Now Playing Presents: The Hannibal "The Cannibal" Lecter Movie Retrospective Series
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Now Playing Presents: The Hannibal "The Cannibal" Lecter Movie Retrospective Series

Podcast von Venganza Media, Inc.

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With Halloween coming, Arnie, Jakob, and Stuart sit back with some fava beans and a nice chianti as they watch and review all the films starring Hannibal "The Cannibal" Lecter, starting with the 1986 Michael Mann film -- Manhunter, based on Thomas Harris' novel Red Dragon and finishing with Hannibal Rising! 

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The Incredibles -- A Now Playing Bonus Review
Pixar films including Toy Story, Monsters Inc., and Finding Nemo, had been smash hits. But could this success that worked on toys, fish, bugs, and beasts, work for a movie starring a roster of human characters? That was the risk they took with The Incredibles -- Pixar's first superhero film. The gamble worked and Pixar had another hit, but how does this film hold up more than 10 years later? Join Stuart, Arnie, and Jakob to find out!
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24. Feb. 2015 - 1 h 43 min
episode Hannibal Rising artwork
Hannibal Rising
After Red Dragon's success more Lecter films were guaranteed, and to keep with author Thomas Harris' original vision this time the movie was not just based on one of his novels--the Hannibal Rising screenplay was written by Harris in conjunction with the new novel telling of Hannibal the Cannibal's early years. Can this film provide a future for the series without Anthony Hopkins, and does Gaspard Ulliel's Hannibal rise to the occasion? Listen to Arnie, Stuart, and Jakob's final review in the Hannibal Lecter series to find out!
31. Okt. 2011 - 1 h 25 min
episode Hannibal Rising artwork
Hannibal Rising
After Red Dragon's success more Lecter films were guaranteed, and to keep with author Thomas Harris' original vision this time the movie was not just based on one of his novels--the Hannibal Rising screenplay was written by Harris in conjunction with the new novel telling of Hannibal the Cannibal's early years. Can this film provide a future for the series without Anthony Hopkins, and does Gaspard Ulliel's Hannibal rise to the occasion? Listen to Arnie, Stuart, and Jakob's final review in the Hannibal Lecter series to find out!
31. Okt. 2011 - 1 h 25 min
episode Red Dragon artwork
Red Dragon
Quickly after Hannibal hit theaters production began on yet another installment of the Hannibal Lecter franchise, and this time instead of looking forward to Harris writing another Hannibal story they looked backwards to Red Dragon, Harris' first novel featuring the caged cannibal. Already made into a film in the 80's, Manhunter, now the story is retold in an adaptation more faithful to the original novel and with Hopkins again reprising the role that he is best known for. With an all-star cast and director Brett Ratner at the helm, was this film a needed update or a desperate cash-grab? Listen to Jakob, Arnie, and Stuart's review to find out!
25. Okt. 2011 - 1 h 40 min

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