Human Maintenance Podcast

Human Maintenance Podcast

Podcast by Human Maintenance

Entertaining, educational and inspiring information on health and prevention - mental and physical.

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All episodes

4 episodes
episode Halftime & The 3rd Quarter artwork
Halftime & The 3rd Quarter

Graham and Mark explore the topic of making a change during Halftime and/or the 3rd Quarter of life. They discuss making a reassessment of your game plan using the power of visualization. What facets of life do you need to look at to make an assessment of the quality of your life? This is perfect for anyone over 40 looking to make some positive life changes,

13. aug. 2020 - 25 min
episode The Four Quarters of Life artwork
The Four Quarters of Life

Introduction to the Four Quarters of Life and the Gameplan for Living. Mark and Graham discuss the role of Human Maintenance in all quarters of life. How do we keep up our momentum as time passes? By deeply understanding where you are in the gameplan you will understand the blueprint for how to approach your day-to-day activities.

13. aug. 2020 - 30 min
episode Start with Motivation artwork
Start with Motivation

Mark and Graham discuss the importance of self-motivation for staying healthy and longevity. The human-machine is the most complex machine on the planet. How do we develop and sustain motivation in our lives to maintain ourselves?

04. aug. 2020 - 27 min
episode What is Human Maintenance? artwork
What is Human Maintenance?

Meet your hosts: Human Maintenance founder and prevention expert, Mark Everest and a coroner and medical-legal death investigator, Graham Hetrick to discuss how wellness has evolved and how Human Maintenance is now essential to living your best life. Graham and Mark introduce the Human Maintenance toolbox and the tuneup talks.

16. jul. 2020 - 22 min
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