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Podcast von Andreas J. Schneider & die Gäste

Der deutschsprachige Podcast für Musik aus den Bereichen Downtempo, Chillout, Ambient, Lounge und Electronica. Moderiert von Andreas J. Schneider! 

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episode XtraChill 424 artwork
XtraChill 424

Der erste Herbststurm zieht über die Voreifel und passend dazu hat der liebe Andreas eine weitere, feine Playliste mit entspannter und spannender Electronica zusammengezaubert, die ab und zu auch ein bisschen ins Tanzbein geht. Damit der heutige 15. Oktober 2024 kein Schmuddelwettertag wird, der ohne den passenden Sofa-und-Heißgetränk-Soundtrack auskommen muss. Episode 424 von "XtraChill [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/]" wartet wieder mit zwei zentralen "Songpärchen Plus" auf, mit denen sich auch drei neue Künstler bzw. Projekte vorstellen werden. Viel Spaß! The first autumn storm is moving over the Voreifel and to match this, dear Andreas has conjured up another fine playlist with relaxed and exciting electronica, which every now and then also gets you dancing a bit. So that today, on October 15th, 2024, is not a bad weather day that has to get by without the right sofa and hot drink soundtrack. Episode 424 of "XtraChill [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/]" again has two central "Song Pair Plus", with which three new artists and projects will also be introduced. Have fun! ANZEIGE Playliste Episode 424 wave folder [https://soundcloud.com/wave-folder] - "Durch die Zeit" / Bandcamp [https://piranhasiberiadub.bandcamp.com/album/guianas-ep] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/3U0DtF8] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3YiXmdf] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/267930282] Mutca [https://soundcloud.com/mutca] - "Night Highway" / Bandcamp [https://deepwitrecordings.bandcamp.com/album/autumn-air-vol-13] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/3Bwxn92] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3Y0qyUH] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/10138652] Infinity Dots [https://soundcloud.com/infinitydots] - "Fourth Phase" / Bandcamp [https://secretdomainlabel.bandcamp.com/album/infinity-dots-short-phrases-about-eternal-meanings] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/105264702] Beto RuVe [https://soundcloud.com/beto-ruiz-411030040] - "Sensorica" / Bandcamp [https://deepwitrecordings.bandcamp.com/album/autumn-air-vol-13] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/3Bwxn92] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3NiaKYB] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/231200795] senko [https://soundcloud.com/s6nko] - "Can't Sleep" / Bandcamp [https://morrecords.bandcamp.com/album/senko-cant-sleep] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/3Y1UFv4] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/4eYu4Gm] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/5807838] Francesco Tamburrano [https://soundcloud.com/ft-dubtechno"] - "Sum (Moodeep [https://soundcloud.com/moodeep] Mix)" / Bandcamp [https://techenie-rec.bandcamp.com/album/paradigma-ep-2] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/3Y1UFv4] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/4eZrIHb] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/182600187] Chaircrusher [https://soundcloud.com/chaircrusher] - "Silvadene" / Bandcamp [https://conditionhuman.bandcamp.com/album/slow-learners] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4eyWBT2] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3YgvrKV] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/6355150] Ghost in the Loop [https://soundcloud.com/aurelien-buiron] & Le Code [https://soundcloud.com/lecode] - "Whales Daydreams (Breath, Bliss, Repeat)" / Bandcamp [https://marenostrumlabel.bandcamp.com/album/whales-daydreams-breath-bliss-repeat] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/3YflsW1] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/47XoEsA] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/151600162] Ich danke den (Net)Labels "Piranha Siberia Dub [https://piranhasiberiadub.bandcamp.com/]", "DeepWit Recordings [https://deepwitrecordings.bandcamp.com/]", "Secret Domain [https://secretdomainlabel.bandcamp.com/]", "Mare Nostrum [https://marenostrumlabel.bandcamp.com/]", "Triplicate