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How it Started, How it's GoingPodcast von Kristin Westfahl
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Listen to our host, Kristin, as she interviews successful entrepreneurs while sharing her own journey, and how you can achieve success too.
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Alle Folgen
19 FolgenBEAUTY Kelleigh Seekings of KellsLashes
In this episode of How it Started, How it’s Going Kristin interviews Kelleigh Seekings of KellsLashes.
Kelleigh shares her story of how school was not for her and how her parents led her to getting into aesthetics. She’s always had a passion for health, wellness, self care and cosmetology, so aesthetics just seemed like a natural fit.
Spoiler alert: it IS a natural fit for her.
Kelleigh is a successful entrepreneur and business owner of her lash company.
Girls working in the beauty industry are the quintessential entrepreneurs.
Kristin and Kelleigh discuss how to start your business, how to grow your business, how to handle clients and pricing updates, training and continuing education, collaboration over competition, and so much more!
Guest: KellsLashes’ Information
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kellslashes/ [https://www.instagram.com/modishbymeg/]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kellslashes0 [https://www.facebook.com/modishbymeg]/
Podcast: How it Started, How it's Going Links
Website: www.kristinwestfahl.com/podcast [https://www.kristinwestfahl.com/podcast]
Find us on Facebook HERE [https://www.facebook.com/kristinwestfahlpodcast].
Find us on Instagram HERE [https://www.instagram.com/howitstartedhowitsgoingpodcast/].
Find us on LinkedIn Here [https://www.linkedin.com/company/82240168/admin/].
Host: Kristin Westfahl Links
Website: www.kristinwestfahl.com [https://www.kristinwestfahl.com/]
Find Kristin on Facebook HERE [https://www.facebook.com/kristinwestfahlllc/].
Find Kristin on Instagram HERE [https://www.instagram.com/kristinwestfahl/].
Find Kristin on LinkedIn HERE [https://www.linkedin.com/in/kristinwestfahl/].
Find Kristin on TikTok HERE [https://www.tiktok.com/@kristinwestfahl].
*Some links in the show notes are affiliate links and Kristin may be paid for purchases made through those links.
Thank you so much for listening! If you have a second, we would greatly appreciate a review. Reviews help get our guests' stories, out there for everyone to hear.
27. Okt. 2022 - 1 h 14 min
JEWELRY Megan Krewall of Modish by Meg
In this episode of How it Started, How it’s Going Kristin interviews Megan Krewall, the owner of online jewelry boutique, Mode-ish by Meg.
Megan shares her story of working different jobs after college and not having that passion and fulfillment in a career that she desires. After taking time off and healing from some unexpected health issues, she decided to take a chance and find something that she is passionate about and turn it into a successful business.
Megan’s episode is a great one to listen to because she touches on things that a lot of people are struggling with like not loving your job, not knowing exactly where to go in terms of a career, what to do next, how to start a business, and all things related.
Enjoy this episode with Kristin and Megan of Modish by Meg.
Megan Krewall and Modish by Meg’s Information
Website: https://modishbymeg.com/ [https://modishbymeg.com/]
Find Modish by Meg on Instagram HERE [https://www.instagram.com/modishbymeg/].
Find Modish by Meg on Facebook HERE [https://www.facebook.com/modishbymeg ].
How it Started, How it's Going Links
Website: www.kristinwestfahl.com/podcast [https://www.kristinwestfahl.com/podcast]
Find us on Facebook HERE [https://www.facebook.com/kristinwestfahlpodcast].
Find us on Instagram HERE [https://www.instagram.com/howitstartedhowitsgoingpodcast/].
Find us on LinkedIn Here [https://www.linkedin.com/company/82240168/admin/].
Host: Kristin Westfahl Links
Website: www.kristinwestfahl.com [https://www.kristinwestfahl.com/]
Find Kristin on Facebook HERE [https://www.facebook.com/kristinwestfahlllc/].
Thank you so much for listening! If you have a second, we would greatly appreciate a review. Reviews help get our guests' stories, out there for everyone to hear.
20. Okt. 2022 - 40 min
HEALTH & WELLNESS Dr. Vernon Millspaugh of One Health Chiropractic
In today's episode of How it Started, How it's Going, Kristin interviews her chiropractor, Dr. Vernon Millspaugh of One Health Chiropractic in Edmond, Oklahoma.
Dr. Millspaugh shares his story of how he was actually going to school for Psychology and how an injury he had led him to visiting a chiropractor and ultimately deciding that's what he wanted to do in his life.
He shares some absolutely incredible information and insight on running a success medical practice.
You do not want to miss this episode with Dr. Millspaugh - what he shares is valuable information for an entrepreneur in any industry. He shares something that he practices with running his business that most owners don't. That and many other nuggets that he shares in this interview are why he is so successful - and why entrepreneurs need to hear it and take notes!
Dr. Millspaugh and One Health Chiropractic's Information
One Health Chiropractic's Website HERE [https://www.onehealthchiropractic.net/].
One Health Chiropractic's Instagram HERE [https://www.instagram.com/onehealthedmond/].
One Health Chiropractic's Facebook HERE [https://www.facebook.com/OneHealthChiropractic/].
