TED Talks Daily
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TED Talks Daily

Podcast von TED

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Every weekday, TED Talks Daily brings you the latest talks in audio. Join host and journalist Elise Hu for thought-provoking ideas on every subject imaginable — from Artificial Intelligence to Zoology, and everything in between — given by the world's leading thinkers and creators. With TED Talks Daily, find some space in your day to change your perspectives, ignite your curiosity, and learn something new. 

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1573 Folgen
episode My epic journey becoming the fastest person to paddle around Australia | Bonnie Hancock artwork
My epic journey becoming the fastest person to paddle around Australia | Bonnie Hancock
What challenges lie ahead of a staggering 12,700-kilometer paddle around the entire continent of Australia? Crocodiles and sharks were just the beginning, says Ironwoman Bonnie Hancock. Reflecting on her remarkable feat of becoming the fastest person to paddle around Australia, she shares lessons on perseverance, resilience and finding meaning in life's toughest moments.
Gestern - 10 min
episode How AI is unlocking the secrets of nature and the universe | Demis Hassabis artwork
How AI is unlocking the secrets of nature and the universe | Demis Hassabis
Can AI help us answer life's biggest questions? In this visionary conversation, Google DeepMind cofounder and CEO Demis Hassabis delves into the history and incredible capabilities of AI with head of TED Chris Anderson. Hassabis explains how AI models like AlphaFold — which accurately predicted the shapes of all 200 million proteins known to science in under a year — have already accelerated scientific discovery in ways that will benefit humanity. Next up? Hassabis says AI has the potential to unlock the greatest mysteries surrounding our minds, bodies and the universe.
29. Apr. 2024 - 24 min
episode Sunday Pick: The perils of following your career passion artwork
Sunday Pick: The perils of following your career passion
Each Sunday, TED shares an episode we think you'll love, handpicked for you… by us. Today: an episode from WorkLife with Adam Grant, the podcast that explores the science of making work not suck. Is “do what you love” terrible advice? Adam investigates why taking the job that will make you happiest is not as helpful as looking for the one where you’ll learn the most.  Find the transcript at go.ted.com/worklifepassion [https://airtable.com/app536bENwTJ8PclC/tbl1qxYqg5I3KKrou/viw6TZNfLFI521zsn/go.ted.com/worklifepassion]
28. Apr. 2024 - 35 min
episode A climate solution? The wisdom passed down through generations | Louise Mabulo artwork
A climate solution? The wisdom passed down through generations | Louise Mabulo
Louise Mabulo grew up on seemingly strange farming tips from her parents and grandparents — like planting crops during a full moon or burying a rock beneath them. Now a farmer and climate activist herself, she sees how these practical nuggets of wisdom actually have scientific merit. Learn how she's merging traditional knowledge with modern science to help farmers (and the world) adapt to a changing climate.
27. Apr. 2024 - 7 min
episode The secret ingredient of business success | Pete Stavros artwork
The secret ingredient of business success | Pete Stavros
Too often, employees are unmotivated and unhappy, with no real incentive to invest much of anything into their place of work. Investment expert Pete Stavros thinks there's a better way, and he's on a mission to rethink corporate structures to expand who benefits from a thriving company. Sharing personal stories of his own journey along with the profound impact doing this work effectively can have, this moving talk provides a blueprint for changing the narrative — and outlook — for millions of workers worldwide.
26. Apr. 2024 - 13 min

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