Records [https://triplicaterecords.bandcamp.com/]", "Techenie [https://techenie-rec.bandcamp.com/]" und "MOR Records [https://morrecords.bandcamp.com/]" für die tolle Unterstützung bei dieser Episode. Themenbild: In der Voreifel ist die Apfelernte entlang der "Apfelroute [https://apfelroute.nrw/]" fast abgeschlossen - von ein paar Plantagen abgesehen; Oktober 2024 - Foto: A.J.S. Download MP3-Datei RSS-Feeds: ACC/M4A [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/acc] / MP3 [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/mp3] / OPUS [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/opus] / VORBIS [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/vorbis] eMail: xtrachillpodcast (at) gmail (dot) com Home Page: xtrachillpodcast.de [http://xtrachillpodcast.de] Follow "XtraChill" at Soundcloud [https://www.soundcloud.com/xtrachill] / Apple Music [https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/xtrachill/id253171171] / YouTube [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzU2BqgIRbONyhUSefix6cQ] / Amazon Music [https://music.amazon.de/podcasts/508987c5-45e5-4626-af03-348ccf9a5f02/xtrachill] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/show/3059112] / Pocket Casts [https://pca.st/byxdfu15] / RTL+ [https://plus.rtl.de/podcast/xtrachill-kck0aj5rrkrrx] / Podimo [https://podimo.com/de/shows/xtrachill] / Listen Notes [https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/xtrachill-andreas-j-schneider-die-g%C3%A4ste-zDwP4WktnXI/] / Podcast.de [https://www.podcast.de/podcast/2604414/xtrachill] / Podcast Addict [https://podcastaddict.com/podcast/xtrachill/3664921] Bitte unterstützt mein Gast mit dem Kauf seiner Musik und/oder mit Feedback. Wer "XtraChill" eine kleine Spende zukommen möchte, nutzt bitte den PayPal-Button auf meiner Home Page [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/] am Ende eines jeden Eintrages. Danke! Please, dear listeners, support my guests by buying their music and/or with feedback. If you wanna support "XtraChill" with a donation, please use the PayPal button ("Spenden") on my Home Page [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/] at the end of each entry. Thank you! Die nächste Ausgabe erscheint am 01. November 2024! Bis zum nächsten Mal, hier bei "XtraChill"! [https://www.paypalobjects.com/de_DE/i/scr/pixel.gif]

15. Okt. 2024 - 53 min
episode XtraChill 423 artwork
XtraChill 423

Und auf einmal ist Herbst! Heute, am 01. Oktober 2024, kehrt der liebe Andreas zur üblichen Acht-Track-Playliste zurück und schnürt sechs Songs davon zu zwei "Flotten Dreiern" zusammen - mit unterschiedlichen musikalischen Gewichtungen, was für ein abwechslungsreiches Hörerlebnis sorgen wird! Außerdem hat das Netlabel "Insectorama [https://insectorama.bandcamp.com/]" und zwei seiner Künstler - beides Neuvorstellungen - die Ehre, diese 423. Episode von "XtraChill [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/]" zu eröffnen und zu beschließen. Viel Vergnügen! And suddenly it's autumn! Today, on October 1st, 2024, dear Andreas returns to the usual eight-track playlist and puts six songs together into two "threesomes" - with different musical emphasis, which will ensure a varied listening experience! In addition, the net label "Insectorama [https://insectorama.bandcamp.com/]" and two of its artists - both new on this podcast - have the honor of opening and closing this 423rd episode of "XtraChill [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/]". Enjoy! ANZEIGE Playliste Episode 423 Rif Erous [https://soundcloud.com/riferous] - "Leak of Rhythms" / Bandcamp [https://insectorama.bandcamp.com/album/aurora] Germán Tedesco [https://soundcloud.com/ger-tedesco] - "Etereo" / Bandcamp [https://ecoulsnd.bandcamp.com/album/mantra] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4dnLDym] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3N11nN1] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/111252482] Le Code [https://soundcloud.com/lecode] & KapTep [https://soundcloud.com/kaptep] - "Hidden in Plain Sight" / Bandcamp [https://marenostrumlabel.bandcamp.com/album/urban-garden] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/3ZMXGCd] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3THZKYf] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/164084137] Mintimperial [https://soundcloud.com/mintimperial] - "Skylining" / Bandcamp [https://crecordings.bandcamp.com/album/crd-voyager-ep] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/3XM9XUy] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3TLoQoY] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/251609102] Erik Strauss [https://soundcloud.com/erikstrauss] - "Subside" / Bandcamp [https://erikstrauss.bandcamp.com/album/ftur-2] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/3XM9XUy] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3zEHLuR] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/605071] Alexander Kulikov [https://soundcloud.com/hello_strange] - "Warm Textures 3" / Bandcamp [https://hellostrange.bandcamp.com/album/alexander-kulikov-warm-textures-ep] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4emjHvN] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3THZPev] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/4117333] Gamtos Terapija [https://soundcloud.com/akmuo] - "Ramu" / Bandcamp [https://atlantearecords.bandcamp.com/album/naktis] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/3N3d7hR] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3zzK6r4] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/281104411] Inzajeano [https://soundcloud.com/inzajeano] - "Grain 400" / Bandcamp [https://insectorama.bandcamp.com/album/granularity] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/256770042] Ich danke den (Net)Labels "Insectorama [https://insectorama.bandcamp.com/]", "Ecoul SND [https://ecoulsnd.bandcamp.com/]", "CDR [https://crecordings.bandcamp.com/music]", "Mare Nostrum [https://marenostrumlabel.bandcamp.com/]", "HelloStrange [https://soundcloud.com/hello_strange]" und "Atlantea Records [https://atlantearecords.bandcamp.com/]" für die tolle Unterstützung bei dieser Episode. Themenbild: Regentag-Ausflug ins Aquarium [https://www.acquariodigenova.it/en] von Genua [https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genua], wo man auch in die faszinierende Welt der Australischen Fleckenquallen (Phyllorhiza punctata) [https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gepunktete_Wurzelmundqualle] Einblick erhält; September 2024 - Foto: A.A. Download MP3-Datei [https://audio.podigee-cdn.net/1613723-m-7af44af9f753e70d765e59bd7ff2d559.mp3?source=webplayer-download] RSS-Feeds: ACC/M4A [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/acc] / MP3 [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/mp3] / OPUS [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/opus] / VORBIS [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/vorbis] eMail: xtrachillpodcast (at) gmail (dot) com Home Page: xtrachillpodcast.de [http://xtrachillpodcast.de] Follow "XtraChill" at Soundcloud [https://www.soundcloud.com/xtrachill] / Apple Music [https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/xtrachill/id253171171] / YouTube [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzU2BqgIRbONyhUSefix6cQ] / Amazon Music [https://music.amazon.de/podcasts/508987c5-45e5-4626-af03-348ccf9a5f02/xtrachill] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/show/3059112] / Pocket Casts [https://pca.st/byxdfu15] / RTL+ [https://plus.rtl.de/podcast/xtrachill-kck0aj5rrkrrx] / Podimo [https://podimo.com/de/shows/xtrachill] / Listen Notes [https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/xtrachill-andreas-j-schneider-die-g%C3%A4ste-zDwP4WktnXI/] / Podcast.de [https://www.podcast.de/podcast/2604414/xtrachill] / Podcast Addict [https://podcastaddict.com/podcast/xtrachill/3664921] Bitte unterstützt mein Gast mit dem Kauf seiner Musik und/oder mit Feedback. Wer "XtraChill" eine kleine Spende zukommen möchte, nutzt bitte den PayPal-Button auf meiner Home Page [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/] am Ende eines jeden Eintrages. Danke! Please, dear listeners, support my guests by buying their music and/or with feedback. If you wanna support "XtraChill" with a donation, please use the PayPal button ("Spenden") on my Home Page [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/] at the end of each entry. Thank you! Die nächste Ausgabe erscheint am 15. Oktober 2024! Bis zum nächsten Mal, hier bei "XtraChill"! [https://www.paypalobjects.com/de_DE/i/scr/pixel.gif]

01. Okt. 2024 - 53 min
episode XtraChill 422 artwork
XtraChill 422

