Jae Murphy & FRNDS

Jae Murphy & FRNDS

Podcast by Jae Murphy

Jae Murphy and Mark "Mogul" Jackson shed light and give a "millennial" glimpse of an everyday lifestyle as creatives in the music industry living in H...

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3 episodes
episode Jae Murphy & FRNDS: The Devil Is Busy! (Quavo & Saweetie, Kim & Kanye, Derrick Jaxn Cheating & More) artwork
Jae Murphy & FRNDS: The Devil Is Busy! (Quavo & Saweetie, Kim & Kanye, Derrick Jaxn Cheating & More)

Summer is near and the devil is busy! We have just entered a crazy break up season of your favorite celebrity couples. Jae Murphy and Mark "Mogul" Jackson have an emergency fireside chat to unpack the heaviness and severity of real life scenarios for dating anybody in this millennial generation. This emergency episode was recorded for motivational purposes only. Sometimes love  wins, sometimes it doesn't.  Follow Us:  www.instagram.com/JaeMurphy  www.instagram.com/MarkTheMogul   TWITTER: www.twitter.com/JaeMurphy   INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/jaemurphy   FACEOOK: www.facebook.com/JaeMurphyOfficial   ANCHOR: www.anchor.fm/JaeMurphy

23. mar. 2021 - 21 min
episode Jae Murphy & FRNDS: What's Next? (Scary Hours 2, Vaccines, Bruno Mars, Zombie Attacks & More) artwork
Jae Murphy & FRNDS: What's Next? (Scary Hours 2, Vaccines, Bruno Mars, Zombie Attacks & More)

Now that the world is slowly opening back up and the global pandemic is coming to a close, Jae Murphy & Mark "Mogul" Jackson speak on current and recent events that have all affected us while trying to resurface to our own personal levels of normalcy.  During Women's History month, both hosts also highlight a successful, entrepreneurial woman and her career path as she has also had to shift gears in her business life and her dating life as celebrity wardrobe stylist: What's Next?  Follow Us:  www.instagram.com/JaeMurphy  www.instagram.com/MarkTheMogul www.instagram.com/@Ms_I_Am www.instagram.com/@JLew   TWITTER: www.twitter.com/JaeMurphy   INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/jaemurphy   FACEOOK: www.facebook.com/JaeMurphyOfficial   ANCHOR: www.anchor.fm/JaeMurphy

17. mar. 2021 - 51 min
episode Jae Murphy & FRNDS: "2021 Is A Different World" artwork
Jae Murphy & FRNDS: "2021 Is A Different World"

Coming up on the anniversary of living in a global pandemic, Jae Murphy & Mark "Mogul" Jackson speak on the newly adjusted lifestyle for millennials and creatives as the generational gap shifts into a new way of thinking and living. During Women's History month, both hosts also highlight two successful, entrepreneurial women and their career paths as they also had to shift gears in their business life and their dating life after surviving 2020 -- and now entering  2021: A Different World. Follow Us: @JaeMurphy @MarkTheMogul @Ms_I_Am @JLew

10. mar. 2021 - 1 h 28 min
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