Dr. Millspaugh's Instagram HERE [https://www.instagram.com/drvernon1006/].
How it Started, How it's Going Links
Website: www.kristinwestfahl.com/podcast [https://www.kristinwestfahl.com/podcast]
Find us on Facebook HERE [https://www.facebook.com/kristinwestfahlpodcast].
Find us on Instagram HERE [https://www.instagram.com/howitstartedhowitsgoingpodcast/].
Find us on LinkedIn Here [https://www.linkedin.com/company/82240168/admin/].
Host: Kristin Westfahl Links
Website: www.kristinwestfahl.com [https://www.kristinwestfahl.com/]
Find Kristin on Facebook HERE [https://www.facebook.com/kristinwestfahlllc/].
Find Kristin on Instagram HERE [https://www.instagram.com/kristinwestfahl/].
Find Kristin on LinkedIn HERE [https://www.linkedin.com/in/kristinwestfahl/].
Find Kristin on TikTok HERE [https://www.tiktok.com/@kristinwestfahl].
Thank you so much for listening! If you have a second, we would greatly appreciate a review. Reviews help get our guests' stories, out there for everyone to hear.
13. Okt. 2022 - 1 h 25 min
HOSPITALITY Mike Bausch of Andolini's Pizzeria
In this episode of How it Started, How it’s Going, Kristin sits down with Mike Bausch, the owner of Andolini’s Pizzeria.
Mike has grown grown his business into several restaurants, he's won awards, he holds a Guinness World Record, and has written a book - to name a few.
He gives such an incredible insight with his experience of being an entrepreneur, what it takes to be successful and how to set yourself apart from the competition in any industry.
Kristin and Mike chat about all the things like the process of finding vendors to work with, hiring your own staff, managing the customer experience, scaling your business, social media and marketing, etc.
He does such a great job of breaking things down where they are simple and easy to understand but he also is direct about how challenging being a business owner can be.
Enjoy this episode with Mike Bausch - you are about to get a wealth of highly valuable knowledge and a no bull-shit insight to what it takes to a successful business owner and entrepreneur.
Book: Unsliced: How to Stay Whole in the Pizzeria Industry https://amzn.to/3R66n3f [https://amzn.to/3R66n3f]
Book Website: https://unslicedbook.com/ [https://unslicedbook.com/]
Website: https://andolinisworldwide.com/ [https://andolinisworldwide.com/]
Mike’s Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/mikeybausch/ [https://www.instagram.com/mikeybausch/]
Andolini’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/andopizza/ [https://www.instagram.com/andopizza/]
Website:www.kristinwestfahl.com [https://www.kristinwestfahl.com/]
Find Kristin on Facebook HERE [https://www.facebook.com/kristinwestfahlllc], Instagram HERE [https://www.instagram.com/kristinwestfahl/], TikTok HERE [https://www.tiktok.com/@kristinwestfahl ] and LinkedIn HERE [https://www.linkedin.com/in/kristinwestfahl/].
Follow the podcast on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
*Some links in the show notes are affiliate links and Kristin may be paid for purchases made through those links.
Thank you so much for listening! If you have a second, we would greatly appreciate a review. Reviews help get our guests' stories, out there for everyone to hear.
01. Sept. 2022 - 59 min
MONEY MINDSET COACH Anita Mae Aguilar of the Manifesting Money Podcast
In this episode, Kristin interviews Anita Mae Aguilar, a Money Mindset Coach and the creator/host of the Manifesting Money Podcast.
Anita shares her journey of becoming a Money Mindset Coach. They discuss the obstacles she goes through, the valuable lessons that she’s learned and how self development, both personally and professionally have led her to the incredible success she has today.
It is amazing to hear her journey and we know you’ll get so many nuggets that will help you as an entrepreneur - regardless of your business or what industry you are in - this episode will help you dive into your relationship with money and help you understand the HUGE impact that it has on your life and your business.
Book: You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero https://amzn.to/3K6WzTG [https://amzn.to/3K6WzTG]
Website: https://www.manifestingmoneypodcast.com/3-day-workshop54045296 [https://www.manifestingmoneypodcast.com/3-day-workshop54045296]
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/308468257336998 [https://www.facebook.com/groups/308468257336998]
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/manifestingmoneypodcast/ [https://www.instagram.com/manifestingmoneypodcast/]
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@manifestingmoneypodcast [https://www.tiktok.com/@manifestingmoneypodcast]
www.kristinwestfahl.com [https://www.kristinwestfahl.com/]
Follow the podcast on Facebook [https://www.facebook.com/kristinwestfahlpodcast], Instagram [https://www.instagram.com/howitstartedhowitsgoingpodcast/] and LinkedIn [https://www.linkedin.com/company/82240168/].
Find Kristin on Facebook HERE [https://www.facebook.com/kristinwestfahlllc], Instagram HERE [https://www.instagram.com/kristinwestfahl/] and LinkedIn HERE [https://www.linkedin.com/in/kristinwestfahl/].
*Some links in the show notes are affiliate links and Kristin may be paid for purchases made through those links.
Thank you so much for listening! If you have a second, we would greatly appreciate a review. Reviews help get our guests' stories, out there for everyone to hear.
18. Aug. 2022 - 1 h 0 min
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