Mit Episode 422 von "XtraChill [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/]" endet die Sommerpause 2024 - und der Sommer ganz generell! Da in der vergangenen vier Wochen so viel tolle Musik veröffentlicht wurde, hat der liebe Andreas die aktuelle Playliste auf zehn Tracks aufgestockt, mit zwei Vierer-Sets im Fokus und einem Rahmen aus zwei Drum & Bass-Tracks vom Label "C-Recordings [https://crecordings.bandcamp.com/]" - trotz erheblichen Zeitdrucks kann sich das Ergebnis hören lassen - oder? With episode 422 of "XtraChill [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/]", the summer break 2024 ends - and summer in general! Since so much great music has been released in the past four weeks, dear Andreas has increased the current playlist to ten tracks, with two sets of four in focus and a frame of two drum & bass tracks from the label "C-Recordings [https://crecordings.bandcamp.com/]"- despite considerable time pressure, the result is impressive - isn't it? ANZEIGE Playliste Episode 422 Fortunecookie20 [https://soundcloud.com/user-856925342] - "Encircled" / Bandcamp [https://crecordings.bandcamp.com/album/encircled-ep] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4d7it6v] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3zeOITl] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/169904547] Jazz One Beats [https://soundcloud.com/jazz-one-beats] - "Someday" / Bandcamp [https://ajoysbeats.bandcamp.com/album/the-mpc-files-2] Alpha Mound [https://soundcloud.com/alphamound] - "The Difference Between" / Bandcamp [https://marenostrumlabel.bandcamp.com/album/dive-in-chapter-7] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4eqI4IF] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/4e4GufC] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/1714721] Metric System 1981 [https://soundcloud.com/metric-system-1981] - "Oceania" / Bandcamp [https://marenostrumlabel.bandcamp.com/album/kursohio] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/3MLzoAQ] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3TqJLxm] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/167322837] BVSMV [https://soundcloud.com/bvsmv] - "Other Landscapes" / Bandcamp [https://bvsmv.bandcamp.com/album/other-landscapes-vol-1] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/3XsLyDg] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/4epwGga] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/9904360] Akmuo [https://soundcloud.com/akmuo] - "Night Walk" / Bandcamp [https://sedubtive.bandcamp.com/album/isolated-in-nature] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/3B2jIqh] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3XJg2CH] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/190485417] LLLIT [https://soundcloud.com/lllit_3] - "Fuera de Lugar" / Bandcamp [https://techenie-rec.bandcamp.com/album/fuera-de-lugar] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/3MHX74T] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3XHPEch] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/170506017] Hopler Route [https://soundcloud.com/hopler-route-audio] - "Movement" / Bandcamp [https://piranhasiberiadub.bandcamp.com/album/out-of-direction-ep] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4e7LobJ] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/4gqc1dn] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/197014707] Leonardo Camilo [https://soundcloud.com/imleito] - "Floating Attention" / Bandcamp [https://ecoulsnd.bandcamp.com/album/future-view] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4e1S0bs] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3B6IipR] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/51652892] Ji Ben Gong [https://soundcloud.com/jibengong] - "Soul Crew" / Bandcamp [https://crecordings.bandcamp.com/album/summer-soul-ep] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/3B5diXl] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3XpSOjp] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/1622719] Ich danke den (Net)Labels "C-Recordings [https://crecordings.bandcamp.com/]", "Ecoul SND [https://ecoulsnd.bandcamp.com/]", "Techenie Records [https://techenie-rec.bandcamp.com/]", "Piranha Siberia Dub [https://piranhasiberiadub.bandcamp.com/]", "Sedubtive [https://sedubtive.bandcamp.com/]", "Mare Nostrum [https://marenostrumlabel.bandcamp.com/]", "Triplicate Records [https://triplicaterecords.bandcamp.com/]" und "Dusted Wax Kingdom [https://dustedwax.org/]" für die tolle Unterstützung bei dieser