Talking Violence
Gratis podcast

Talking Violence

Podcast af Talking Violence

An educational podcast dedicated to critically questioning the problem of violence in its multiple forms. Featuring lectures, conversations, think-pieces and other musings, Talking Violence is hosted by Professor Brad Evans. 

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Alle episoder

8 episoder
episode Ep. 8 Humanitarianism After the Death of Utopia (Juliano Fiori) artwork
Ep. 8 Humanitarianism After the Death of Utopia (Juliano Fiori)
What does it take to properly humanitarianise politics? How can we account for the failures of the humanitarian past? Does the humanitarian impetus even have a role in play in societies that have seemingly abandoned their utopian ambitions? Addressing such questions, Juliano Fiori from Save the Children asks us to account more fully for the intellectual history of the humanitarian condition, recognise its relationship to violence, and rethink the idea of a society of the humanitarian minimum.
26. mar. 2021 - 53 min
episode Ep. 7 On Civil War (David Theo Goldberg) artwork
Ep. 7 On Civil War (David Theo Goldberg)
What does it mean to utter the words civil war today? And how can the concept allow us to make sense of the dangerous politics times in which we live?  Addressing such questions, Professor David Theo Goldberg asks us to reflect upon the racial contours of civil war in the contemporary moment, especially considering the global lockdown and the onset of what he terms "tracking-capitalism".
05. jan. 2021 - 30 min
episode Ep. 6 Violence, Class & Philosophical Self-Immolation (Simon Critchley) artwork
Ep. 6 Violence, Class & Philosophical Self-Immolation (Simon Critchley)
In the first in our conversations series, Simon Critchley provides his reflections on the way violence has appeared/changed in his work; the question of class; the enduring memory of Hillsborough and Liverpool; the dangers of a moral certainty taking over the left, onto the poetic idea of philosophical self-immolation
28. nov. 2020 - 56 min
episode Ep.5 Ugly Freedoms (Elisabeth Anker) artwork
Ep.5 Ugly Freedoms (Elisabeth Anker)
What is the relationship between violence & freedom? Might we look upon freedom as an ugly concept? And can we rescue something from the ugliness of freedom? Such questions are addressed in this episode by Elisabeth Anker, who is an associate professor at George Washington University. The talk draws upon ideas explored in her forthcoming book titled "Ugly Freedoms".
26. okt. 2020 - 35 min
episode Ep. 4 A Natural History of Evil (Zygmunt Bauman: 1925-2017) artwork
Ep. 4 A Natural History of Evil (Zygmunt Bauman: 1925-2017)
We recorded this lecture with Zygmunt Bauman for the Histories of Violence project a few years before his passing. One of the most brilliant and challenging lectures on violence, it warrants our continued attention and engagement. Bauman's warning from history in fact is even more resonant in the world today.
10. okt. 2020 - 49 min
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