenue [https://soundavenue.bandcamp.com/]" für die tolle Unterstützung bei dieser Episode. Themenbild: Pixabay [https://pixabay.com/] - Foto: ymyphoto [https://pixabay.com/users/ymyphoto-23007053/] Download MP3-Datei [https://audio.podigee-cdn.net/1731699-m-99d630226d1cab9fa9cfc62c86598aec.mp3?source=webplayer-download] RSS-Feeds: ACC/M4A [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/acc] / MP3 [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/mp3] / OPUS [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/opus] / VORBIS [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/vorbis] eMail: xtrachillpodcast (at) gmail (dot) com Home Page: xtrachillpodcast.de [http://xtrachillpodcast.de] Follow "XtraChill" at Soundcloud [https://www.soundcloud.com/xtrachill] / Apple Music [https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/xtrachill/id253171171] / YouTube [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzU2BqgIRbONyhUSefix6cQ] / Amazon Music [https://music.amazon.de/podcasts/508987c5-45e5-4626-af03-348ccf9a5f02/xtrachill] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/show/3059112] / Pocket Casts [https://pca.st/byxdfu15] / RTL+ [https://plus.rtl.de/podcast/xtrachill-kck0aj5rrkrrx] / Podimo [https://podimo.com/de/shows/xtrachill] / Listen Notes [https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/xtrachill-andreas-j-schneider-die-g%C3%A4ste-zDwP4WktnXI/] / Podcast.de [https://www.podcast.de/podcast/2604414/xtrachill] / Podcast Addict [https://podcastaddict.com/podcast/xtrachill/3664921] Bitte unterstützt mein Gast mit dem Kauf seiner Musik und/oder mit Feedback. Wer "XtraChill" eine kleine Spende zukommen möchte, nutzt bitte den PayPal-Button auf meiner Home Page [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/] am Ende eines jeden Eintrages. Danke! Please, dear listeners, support my guests by buying their music and/or with feedback. If you wanna support "XtraChill" with a donation, please use the PayPal button ("Spenden") on my Home Page [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/] at the end of each entry. Thank you! Die nächste Ausgabe erscheint am 15. Januar 2025! Bis zum nächsten Mal, hier bei "XtraChill"! [https://www.paypalobjects.com/de_DE/i/scr/pixel.gif]

01. Jan. 2025 - 2 h 28 min
episode XtraChill 428 artwork
XtraChill 428

Die dritte Kerze brennt auf dem Adventskranz - heute, am 15. Dezember 2024. Kurz vor den Feiertagen meldet sich der liebe Andreas noch ein letztes Mal zurück mit einer feinen Musikauswahl. Wieder stehen drei "Songpärchen" im Mittelpunkt - mit themenbezogenen Ausrichtungen und drei letzten Neuvorstellungen für das ausklingende Kalenderjahr! Genießt diese 428. Episode von "XtraChill [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/]" als kleine Ruheinsel vor dem Finale des Jahres 2024 und habt eine schöne Zeit mit Euren Liebsten. The third candle is burning on the Advent wreath - today, on December 15th, 2024. Shortly before the holidays, dear Andreas is back one last time with a fine selection of music. Once again, the focus is on three "song pairs" - with theme-related orientations and three final new artists for the calendar year that is coming to an end! Enjoy this 428th episode of "XtraChill [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/]" as a little break before the finale of 2024 and have a great time with your loved ones. ANZEIGE Playliste Episode 428 PLTX [https://soundcloud.com/poleetox] - "Autumn Blues" / Bandcamp [https://crecordings.bandcamp.com/album/pltx-music-pltx-rejected-ep] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/3D8XtzO] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3ZK9CnF] / Deezer Bad 4 Life [https://soundcloud.com/sergey-shaposhnikov] - "Caipirinha" / Bandcamp [https://lizplayrecords.bandcamp.com/track/caipirinha] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/3D6auKu] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3Zm1Miw] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/159487952] Fonogeri [https://www.fonogeri.com/] - "Akkor Láthatsz Meg" / Bandcamp [https://fonogeri.bandcamp.com/album/mediterraneo] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/49xoKIb] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3OLVIei] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/314257] The Venusian [https://soundcloud.com/the_venusian] - "Altair" / Bandcamp [https://piranhasiberiadub.bandcamp.com/album/supernova-va-dub-techno-star-collection-vol-1] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4iqM66u] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3ZK5tjs] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/78748712] Bekø [https://soundcloud.com/beko_dub] - "Ursa Major" / Bandcamp [https://piranhasiberiadub.bandcamp.com/album/supernova-va-dub-techno-star-collection-vol-9] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/3BpJ55J] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/49y6UFi] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/58410862] Respira [https://soundcloud.com/respirabreathe] - "Estuary" / Bandcamp [https://atlantearecords.bandcamp.com/album/mire] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4g5eJ7v] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3BpebdH] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/1330334] Ancient Astronaut [https://soundcloud.com/ancientastronaut9] - "Sleep Under the Stars" / Bandcamp [https://marenostrumlabel.bandcamp.com/album/deep-sleep-vol-1] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4gprRnU] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3OK1KMK] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/5376056] Shannon Davin [https://soundcloud.com/5hannondavin] - "Strange Mojo" / Bandcamp [https://spclnch.bandcamp.com/album/motown-duet] / Amazon [Shannon Davin - ] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3OOR4wa] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/8045075] Ich danke den (Net)Labels "C-Recordings [https://crecordings.bandcamp.com/music]", "Piranha Siberia Dub [https://piranhasiberiadub.bandcamp.com/]", "Mare Nostrum [https://marenostrumlabel.bandcamp.com/]", "Atlantea Records [https://atlantearecords.bandcamp.com/]", "Lizplay Records [https://lizplayrecords.bandcamp.com/]" und "Spclnch [https://spclnch.bandcamp.com/]" für die tolle Unterstützung bei dieser Episode. Themenbild: Schnee von gestern! Die weiße Pracht am Rande des Wehrbusch in Swisttal [https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swisttal] erfreute nur für wenige Stunden - dann setzte Tauwetter ein; Januar 2023 - Foto: A.J.S. Download M4A-Datei [https://audio.podigee-cdn.net/1709434-m-22c1285ecacc3974463871cfe4e43acf.mp3?source=webplayer-download] RSS-Feeds: ACC/M4A [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/acc] / MP3 [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/mp3] / OPUS [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/opus] / VORBIS [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/vorbis] eMail: xtrachillpodcast (at) gmail (dot) com Home Page: xtrachillpodcast.de [http://xtrachillpodcast.de] Follow "XtraChill" at Soundcloud [https://www.soundcloud.com/xtrachill] / Apple Music [https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/xtrachill/id253171171] / YouTube [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzU2BqgIRbONyhUSefix6cQ] / Amazon Music [https://music.amazon.de/podcasts/508987c5-45e5-4626-af03-348ccf9a5f02/xtrachill] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/show/3059112] / Pocket Casts [https://pca.st/byxdfu15] / RTL+ [https://plus.rtl.de/podcast/xtrachill-kck0aj5rrkrrx] / Podimo [https://podimo.com/de/shows/xtrachill] / Listen Notes [https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/xtrachill-andreas-j-schneider-die-g%C3%A4ste-zDwP4WktnXI/] / Podcast.de [https://www.podcast.de/podcast/2604414/xtrachill] / Podcast Addict [https://podcastaddict.com/podcast/xtrachill/3664921] Bitte unterstützt mein Gast mit dem Kauf seiner Musik und/oder mit Feedback. Wer "XtraChill" eine kleine Spende zukommen möchte, nutzt bitte den PayPal-Button auf meiner Home Page [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/] am Ende eines jeden Eintrages. Danke! Please, dear listeners, support my guests by buying their music and/or with feedback. If you wanna support "XtraChill" with a donation, please use the PayPal button ("Spenden") on my Home Page [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/] at the end of each entry. Thank you! Die nächste Ausgabe erscheint am 01. Januar 2025 - mit dem obligatorischen, langen Neujahrskonzert á la "XtraChill" - mit den besten Neuvorstellungen von 2024! Ich wünsche allen Hörerinnen und Hörern Frohe Feiertage und einen guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr! Bis zum nächsten Mal, hier bei "XtraChill"! [https://www.paypalobjects.com/de_DE/i/scr/pixel.gif]

15. Dez. 2024 - 54 min
episode XtraChill 427 artwork
XtraChill 427