Episode. Themenbild: Die Tradition wird fortgesetzt! Auf dem ersten Themenbild nach der Sommerpause verewigt sich der liebe Andreas immer persönlich: hier am Strand von Deiva Marina [https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deiva_Marina] in Ligurien [https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ligurien]; Italien - Foto: A.A. Download MP3-Datei [https://audio.podigee-cdn.net/1596813-m-efbf31e5f51429f1ed46ae9c2f4d53e4.mp3?source=webplayer-download] RSS-Feeds: ACC/M4A [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/acc] / MP3 [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/mp3] / OPUS [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/opus] / VORBIS [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/vorbis] eMail: xtrachillpodcast (at) gmail (dot) com Home Page: xtrachillpodcast.de [http://xtrachillpodcast.de] Follow "XtraChill" at Soundcloud [https://www.soundcloud.com/xtrachill] / Apple Music [https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/xtrachill/id253171171] / YouTube [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzU2BqgIRbONyhUSefix6cQ] / Amazon Music [https://music.amazon.de/podcasts/508987c5-45e5-4626-af03-348ccf9a5f02/xtrachill] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/show/3059112] / Pocket Casts [https://pca.st/byxdfu15] / RTL+ [https://plus.rtl.de/podcast/xtrachill-kck0aj5rrkrrx] / Podimo [https://podimo.com/de/shows/xtrachill] / Listen Notes [https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/xtrachill-andreas-j-schneider-die-g%C3%A4ste-zDwP4WktnXI/] / Podcast.de [https://www.podcast.de/podcast/2604414/xtrachill] / Podcast Addict [https://podcastaddict.com/podcast/xtrachill/3664921] Bitte unterstützt mein Gast mit dem Kauf seiner Musik und/oder mit Feedback. Wer "XtraChill" eine kleine Spende zukommen möchte, nutzt bitte den PayPal-Button auf meiner Home Page [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/] am Ende eines jeden Eintrages. Danke! Please, dear listeners, support my guests by buying their music and/or with feedback. If you wanna support "XtraChill" with a donation, please use the PayPal button ("Spenden") on my Home Page [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/] at the end of each entry. Thank you! Die nächste Ausgabe erscheint am 01. Oktober 2024! Bis zum nächsten Mal, hier bei "XtraChill"! [https://www.paypalobjects.com/de_DE/i/scr/pixel.gif]

15. Sept. 2024 - 1 h 9 min
episode XtraChill 421 artwork
XtraChill 421

Heute, am 15. August 2024, steht, wie bereits mehrfach angekündigt, eine ganz besondere Ausgabe von "XtraChill [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/]" auf dem Programm. Wie jedes Jahr legt der liebe Andreas eine vierwöchige Sommerpause ein. Und um diese lange Zeit zu versüßen, ist diese 421. Episode eine weitere in der seltenen und unregelmäßigen Reihe der "Künstler-Monografien" - Folgen, in denen nur ein einzelner Gast aus eigenen Werken einen exklusiven Musik-Mix für "XtraChill [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/]" zusammengestellt hat. Dieses Mal konnte der Dub-Techno-Tüftler Francesco Tamburrano [https://soundcloud.com/ft-dubtechno], der in Episode 414 [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/183-xtrachill414] sein Debüt in diesem Podcast gab, für diese ehrenvolle Aufgabe gewonnen werden. Damit nicht genug: gleichzeitig werden zwei neue Netlabels vorgestellt, die bislang unter Andreas' Radar geflogen sind, "Ecoul SND [https://ecoulsnd.bandcamp.com/]" aus Lettland und "Techenie [https://techenie-rec.bandcamp.com/]" aus Sibirien! Genießt Francescos einstündiges Set - und den Spätsommer! Buon divertimento! Today, on August 15th, 2024, as already announced several times, a very special edition of "XtraChill [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/]" is on the program. Like every year, dear Andreas is taking a four-week summer break. And to sweeten this long time, this 421st episode is another in the rare and irregular series of "artist monographs" - episodes in which only a single guest has put together an exclusive music mix for "XtraChill [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/]" from his own works. This time, the dub techno tinkerer Francesco Tamburrano [https://soundcloud.com/ft-dubtechno], who made his debut in this podcast in episode 414 [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/183-xtrachill414], was