Inside Homicide Podcast

Inside Homicide Podcast

Podcast by Inside Homicide

Welcome Insiders! Inside Homicide is a podcast series about true crime and the dark sides of history. Tune in to hear about a new case every week.All ...

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All episodes

20 episodes
episode 1 Year Anniversary Q&A artwork
1 Year Anniversary Q&A

Celebrating Inside Homicide's first birthday! We gather questions from our Facebook and Instagram and answered them! Thank you to everyone for all your support and love, we are excited for another year of podcasting and sharing these stories with you all.

08. feb. 2021 - 33 min
episode MURDERED: Vancouver Island Family Slaughters artwork
MURDERED: Vancouver Island Family Slaughters

This episode features two stories about two different families who resided on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Both these cases are very similar in nature, where there was a father or a father figure who killed their children as an act of revenge on their partners. These are the stories of the Challand Family and the Handel Family.

23. jan. 2021 - 36 min
episode DARK HISTORY: Albert Fish artwork

Albert Fish was a husband and a father. He was described as a kind looking man, almost "grandfather like". But underneath his kind exterior was someone who was a complete sadist, and prayed on the most innocent of people.

16. jan. 2021 - 31 min
episode MURDERED: Tanya Smith - Part 2 artwork
MURDERED: Tanya Smith - Part 2

In October of 1995, it was Friday the 13th. Two teenaged girls were walking to a birthday party when they were snatched from the street and brutally attacked by a man they later named the Abbotsford Killer. This man, for 7 months taunted the public and police leaving the community in complete shock and terror.

09. jan. 2021 - 45 min
episode MURDERED: Tanya Smith - Part 1 artwork
MURDERED: Tanya Smith - Part 1

In October of 1995 it was Friday the 13th. Two teenaged girls were walking to a birthday party when they were snatched from the street and brutally attacked by a man they later named the Abbotsford Killer. This man, for 7 months taunted the public and police leaving the community in complete shock and terror.

02. jan. 2021 - 32 min
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