Statt blöder vorweihnachtlicher "Klingglöckchen-Musik" erwartet Euch Hörer heute, am 01. Dezember 2024, ein anderes musikalisches Spektrum, denn der liebe Andreas zieht zum 01. Advent ganz andere musikalische Saiten auf. Mit seiner Auswahl podsafer Electronica - verpackt unter anderem in drei Songpärchen - liefert er den Beweis, dass die Vorweihnachtszeit nicht immer in Stress ausarten muss - wenn man den richtigen Soundtrack auflegt! Und den bekommt ihr frei Haus in Form dieser 427. Episode von "XtraChill [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/]". Blendende Unterhaltung bei gutgefüllten Plätzchentellern ist garantiert! Instead of stupid pre-Christmas "jingle bells music", you listeners can expect a different musical spectrum today, on December 1st, 2024, because dear Andreas is playing completely different musical styles for the first Advent. With his selection of podcast electronica - packaged in three song pairs, he provides proof that the pre-Christmas period doesn't always have to degenerate into stress - if you put on the right soundtrack! And you get it free of charge in the form of this 427th episode of "XtraChill [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/]". Brilliant entertainment with well-filled plates of cookies is guaranteed! ANZEIGE Playliste Episode 427 C 37 [https://soundcloud.com/cud3737] - „Burned“ / Bandcamp [https://samayrecords.bandcamp.com/track/c37-burned] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/3CKNZdW] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/4g8bPid] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/65393282] LauLau [https://soundcloud.com/laulaudnb] - „Boundless“ / Bandcamp [https://lizplayrecords.bandcamp.com/track/laulau-boundless] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/3Z9Zp2i] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/4eQgzYL] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/107942832] T:Base [https://soundcloud.com/t-base] - „The Shadow“ / Bandcamp [https://crecordings.bandcamp.com/album/admission-ep] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/3V8jFjI] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3V9PMPQ] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/4105389] Petrichor Ocean [https://soundcloud.com/petrichorocean] - „Caverns“ / Bandcamp [https://morrecords.bandcamp.com/album/petrichor-ocean-cup-of-tea-ep] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/3Vbsaul] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/4i6gwKX] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/282458891] Stanislav Vdovin [https://soundcloud.com/stanislavvdovin] – „Seashore“ / Bandcamp [https://driftdeeper.bandcamp.com/album/underswell] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4fJBbTw] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3Vblqwt] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/3990221] Seabra Monkey [https://soundcloud.com/seabra_monkey] – „Jealousy“ / Bandcamp [https://ecoulsnd.bandcamp.com/album/toxic-lady] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4i8CjBI] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3CMNOPm] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/131815592] Akmuo [https://soundcloud.com/akmuo-music] – „Švytėjimas“ / Bandcamp [https://coldtearrecords.bandcamp.com/album/akmuo-kelio-atradimas] / Amazon / Apple Music [https://apple.co/414yXK1] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/190485417] [https://amzn.to/4fJBbTw] Remote Guest List [https://soundcloud.com/remoteguestlist] – „Spores“ / Bandcamp [https://kahvicollective.bandcamp.com/album/an-abyss-of-my-own-making-2] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/188583827] Ich danke den (Net)Labels "Samay Records [https://samayrecords.bandcamp.com/]", "MOR Records [https://morrecords.bandcamp.com/]", "C-Recordings [https://crecordings.bandcamp.com/music]", "Ecoul SND [https://ecoulsnd.bandcamp.com/]", "Drift Deeper Recordings", "Cold Tear Records [https://coldtearrecords.bandcamp.com/music]", "Lizplay Records [https://lizplayrecords.bandcamp.com/]" und dem "Kahvi Collective [https://kahvicollective.bandcamp.com/]" für die tolle Unterstützung bei dieser Episode. [https://driftdeeper.bandcamp.com/] Themenbild: Sonnige Aussichten über die Hügel des Hunsrück [https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunsr%C3%BCck]: Eindrücke von der wunderschönen "Traumschleife Arten-Reich [https://www.saar-hunsrueck-steig.de/traumschleifen/artenreich]" bei Heidenburg [https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heidenburg]; Oktober 2024 - Foto: A.J.S. Download MP3-Datei [https://audio.podigee-cdn.net/1690964-m-e0a92778b22ef631086900b45e466337.mp3?source=webplayer-download] RSS-Feeds: ACC/M4A [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/acc] / MP3 [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/mp3] / OPUS [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/opus] / VORBIS [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/vorbis] eMail: xtrachillpodcast (at) gmail (dot) com Home Page: xtrachillpodcast.de [http://xtrachillpodcast.de] Follow "XtraChill" at Soundcloud [https://www.soundcloud.com/xtrachill] / Apple Music [https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/xtrachill/id253171171] / YouTube [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzU2BqgIRbONyhUSefix6cQ] / Amazon Music [https://music.amazon.de/podcasts/508987c5-45e5-4626-af03-348ccf9a5f02/xtrachill] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/show/3059112] / Pocket Casts [https://pca.st/byxdfu15] / RTL+ [https://plus.rtl.de/podcast/xtrachill-kck0aj5rrkrrx] / Podimo [https://podimo.com/de/shows/xtrachill] / Listen Notes [https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/xtrachill-andreas-j-schneider-die-g%C3%A4ste-zDwP4WktnXI/] / Podcast.de [https://www.podcast.de/podcast/2604414/xtrachill] / Podcast Addict [https://podcastaddict.com/podcast/xtrachill/3664921] Bitte unterstützt mein Gast mit dem Kauf seiner Musik und/oder mit Feedback. Wer "XtraChill" eine kleine Spende zukommen möchte, nutzt bitte den PayPal-Button auf meiner Home Page [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/] am Ende eines jeden Eintrages. Danke! Please, dear listeners, support my guests by buying their music and/or with feedback. If you wanna support "XtraChill" with a donation, please use the PayPal button ("Spenden") on my Home Page [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/] at the end of each entry. Thank you! Die nächste Ausgabe erscheint am 15. Dezember 2024! Bis zum nächsten Mal, hier bei "XtraChill"! [https://www.paypalobjects.com/de_DE/i/scr/pixel.gif]

01. Dez. 2024 - 54 min
episode XtraChill 426 artwork
XtraChill 426

Pech gehabt: der geplanter Herbsturlaub entpuppte sich am Ende leider als "Genesungwoche", denn kurz vor der Abreise fing sich der liebe Andreas eine der derzeit umtriebigen Erkältungen ein, die sich als sehr anhänglich herausstellte - wie man heute, am 15. November 2024 noch deutlich hören kann. Trotzdem geht Episode 426 von "XtraChill [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/]" pünktlich auf Sendung mit zwei ganz besonderen "Flotten Dreiern", die Euch nicht nur eine Lehrstunde in Musikstilentwicklung bieten, sondern auch Brücken schlagen zwischen zwei unterschiedlichen Genres. Das Ganze hübsch eingebettet zwischen einem Ambient- und einem Space-Chillout-Stück, das Erinnerungen an die gute, alte "Space Night [https://www.ardmediathek.de/sendung/space-night/Y3JpZDovL2JyLmRlL2Jyb2FkY2FzdFNlcmllcy8yMDIxNzVmMC01OWJjLTQ4NTItOThkNy0yMTVkMDA4NDBlYjQ]" aufkommen läßt. Es gibt viel zu entdecken! Viel Spaß! Bad luck: the planned autumn vacation unfortunately turned out to be a "recovery week" in the end, because shortly before departure, dear Andreas caught one of the currently busy colds, which turned out to be very clingy - as you can still clearly hear today, on November 15th, 2024. Nevertheless, episode 426 of "XtraChill [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/]" goes on air on time with two very special "threesomes" that not only offer you a lesson in musical style development, but also build bridges between two different genres. The whole thing is nicely embedded between an ambient and a space chillout track that brings back memories of the good old TV show "Space Night [https://www.ardmediathek.de/sendung/space-night/Y3JpZDovL2JyLmRlL2Jyb2FkY2FzdFNlcmllcy8yMDIxNzVmMC01OWJjLTQ4NTItOThkNy0yMTVkMDA4NDBlYjQ]". There is a lot to discover! Have fun! ANZEIGE Playliste Episode 426 M2keik [https://soundcloud.com/m2keik] - "By the Sea" / Bandcamp [https://marenostrumlabel.bandcamp.com/album/by-the-sea] / Amazon [https://lizplayrecords.bandcamp.com/album/electric-city-ep] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3CnckWY] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/197051417] Enkalinan [https://soundcloud.com/enkalinan] - "Missing You" / Bandcamp [https://morrecords.bandcamp.com/album/enkalinan-missing-you] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4hEN7rf] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/4hLnCVl] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/257821772] Dellamar [https://soundcloud.com/user-957374309] - "Electric City" / Bandcamp [https://lizplayrecords.bandcamp.com/album/electric-city-ep] / Amazon [https://apple.co/4hLnCVl] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3AEu4wv] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/108204062] mintimperial [https://soundcloud.com/mintimperial] - "Rollerflute" / Bandcamp [https://crecordings.bandcamp.com/album/exploring-new-horizons] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/3Z0eaG8] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3Cyr1GA] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/251609102] Girių Dvasios [https://soundcloud.com/giriu-dvasios] - "Mano Žemė" / Bandcamp [https://coldtearrecords.bandcamp.com/album/giriu-dvasios-esi-tu] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/3YICqvd] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/4fkJyF8] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/347064] Hidden Encampment [https://soundcloud.com/hidden-encampment] - "Unexpected" / Bandcamp [https://piranhasiberiadub.bandcamp.com/album/cold-sunset-ep] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4eoNaoh] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/4fCeQqC] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/254844802] Sebby Kowal [https://soundcloud.com/sebbykowalmusic] - "Sakura" / Bandcamp [https://driftdeeper.bandcamp.com/album/flowers] / Amazon [https://apple.co/4fCeQqC] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3YG3CuA] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/125745992] Faserklang [https://soundcloud.com/faserklang1] - "Space Piano" / Bandcamp [https://melotonin1.bandcamp.com/album/space-grooves-vol-1] / Amazon / Apple Music / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/72967492] Ich danke den (Net)Labels "Mare Nostrum [https://marenostrumlabel.bandcamp.com/]", "MOR Records [https://morrecords.bandcamp.com/]", "C-Recordings [https://crecordings.bandcamp.com/music]", "Piranha Siberia Dub [https://piranhasiberiadub.bandcamp.com/]", "Drift Deeper Recordings [https://driftdeeper.bandcamp.com/]", "Melotonin [https://melotonin1.bandcamp.com/]", "Cold Tear Records [https://coldtearrecords.bandcamp.com/music]" und (zum ersten Mal) "Lizplay Records [https://lizplayrecords.bandcamp.com/]" für die tolle Unterstützung bei dieser Episode. Themenbild: Ein letzter, flammender Gruß vom "Goldenen Oktober": Ahornblätter in der Abendsonne; Oktober 2024 - Foto: A.J.S. Download Podcast [https://audio.podigee-cdn.net/1667787-m-76104e0b76ba5b45530e8f8ddc9cdec6.mp3?source=webplayer-download] RSS-Feeds: ACC/M4A [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/acc] / MP3 [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/mp3] / OPUS [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/opus] / VORBIS [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/vorbis] eMail: xtrachillpodcast (at) gmail (dot) com Home Page: xtrachillpodcast.de [http://xtrachillpodcast.de] Follow "XtraChill" at Soundcloud [https://www.soundcloud.com/xtrachill] / Apple Music [https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/xtrachill/id253171171] / YouTube [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzU2BqgIRbONyhUSefix6cQ] / Amazon Music [https://music.amazon.de/podcasts/508987c5-45e5-4626-af03-348ccf9a5f02/xtrachill] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/show/3059112] / Pocket Casts [https://pca.st/byxdfu15] / RTL+ [https://plus.rtl.de/podcast/xtrachill-kck0aj5rrkrrx] / Podimo [https://podimo.com/de/shows/xtrachill] / Listen Notes [https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/xtrachill-andreas-j-schneider-die-g%C3%A4ste-zDwP4WktnXI/] / Podcast.de [https://www.podcast.de/podcast/2604414/xtrachill] / Podcast Addict [https://podcastaddict.com/podcast/xtrachill/3664921] Bitte unterstützt mein Gast mit dem Kauf seiner Musik und/oder mit Feedback. Wer "XtraChill" eine kleine Spende zukommen möchte, nutzt bitte den PayPal-Button auf meiner Home Page [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/] am Ende eines jeden Eintrages. Danke! Please, dear listeners, support my guests by buying their music and/or with feedback. If you wanna support "XtraChill" with a donation, please use the PayPal button ("Spenden") on my Home Page [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/] at the end of each entry. Thank you! Die nächste Ausgabe erscheint am 01. Dezember 2024! Bis zum nächsten Mal, hier bei "XtraChill"! [https://www.paypalobjects.com/de_DE/i/scr/pixel.gif]

15. Nov. 2024 - 48 min
Der neue Look und die “Trailer” sind euch verdammt gut gelungen! Die bisher beste Version eurer App 🎉 Und ich bin schon von Anfang an dabei 😉 Weiter so 👍
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