able to be won over for this honorable task. But that's not all: at the same time, two new net labels will be presented that have so far flown under Andreas' radar, "Ecoul SND [https://ecoulsnd.bandcamp.com/]" from Latvia and "Techenie [https://techenie-rec.bandcamp.com/]" from Siberia! Enjoy Francesco's one-hour set - and the late summer! Buon divertimento! ANZEIGE Playliste Episode 421 - Francesco Tamburrano: "Monography" Francesco Tamburrano [https://soundcloud.com/ft-dubtechno] - "Rail Wind" / Bandcamp [https://apnealabel.bandcamp.com/album/rail-waves] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4cmo2gV] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/4dAEY4c] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/album/576445811] Francesco Tamburrano [https://soundcloud.com/ft-dubtechno] - "Ostreidae" / Bandcamp [https://ecoulsnd.bandcamp.com/album/med-relics] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4cgl8du] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/4cltQHm] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/album/537830472] Francesco Tamburrano [https://soundcloud.com/ft-dubtechno] - "Smoke Signals" / Bandcamp [https://ecoulsnd.bandcamp.com/album/d-mind-lp] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4fDoQRj] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/4dgrB9K] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/album/556319142] Francesco Tamburrano [https://soundcloud.com/ft-dubtechno] - "Albigensians" / Bandcamp [https://ecoulsnd.bandcamp.com/album/d-mind-lp] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4fDoQRj] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/4dgrB9K] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/album/556319142] Francesco Tamburrano [https://soundcloud.com/ft-dubtechno] - "Allegoria" / Bandcamp [https://ecoulsnd.bandcamp.com/album/figure-of-speech] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4fIX6ei] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3M7NfRj] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/album/560051912] Francesco Tamburrano [https://soundcloud.com/ft-dubtechno] - "Nature Solids" / Bandcamp [https://ecoulsnd.bandcamp.com/album/soft] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/46G4zGG] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3WKaciu] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/album/527575542] Francesco Tamburrano [https://soundcloud.com/ft-dubtechno] - "Bogomilists" / Bandcamp [https://ecoulsnd.bandcamp.com/album/d-mind-lp] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4fDoQRj] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/4dgrB9K] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/album/556319142] Francesco Tamburrano [https://soundcloud.com/ft-dubtechno] - "Oracolo" / Bandcamp [https://techenie-rec.bandcamp.com/album/lituo-ep] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4dEGfaE] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3M12ETD] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/album/572450961] Francesco Tamburrano [https://soundcloud.com/ft-dubtechno] - "Gastropoda" / Bandcamp [https://ecoulsnd.bandcamp.com/album/med-relics] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4cgl8du] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/4cltQHm] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/album/537830472] Francesco Tamburrano [https://soundcloud.com/ft-dubtechno] - "Aporrhais" / Bandcamp [https://ecoulsnd.bandcamp.com/album/med-relics] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4cgl8du] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/4cltQHm] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/album/537830472] Folgt Francesco bei Instagram [https://www.instagram.com/tamburranofrancesco/] / Facebook [https://www.facebook.com/dfwproject] / Soundcloud [https://soundcloud.com/ft-dubtechno] Ich danke den (Net)Labels "Apnea [https://apnealabel.bandcamp.com/]" und, zum ersten Mal, "Ecoul SND [https://ecoulsnd.bandcamp.com/]" und "Techenie [https://techenie-rec.bandcamp.com/]" für die tolle Unterstützung bei dieser Episode. Und natürlich mille grazie an Francesco für diesen grandiosen und exklusiven Dub-Techno-Mix! Themenbild: Postkartenmotiv aus Francescos Heimat: Blick auf die Insel (und Kirche) San Giorgio Maggiore [https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Giorgio_Maggiore]; Venedig [https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venedig] - Foto: Pixabay [https://pixabay.com/] (MustangJoe [https://pixabay.com/users/mustangjoe-2162920/]) Download MP3-Datei RSS-Feeds: ACC/M4A [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/acc] / MP3 [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/mp3] / OPUS [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/opus] / VORBIS [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/vorbis] eMail: xtrachillpodcast (at) gmail (dot) com Home Page: xtrachillpodcast.de [http://xtrachillpodcast.de] Follow "XtraChill" at Soundcloud [https://www.soundcloud.com/xtrachill] / Apple Music [https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/xtrachill/id253171171] / YouTube [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzU2BqgIRbONyhUSefix6cQ] / Amazon Music [https://music.amazon.de/podcasts/508987c5-45e5-4626-af03-348ccf9a5f02/xtrachill] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/show/3059112] / Pocket Casts [https://pca.st/byxdfu15] / RTL+ [https://plus.rtl.de/podcast/xtrachill-kck0aj5rrkrrx] / Podimo [https://podimo.com/de/shows/xtrachill] / Listen Notes [https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/xtrachill-andreas-j-schneider-die-g%C3%A4ste-zDwP4WktnXI/] / Podcast.de [https://www.podcast.de/podcast/2604414/xtrachill] / Podcast Addict [https://podcastaddict.com/podcast/xtrachill/3664921] Bitte unterstützt mein Gast mit dem Kauf seiner Musik und/oder mit Feedback. Wer "XtraChill" eine kleine Spende zukommen möchte, nutzt bitte den PayPal-Button auf meiner Home Page [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/] am Ende eines jeden Eintrages. Danke! Please, dear listeners, support my guests by buying their music and/or with feedback. If you wanna support "XtraChill" with a donation, please use the PayPal button ("Spenden") on my Home Page [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/] at the end of each entry. Thank you! Die nächste Ausgabe erscheint am 15. September 2024 nach der alljährlichen vierwöchigen Sommerpause! Bis zum nächsten Mal, hier bei "XtraChill"! [https://www.paypalobjects.com/de_DE/i/scr/pixel.gif]

15. Aug. 2024 - 1 h 9 min
episode XtraChill 420 artwork
XtraChill 420

Vor seinem eigentlichen Spätsommerurlaub konnte sich der liebe Andreas kurz vor dem Erscheinen dieser Episode noch ein paar Tage Extra-Entspannung abknapsen - für einen Kurz-Trip ins schöne Elsass! Sonne, Wein und Leckereien standen im Mittelpunkt des kleinen Urlaubs - glücklicherweise stand die Musikauswahl für diese 420. Ausgabe von "XtraChill [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/]" schon vorher fest, so dass die Produktion rechtzeitig fertig gestellt werden konnte. Zwei "Songpärchen Plus" erwarten Euch heute und zusätzlich stellt sich das Label "Sedubtive [https://sedubtive.bandcamp.com/]" mit einem "XL-Rausschmeißer" vor - und gleichzeitig das neue Musikgenre "Slow Dub Techno". Viel Vergnügen! Before his actual late summer vacation, dear Andreas was able to squeeze in a few extra days of relaxation just before this episode was published - for a short trip to the beautiful Alsace! Sun, wine and food were the focus of the little vacation - luckily the music selection for this 420th edition of "XtraChill [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/]" had already been decided beforehand, so that production could be completed on time. Two "Song Couples Plus" await you today and in addition the label "Sedubtive [https://sedubtive.bandcamp.com/]" is introducing itself with an "XL-bouncer" - and at the same time the new music genre "Slow Dub Techno". Enjoy! ANZEIGE Playliste Episode 420 Winter Silhouette [https://soundcloud.com/wintersilhouette] - "Borassus (Palma Mix)" / Bandcamp [https://atlantearecords.bandcamp.com/album/palma-ramus] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/3YlFChD] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/4fiS2Np] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/249908982] DP-6 [https://soundcloud.com/dp-6] - "Earth" / Bandcamp [https://spclnch.bandcamp.com/album/the-four-elements] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/3YmCt15] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/46mjx4C] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/101460] Udumusic [https://soundcloud.com/udumusicsa] - "Mutations" / Bandcamp [https://deepwitrecordings.bandcamp.com/album/best-of-deepwit-vol-12] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4c4EOkt] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3WpWcdw] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/8457140] DeepNorth [https://soundcloud.com/user-90635272] - "Tree Line" / Bandcamp [https://insectorama.bandcamp.com/album/secrets-of-a-mountain] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/14014679] Fonogeri [https://www.fonogeri.com/] - "Dél" / Bandcamp [https://fonogeri.bandcamp.com/album/mediterraneo] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4bWuNpu] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3LIQJd0] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/314257] Shaping [https://soundcloud.com/shaping-official] - "Unfunked" / Bandcamp [https://morrecords.bandcamp.com/album/shaping-unfunked] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/3Yn7VMG] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/3LIPvP6] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/86772832] rogyr [https://soundcloud.com/rogiermuller] - "Vessel" / Bandcamp [https://driftdeeper.bandcamp.com/album/ddr066] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/3y4QIwZ] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/4cWjf72] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/11848105] Akmuo [https://soundcloud.com/akmuo] - "Starry Sky" / Bandcamp [https://sedubtive.bandcamp.com/album/akmuo-starry-night] / Amazon [https://amzn.to/4fovz1i] / Apple Music [https://apple.co/4c18crK] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/de/artist/190485417] Ich danke den (Net)Labels "Atlantea Records [https://atlantearecords.bandcamp.com/]", "Spclnch [https://spclnch.com/]", "MOR Records [https://morrecords.bandcamp.com/]", "DeepWit Recordings [https://deepwitrecordings.bandcamp.com/]", "Insectorama [https://insectorama.bandcamp.com/]", "Drift Deeper Recordings [https://driftdeeper.bandcamp.com/]" und, zum ersten Mal, "Sedubtive [https://sedubtive.bandcamp.com/]" für die tolle Unterstützung bei dieser Episode. Themenbild: Das Dorf Niedermorschwihr [https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niedermorschwihr] umgeben von besten Weinlagen; Elsass [https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elsass] (Frankreich); Juli 2024 - Foto: A.J.S. Download MP3-Datei [https://audio.podigee-cdn.net/1546256-m-542bca40a9b1d632f37c07dc6b9b51cb.mp3?source=webplayer-download] RSS-Feeds: ACC/M4A [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/acc] / MP3 [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/mp3] / OPUS [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/opus] / VORBIS [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/feed/vorbis] eMail: xtrachillpodcast (at) gmail (dot) com Home Page: xtrachillpodcast.de [http://xtrachillpodcast.de] Follow "XtraChill" at Soundcloud [https://www.soundcloud.com/xtrachill] / Apple Music [https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/xtrachill/id253171171] / YouTube [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzU2BqgIRbONyhUSefix6cQ] / Amazon Music [https://music.amazon.de/podcasts/508987c5-45e5-4626-af03-348ccf9a5f02/xtrachill] / Deezer [https://www.deezer.com/show/3059112] / Pocket Casts [https://pca.st/byxdfu15] / RTL+ [https://plus.rtl.de/podcast/xtrachill-kck0aj5rrkrrx] / Podimo [https://podimo.com/de/shows/xtrachill] / Listen Notes [https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/xtrachill-andreas-j-schneider-die-g%C3%A4ste-zDwP4WktnXI/] / Podcast.de [https://www.podcast.de/podcast/2604414/xtrachill] / Podcast Addict [https://podcastaddict.com/podcast/xtrachill/3664921] Bitte unterstützt mein Gast mit dem Kauf seiner Musik und/oder mit Feedback. Wer "XtraChill" eine kleine Spende zukommen möchte, nutzt bitte den PayPal-Button auf meiner Home Page [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/] am Ende eines jeden Eintrages. Danke! Please, dear listeners, support my guests by buying their music and/or with feedback. If you wanna support "XtraChill" with a donation, please use the PayPal button ("Spenden") on my Home Page [https://xtrachill.podigee.io/] at the end of each entry. Thank you! Die nächste Ausgabe erscheint am 15. August 2024! Bis zum nächsten Mal, hier bei "XtraChill"! [https://www.paypalobjects.com/de_DE/i/scr/pixel.gif]

01. Aug. 2024 - 56 min
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